Monday, 18 May 2009

Alphabetical 2 (A 20 yr old-A 48 year old)

·             A 20 yr old woman with a 3-4 month history of bloody diarrhoea; stool examination negative for ova and parasite---*Ulcerative colitis 

·             A 20y.o. student fell ill with acute---* Streptococcus

·             A 20 year old adolescent lives in the nidus of tuberculous infection.---*6 mm papula, necrosis

·              A 20 year old man complains of pain and edema in the right buttock---*Lancing and draining of abscess,

·             A 20 year old patient is known as using to clash with teachers and class---*Maniacal-depressive psychosis

·             A 20 year old woman complains of weakness, wet cough, body temperature raise up to 37---*Tuberculoma

·             A 20 year old woman complains of weakness, wet cough, body---*Infiltrative tuberculosis

·             A 20 year old woman is having timed labor continued for 4 hour---Prophylaxes of weakness of labor activity

·             A 20 year old woman with a 3-4 month history of  bloody diarrhea; ---*Ulcerative colitis

·             A 21 y.o. man complains of having morning pains in his back for the last three months---*HLA-B27

·             A 21 years old patient with history of multiple---* aplastic anemia, hemorrhagic syndrome 

·             A 22 y.o. patient complains of having boring pain in the right iliac region---*Progressing tubal pregnancy

·             A 22 year old man complains of acute throat pain, increasing upon swallowing during 3 days---* Acute membranous tonsilitis  

·             A 22 years old woman was admitted to the---* Acute appendicitis and ectopic  pregnancy

·             A 22 year old man with polyarthralgia and high-grade fever has right-sided exudative pleurit---*Tuberculous

·             A 22 year old woman complained of right subcostal aching pain, nausea, and decreased ---*Chronic viral hepatitis 

·             A 23 y.o. patient has a gunshot wound of his left arm.---*Primary surgical processing with a flowing suction

·             A 23 y.o. woman who suffers from insulin-dependent diabetes---*Blood test for sugar

·             A 23 years old pregnant at the 10 weeks of---*Registration of the TTG content in the blood 

·             A 24 y.o. emotionally labile woman presents with irritation, depressed mood, palpitation---*Neurasthenia

·             A 24 y.o. male patient was transferred to the chest surgery depart---*Punction and drainage of pleural cavity

·             A 24 y.o. patient 13 months after the first labour consulted a doctor about amenorrhea---*Determination of level of gonadotropins

·             A 24 y.o. patient complains of nausea, vomiting, headache, shor---*Chronic nephritis with violation of kidne

·             A 24 y.o. woman consulted a doctor about continued fever, night sweating---*HIV-infection

·             A 24 year old law student is brought into the emergency room complaining of severe abdominal pain---* Acute pancreatitis 

·             A 24 year old man on the 5th day of acute respiratory disease with high grade temperature ---*Zovirax

·             A 24 year old man on the second day of the disease with a sudden onset complains of a strong ---*Influenza

·             A 24 year old patient felt sick in 16 hours after dried fish intake.---*Botulism

·             A 24 year old primapara was hospitalized with complains on exp---*Antenatal expulsion of the amniotic flu

·             A 24 year old woman with previously normal menstrual function---*Computer tomography of the he

·             A 25 y.o man who has been suffering from disseminated sclerosis---*Glucocorticoids

·             A 25 y.o. patient complains of body temperature rise up to 37°C, pain---*Postabortion endometritis

·             A 25 y.o. patient complains of pain in the 1 finger on the right han---*Thecal whitlow (ligament panaritium)

·             A 25 y.o. patient was admitted with chest trauma.---*Pleural cavity drainage

·             A 25 y.o. pregnant woman in her 34th week was taken to the maternity house---*Eclampsia

·             A 25 y.o. woman complains of profuse foamy vaginal discharges, foul, burning and.---*Trichomonas colpitic

·             A 25  year old woman complained of edema on the face and legs,---*Penicillin OS 

·             A 25 years old woman in labor has the second---*Opening of the uterine cervix 

·             A 25 year old man has facial edema, moderate back pains.---*Acute glomerulonephritis

·             A 25 year old man has focal shadowing of small and medium intensity, --- *Focal

·             A 25 year old man is hospitalized with complaints of double vision---*Botulism

·             A 25 year old man was admitted with 2 months of cough and fever.---* Isoniazid + rifampicin + pyrazinamide 

·             A 25 year old pregnant woman (35 weeks) is admitted ---*To fulfil a delivery by means of Cesarean section.

·             A 25 year old woman complained of fatigue, hair loss, and brittle nails ---* Ferrous sulfate orally 

·             A 25 year old woman complains of absense of menses during 3 months, nausea---*l2-week pregnancy

·             A 25 year old woman complains of edema on the face and legs---*Penicillin

·             A 26 y.o. male patient with postoperative hypothyroidism take thyroxine 100---*То decrease thyroxine dosa

·             A 26 y.o. woman complains of a mild bloody discharge from the--- *Inevitable abortion

·             A 26 y.o. woman complains of sudden pains in the bottom of abdomen irradiatin---*Broken tubal pregnancy

·             A 26 years old patient was admitted to the---*Lobar  pneumonia complicated by  acute abs of lung 

·             A 26 years old patient was revealed on a street---* Hypoglycemic coma 

·             A 26 years old woman is delivered in a ---*Puncture of an abdominal cavity through a  posrerior vault of 

·             A 26 years old woman delivery has taken place---* A depression of function of a pituitary  gland     

·             A 26 year old man was admitted to the hospital complaining of stabbing back pain---*Acute fibrinous pleuritis 

·             A 26 year old manual worker complained of 3 weeks history of fevers and fatigue ---*HIV infection 

·             A 26 year old patient undergoes a course of treatment due to chronic glom---*The south coast of the Crimea

·             A 26 year old woman complains of spontaneously arising pelvic pain---*Broken tubal pregnancy

·             A 26 year old woman gave birth to a child 6 months ago. She applied to gynec---*Physiological amenorrhea

·             A 26 year old woman have been abusing of alcohol for 7 years---*Treatment of alcoholism and total abstinance from

·             A 27 y.o. gravida with 17 weeks of gestation was admitted to the hos---*To place suture on the uterus cervix

·             A 27 y.o. man complains of pain in epigastrium which is relieved by food intake---*Gastritis of type В

·             A 27 y.o. patient has been having for almost a year fatigue,hyperhidrosis---*Chronic myeloleucosis

·             A 27 y.o. woman complains of having the disoders of menstrual function for 3 months,---*Prescription of an estrogen

·             A 27 y.o. woman suffers from pyelonephritits of the only kidney---*Immediate pregancy interruption

·             A 27 y.o. woman turns to the maternity welfare centre because of infertility---*Anovular menstrual cycle

·             A 27 year old woman presents with muscle---* Myasthenia gravis  

·             A 27 year old man complained of aching epigastric pain just after meal, heartburn, and ---*Chronic type A gastritis 

·             A 27 year old woman was admitted to the clinic with complaints of pain in right ---*Supination of the foot

·             A 27 years old woman being treated concerning---*Bacteriological research of a vaginal content and deter

·             A 27 year old patient with malaria caused by P. falciparum was treated with  Chloroquine ---*Chloroquine resistant strain of P. falciparum     

·             A 27 year old man came to consult a psychiatrist with the following complaints---*Severe stress

·             A 27 year old man was hospitalized to the psychiatric hospital---*Supportive treatment with neuroleptics of

·             A 27 year old patient was brought to clinic with a crashed wound of the posteri---Radical surgical treatment

·             A 28 y.o. homeless male was admitted to the hospital because of initial diagnosis "influenza---*Typhus

·             A 28 y.o. male patient was admitted to the hospital because of high temperature 39---*Abdominal typhoid

·             A 28 y.o. man fell seriously ill, he feels chill, has got a fever, body temperature raised---*Acute dysentery

·             A 28 y.o. patient complains of pain in legs during walking, chill of feet and toes---*Obliterating endarteritis

·             A 28 y.o. patient who has no permanent residence was admitted to the hosp with preliminary diagnosis”influenza”---*Spotted fever

·             A 28 y.o. patient without permanent residence was admitted to the hospital---*Epidemic typhus

·             A 28 y.o. primagravida pregnancy is 15-16 weeks of gestation, present---*Threatened spontaneous abortion

·             A 28 y.o. woman consulted a doctor about edematic face, moderate ---* Proteinuria, hematuria, cylindrouria

·             A 28 y.o. woman consulted a doctor with the complaints of enlargening---*Radioisotope diagnostics

·             A 28 years old patient had used simple insulin---* Hypoglycemic coma  

·             A 28 year old man is hospitalized with complaints of expiration dyspnoe ---*IgE

·             A 28 year old man was discharged from the hospital after having an out-of-hospital pneumoni---*12 months

·             A 28 year old patient was admitted on the 9th day of the disease to the clinic with complain---*Typhoid fever

·             A 28 year old woman comes to the Emergency Room with a slightly reddened, painful “knot”, 8 cm---* Superficial venous thrombosis 

·             A 28 year old woman presents to doctor complaining of enlargement---*Incision biopsy

·             A 28 years old man  without a constant place of residence---*Exanthematic typhus (Spotted fever)

·             A 28 years old man  without permanent residence, was hospitalized---Exanthematic typhus (Spotted fever)

·             A 28years old pregnant at 20 weeks of gestation---*Glucosuria of pregnants 

·             A 29 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with acute girdle pain in epigastric area---*In 2 hours

·             A 29 y.o. woman is critically ill. The illness is presented by high fever, chills---*Acute pyelonephritis

·             A 29 year old patient complains of sterility. Sexual life is during 4 years of ---*Anovulatory menstrual cycle

·             A 29 year old patient complains of sterility. Sexual life is for 4 years being married, ---*Chronic adnexitis

·             A 29 year old woman has had a surgical treatment concerning---*Hormone therapy and proteolytic enzymes

·             A 29 year old woman is critically ill. The illness was manifested by high fever---*Acute pyelonephritis 

·             A 2 hour old 32 week gestational age infant ---*respiratory distress syndrome 


·             A2 hour old week gestational age infant---* endotracheal surfactant 

·             A 2 month old healthy infant with good appetite, is given artificial feeding---*4,0 months

·             A 2 months baby after preventive vaccination, suffered from protracted haemorrhage---*Hemophilia

·             A 2 months old child after preventive vaccination had a prolonged hemorrhage from the vacc---*Hemophilia

·             A 2 week old infant has had no immunizations, sleeps 18 h a day, weighs 3.5 kg, and takes 60 mL  ---*Caloric intake 

·             A 2 year old girl has been ill for 3 days. Today she has low-grade fever --- *Rubella

·             A 3 month child has vomiting, poor feeding,--- *Rehydron 

·             A 3 y.o. child fell seriously ill,body temp rised upto 17.8’C ---*Acute resp viral infection,bronchiolitis

·             A 3 y.o. child with weight deficiency suffers from permanent moist cough---*Mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)

·             A 3 y.o. girl has had a temperature rise up to 38°C, rhinitis, dry superficial cough, ---*Acute simple tracheitis

·             A 30 y.o. female with rheumatoid arthritis of five years duration complains of pain---*Carpal tunnel syndrom

·             A 30 y.o. male patient complains of itching of the skin which intensi---*Examination of rash elements scrape

·             A 30 y.o. man complains of intense pain, skin reddening---*Gout

·             A 30 y.o. man presents with a history of recurrent pneumonias---*Bronchoectasis

·             A 30 y.o. man was always reserved by nature.He never consulted psychiatrists---*Cenestopathy

·             A 30 y.o parturient woman was taken to the maternity house with complains---*Discoordinated labour activity

·             A 30 y.o. patient had deep burn covering 30% of body 30 days ago.---*Septicotoxemia

·             A 30 y.o. primipara has intensive labor pushings with an interval of 1-2 min and of 50 sec dur---*Episiotomy

·             A 30 y.o. victim of fire has thermal burns of III-A  nad III-B degree that amount 20% of total skin---*Salines

·             A 30 y.o. woman has second labor which lasts for 14 hours.---*Application of obstetrical forceps

·             A 30 y.o. woman is in her second labor that has been lasting for 14 hours---*Use of obstetrical forceps

·             A 30 year old female with rheumatoid arthritis---* Carpal tunnel syndrome

·             A 30 year old woman complains of nasal blockage, sneezing, watery nasal discharge.---* Allergic rhinitis 

·             A 30 year old patient complains of breathlessness, pain in the right rib arc place, dry cough and the leg ---*Dilated cardiomyopathy 

·             A 30 years old woman complains of dizziness, ---*Iron per os 

·             A 30 y.o. patient complainsof local pressing---* Thyroxin  

·             A 30 year old man complains of a sharp pain in the right ear, hearing loss, high temperature during threE---*  Acute purulent otitis media  

·             A 30 year old man has a history of recurrent pneumonias and chronic cough production---*bronchoectasis

·             A 30 year old man has suffered from traffic accident. Consciousness is absent---*Conduct an artificial ventilation of lungs

·             A 30 year old man who suffered from headaches, felt an intense head---*Lumbar puncture with liquor exam

·             A 30 year old patient complains of pain, hyperemia along subcutaneous veins---*Acute thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins

·             A 30year old patient complains of shortness of breath, pain in the ---*Dilated (congestive) cardiomyopathy

·             A 30 year old patient has got multiple body skin rash---*Scab

·             A 30 year old woman, who lives at Carpathians, presents with enlargement ---*Antistrumin 1 tablet per week

·             A 30yr. Old man presents with a history of recurrent pneumonias and a chronic cough ---*Bronchoectasis  

·             A 31 y.o. patient has been suffering from systemic scleroderma for 14 years---*Kidneys

·             A 31 y.o. patient has had mental disorder for a long time---* Admission to the mental hospital

·             A 31 y.o. woman has complained for 3 years of pain and swelling of ra---*Constriction of joint space, usura

·             A 31y.o. patient has had mental disorder for a long time---*Out-patient treatment

·             A 31 year old man with past history of rheumatic fever is severely ill ---*Infective endocarditis

·             A 32 y.o. patient lives in an endemic echinococcous region. For the last 6 months---*USI examination

·             A 32 y.o. patient who has been staying in a hospital on account of acute abscess---*Pyopneumothorax

·             A 32 y.o. woman has been suffering for 5 months from pain in lumbar region---*Chronic pyelonephritis

·             A 32 y.o. woman has got the Laiel's syndrome after taking the biceptol---*Steroid immunosupressants

·             A 32  year old welder complains of weakness and fever. His illness started as tonsillitis a month ---*Acute leukemia 

·             A 32 years old patient presented with sudden---* Leptospirosis

·             A 32 years old patient was presented with---* No changes  

·             A 32 year old woman developed the Laiel’s syndrome after taking the biceptol.---*Steroid immunodepressants 

·             A 32 year old female complains of feeling too lazy, reduction of work capacity---*Bipolar affective disorder

·             A 32 year old in patient with the diagnosis of "acute abscess of the right lung "after cough---*Pyopneumoth

·             A 32 year old man divorced  has an irregular sexual life. He complains of falling out of hair in the region---*Wasserman test,  IFT 

·             A 32 year old patient complains of severe weakness, tremor of extremities.---*Diffuse toxic goitre of the 3rd degree,

·             A 32 year old woman comes to the gynecologist complaining of heavy long menses ---*Surgical treatment

·             A 32 year old woman complains of fever  headache, acute weakness---*Exanthematic typhus (Spotted fever)

·             A 32 year old woman complains of the pain in the left epigastric area that appeared ---*Chronic pancreatitis

·             A 32 year old woman is admitted to gynecology department with the diagnosis of acute bartholinitis---*Surgical

·             A 33 y.o. male patient was admitted to a hospital. A patient is pale, at an attempt to stand---*Ulcer of stomach,

·             A 33 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with stopped recurrent peptic ulcer bl---*Washed erythrocytes

·             A 33 y.o. patient was admitted to the reception room of the Central District Hospital---*Carbuncle

·             A 33 y.o. patient with first time detected diabetes mellitus keeps ---*Determination of insular cells antibodies

·             A 33 y.o. woman has been suffering from DM---*DM 1st type, severe form, decompensation, insulin resistant

·             A 33 y.o. woman survived two operations on account of extrauterine pregnancy---*Extracorporal fertilization

·             A 33 year old male patient was brought to Emergency Department with the signs of cardiovascular collapse --*30-40\% 

·             A 33 year old man with a history of  rheumatic fever complains of fever up to 38 – 39---*Infectious endocarditis 

·             A 33 year old woman was urgently brought to clinic with complaints ---*Apoplexy of the ovary

·             A 33 year old woman works as the secretary. Her diet contains 150 g of protein (including 100 g  ---*Obesity

·             A 34 y.o. patient 3 hours ago was bitten by a dog---*Wound bathing with detergent water and antiseptic appl

·             A 34 y.o. patient has been suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis for---*Primary adrenocortical insufficiency

·             A 34y.o. patient has been admitted to clinic with---* Chronic hepatitis 

·             A 34 y.o. woman in her 29 th week of pregnancy,that is her 4 th labor to come---*Placental presentation

·             A 34 year old driver saw the doctor because of---**Chronicle eczema 

·             A 34 year old patient is hospitalized with complaints of cervical and axillary lymph ---*Lymphoscintigraphy

·             A 34 year old patient was bitten by a dog 3 hours---*Clean wound with detergent water and apply anti-septic

·             A 34 year old was bit by the dog 3 hours ago---*Washing of the wound with detergent water and applying

·             A 34 year old woman fell ill 3 months ago after cold exposure---*Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 

·             A 34 year old woman on the 10th week of gestation (2nd pregnancy)---*Glucose tolerance test

·             A 35 y.o. female patient was admitted to the surgical department with symptoms---*Urgent surgery

·             A 35 y.o. male patient suffers from chronic glomerulohephritis---*Hyperkaliemia

·             A 35 y.o. patient complains of a difficult swallowing, pain behind the ---*Corrosive esophagitis and stricture

·             A 35 y.o. woman consulted a doctor about occasional pains in paraumbilical---*Irritable bowels syndrome

·             A 35 y.o. woman is suspected of aplastic anemia.---*Replacement of marrow elements with adipose tissue

·             A 35 year old woman was admitted to thoracic surgery department with elevation of body tem---*Abcsess of the lungs 

·             A 35 years old patient complains of a difficult---*Corrosive Esophagitis and  strictura 

·             A 35 y.o. patient experienced a strong nervous stress that resulted in formation---*Common eczema

·             A 35y.o. patient has been admitted to- --*Truskavets 

·             A 35y.o. patient was admitted to the local hospital a week after road accident---*Surgical removal of clotted hemothorax

·             A 35 year old man complains of BP rise, headache, tinnitus, tachycardia---*Stenosis of renal arteries


·             A 35 year old man was operated on peptic ulcer of the stomach. Mass deficit of the bod---*Diabetes mellitus

·             A 35 year old patient with alcohol abuse and abnormal diet complains of pai---*Helicobacter pylori infection

·             A 35 year old woman was admitted to resuscitation department in asthmatic status. ---*PaCO2 and PaO2

·             A 36 y.o. patient is diagnosed with right sided pneumothorax---*Surgical drainage of the pleural cavity

·             A 36 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with sharp pain---*Perforation of esophagus with mediastinitis

·             A 36 y.o. woman is in the 12-th week of her first pregna---*Monitoring of the specific IgG IgM with the ELISA

·             A 36 year old alcoholic patient has cirrhosis and pancreatic failure due to recurrent pancreatitis. ---*Zinc

·             A 36 year old male at 4:00 a.m. had an intensive attack of lacerating chest pain---*Variant (Prinzmetal's) ang

·             A 36 year old woman applied to doctor with complaints of the enlargement of the right mammary gland. ----*Hydropic

·             A 36 year old woman during 6 years has had bronchial asthma---*Inhaled beclomethason 100 mcg b.i.d. after previous inhalation of feno

·             A 37 y.o. patient complains of pain in the right arm which increases during motion---*Phlebit

·             A 37 y.o. primigravida woman has been having labor activity for 10 hours---*Primary uterine inertia

·             A 37 y.o. woman is suffering from squeezing substernal pain on physical exertion---*Echocardiography

·             A 37 year old man suddenly felt a strong pain in metatars-phalanx ---*Diclofenac

·             A 37 year old woman was admitted to the---*Twist of ovarian cyst pedicle

·             A 37 year old man presents to the clinic in 1 hour after being wounded complaining of pain around umbilicus.--- *Laparotomy, survey of organs of abdominal cavity, primary surgical processing of the wound

·             A 37 year old patient has sudden acute pain in the right epigastric area after having fatty food.---*Ultrasonic

·             A 37 year old patient was brought to resuscitation unit. General condition of the patient is--- *Uraemic coma

·             A 37 year old patient with disseminated---* Streptomycin 

·             A 37 year old woman complains of generalized fatigue, irritability, dysphagia, chalk hunger.---*Ferrum

·             A 37 year old woman is sick with bronchial asthma for 15 years.---*Cromoglycat sodium

·             A 38 y.o. man complains of having occasional problems with swallowing of both ha---*Esophagus achalasia

·             A 38 y.o. patient complains of pain in lumbar part of spinal column with ---*Intervertebral ligaments disorder

·             A 38 y.o. patient lifted a heavy object that resulted in pain in the lumbar area---*Pathology of intercostal discs

·             A 38 y.o. patient was urgently admitted to the hospital with complaints of sudden weakn---*Addisonic crisis

·             A 38 y.o. woman complains of a purulent discharge from the left nostril---*Acute purulent maxillary sinusitis

·             A 38 y.o. woman suffers from paroxysmal AP rises up to 240/120 mm---*Estimation of catecholamine and

·             A 38 year old woman was hospitalized to the surgical unit with acute abdominal pain---* Acute pancreatitis 

·             A 38 year old woman is seriously ill. She complains of frequent paroxysms of expiratory dysp---*Bronchial asthma, status asthmaticus 

·             A 38 years old patient was urgently admitted to---* Addisonic crisis 

·             A 38 year old man is working for 15 years on the slate producing factory. He complains---*Chest X-ray exam

·             A 38 year old man worked at roofing and drain piper production for 15 years.---*Chest X-ray 

·             A 38 year old patient has been treated in a hospital. A fever of 39 C---* Cephalosporins  of the Ш generation 

·             A 38 year old patient is under observation having polyneuritic---*Muscular biopsy with histological investig

·             A 38 year old woman is hospitalized with complaints of shortn---*Cardiac glycosides + calcium antagonists

·             A 38 year old woman was hospitalized to the surgical unit with acute abdominal pain ir---*Acute pancreatitis

·             A 39 y.o. patient complains of having dyspnea during physical activity,crus edema---*Dilated cariomyopathy

·             A 39 year old woman complained of squeezed epigastric pain 1 hour after meal---*Revealing of Helicobacter infection in gastric mucosa 

·             A 39 year old man with a mild sore throat, fever, malaise, and headache.---* Case report 

·             A 39 year old woman applied to a doctor with the complaints of monomorphous eruption on the skin of ---*Cytodiagnosis after Tzanck 

·             A 39 year old woman complains of heartburn and squeezing epigastric---*Revealing of Helicobacter infectio

·             A 3 day old newborn who has suffered asphyxia in labor p---*Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

·             A 3 month old infant who is suffering from acute segmental pneumonia re---*Respiratory failure of III degree

·             A 3 year old  girl was admitted to the hospital in---* Decreased glucose and chlorides cont

·             A 3 year old boy fell ill abruptly: fever up to 39°C, weakness,---*Chloramphenicol succinate and prednisone

·             A 3 year old child is admitted to hospital due to decrease of uri---*Acute glomerulonephritis with nephrosis

·             A 4 y.o boy was admitted to hospital with complains of dyspnea,rapid fatigability---*Opened arterial duct

·             A 4 y.o. child attends the kindergarten. Complains of poor appetite, fatigue---*Helminthic invasion

·             A 4 year old female has been limping with---* Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis  

·             A 4 years old boy developed the impairment of---** Dushenne myopathy 

·             A 40 weeks pregnant woman in intrinsic obstetric investigation:the cervix of uterus is undeveloped---*Laborstimulation after preparation

·             A 40  year old woman in good gernal health---* Pulmonary embolus 

·             A 40 y.o. child age has hyperesthesia, XNS depression, dyspepsia. Sepsis is suspected---*Hypoglycemia

·             A 40 y.o. man complains of headache in occipital area---*Chronic glomerulonephritis

·             A 40 y.o. patient was admitted to the gasteroenterology with skin itching, jaundice---*Cholestatic

·             A 40 y.o. patient was diagnosed: 1. Medular thyroid gland can---*Operation on account of feochromocytoma

·             A 40 y.o. patient with rheumatic heart disease complains of anorexia, ---*Subacute bacteria endocarditis

·             A 40.y.o. woman has changes of mammary gland ---*Skin induration with inverted nipple

·             A 40 y.o. woman is ill with rheumatic disease with prevalence of the stenosis of ---*  Mitral comissurotomia

·             A 40 year old inhabitant of the city of Kiev---**hot climate impact  

·             A 40 year old male pesents with headache and--- *Nitropruside+Furosemide 

·             A 40 year old man complained of headache in occipital area.---*Chronic glomerulonephritis. 

·             A 40 year old man is ill with autoimmune hepatitis. Blood test: A/G ratio 0,8,---*Glucocorticoids, cytostatics

·             A 40 year old man veterinary by profession, complains of moderate weakness,fever 38° C for 3---*Anthrax

·             A 40 year old patient is sick for 8 years. He complains of pain in the loin---*Ancylosing spondyloarthritis

·             A 40 year old woman complains of colic pains in the lower part of ab---*Operation: untwisting of born node

·             A 40 year old woman complains of yellow color---*Treatment of specific colpitis with the subsequent biopsy

·             A 40 year old woman who has worked in weaving branch for 10 years---*Noise-induced disease. 

·             A 40 year old woman with acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage was---*Pyrogenic reaction of medium severity.

·             A 41  years old woman complains of infertility*

·             A 41 y.o. man complains of acute pain in the right side of the thorax ---*Air aspiration from the pleural cavity

·             A 41 y.o. woman complains of weakness  fatigue, fever ---*Production of antibodies to double-stranded DNA

·             A 41 y.o. woman has suffered from nonspecific ulcerative colitis during 5 years.---*Sulfasalasine

·             A 41 year old patient was admitted to the intensive care unit with hemorrhagic shock due to gastric bleeding---* Introduction of obturator nasogastric tube. 

·             A 41 year old woman complains of weakness, fatigue---*Production of antibodies to double-stranded DNA 

·             A 42 y.o. man died in a road accident after the hemorrhage on the site, due to acute hemorrhagic---*25-30%

·             A 42 y.o. man who has been ill with duodenal ulcer for 20 years---*Ulcerative pyloric stenosis

·             A 42 y.o. patient complains of weakness,heartbeat,nasal hemorrhages---*Hypoplastic anaemia

·             A 42 y.o. patient lifted a heavy object that resulted in acute pain in the right half---*Air aspiration from the pleural cavity

·             A 42 y.o. patient was admitted 3 hours after a trauma with evident subc---*Drainage of anterior mediastinum

·             A 42 y.o. woman suffers from micronodular cryptogenic cirrhosis---*Estimation of alanine aminotransferase

·             A 42 year old patient with the diagnosis---* Workers of sanitary epidemic control 

·             A 42 years old female complaints of nausea---* Determinatof urine 17-КS and 17- OHCS 

·             A 42 years old man  suddenly felt worsening of---* post-hemorrhagic anemia 

·             A 42 years old man with long history of disease---* Hiatus  hernia of  esophagus   

·             A 42 years old patient consults by a surgeon---*episipeloid 

·             A 42 week gestational age 3800-g, breast-fed---* hypothyroidism

·             A 42 year old woman consulted by a doctor---  *Uterine myoma 

·             A 42 year old patient applied to hospital with complaints of pain be---*IHD: First established angina pectoris

·             A 42 year old patient is troubled by difficulty in---* Pallidonigral system 

·             A 42 year old woman complains of dyspnea, edema of the legs, and tachycardia---*Mitral stenosis 

·             A 42 year old woman suffers from bronchial asthma, has an acute attack of bronchial asthma.---*Euphylinu

·             A 42 year old woman who works at mercury thermometers factory, complains of the headache, ---*Unithiol

·             A 42yr. Old patient suffering from alcoholism has advanced liver disease with ascites.---*Insufficient protien ingestion 

·             A 43 y.o. male complains of stomach pain, which relieves with defecation---*Irritable bowel syndrome

·             A 43 y.o. patient complains of mass and, pain in the right breast, elevatio---*Cancer of right mammary gland

·             A 43 y.o. patient complains of periodical pain attacks in the right half of her face---*Finlepsin

·             A 43 y.o. patient had cholecystectomy 6 years ago becaus---*To perform endocsopic papillosphincterotomy

·             A 43 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with complains of high temperature of the body---*Anthrax

·             A 43 y.o. woman complains of contact hemorrhages during the last 6 mont---*Cancer of cervix of the uterus

·             A 43 y.o. woman complains of severe pain in the right abdominal side irradiating---*Perforative ulcer

·             A 43 y.o. woman complains of shooting heart pain, dyspnea, and irregularities in the ---*Acute myocarditis

·             A 43 year old man begins to wheeze.There is no---* Aminophylline

·             A 43 year old woman  complains of the low---* Vertebrogenic lumboischialgia on the left 

·             A 43 year old woman complains of severe pain in the right side, fever,---*Acute cholecystitits

·             A 44 y.o. man has acute disarthria,right-sided Horner’s syndrome,hiccup---*Introduction of direct coagulants and observation

·             A 44 year old woman complained of weakness, subfebrile fever ---*Hodgkin’s disease. 

·             A 45 y.o. man complains of having intensive pain in the epigastric region---*ph=1,0-2,0

·             A 45 y.o. man has complained of having epigastric and right subcostal achi---*Cancer of the pancreas head

·             A 45 y.o. woman complains of contact bleedings during 5 months---*Cancer of cervix of uterus

·             A 45 years old  woman was operated because of---* Endoscopic papillos and remo concr from  с

·             A 45 years old patient long time suffers from---** Secondary hyperparathyroidism 

·             A 45 year old coal miner complains of cough with black sputum, breathles---*Anthracosis, nodular, slowly progressing form, first stage. 

·             A 45 year old driver was admitted to the hospital with 5 hour substernal pain---*Acute myocardial infarction 

·             A 45 year old male patient was admitted to the intensive care unit because of myocardial infarction.---* Defibrillation 

·             A 45 year old man for 1 month has complained of epigastric and right subcostal aching pain---*Cancer of the pancreas head 

·             A 45 year old man was brought to clinic with complaints of the pain that started sudde---*Roentgenography

·             A 45 year old man was brought to clinic with complaints of the pain---*Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity

·             A 45 year old woman complains of periodical---**Culture urine test for micobacteria, excretal urography. 

·             A 45 year old woman complains of unbearable crampy pain in the left half ---*Neuralgia of trigeminal nerve

·             A 45 year old woman mother of four children, comes to the emergency room ---* Acute cholecystitis 

·             A 45yr. Old man is admitted with his 3rd episode of upper gastrointestinal haem---*Supression of hypergastrinaemia by secretin given IV 

·             A 45yrs old executive who is a heavy smoker---* Prinzmetal s angina 

·             A 46 y.o. patient complains of colicky pain in the right lumbar region that is irradiating---*Renal calculus

·             A 46 y.o. patient complains of skin itch sweating, especially at night---*Punction of an enlarged lymph node

·             A 46 year old patient has ischemic heart disease, angina on exertion, II functional class---*Nitroglycerin sublingually 

·             A 46 year old male was hospitalized with complaints of shortness of breath at rest---*Orthopnea

·             A 47 y.o. woman complains of having paroxysmal headaches for the last 5 years---* Migraine

·             A 47 year old man presents to his physician with progressive abdominal swelling---*Chronic Pancreatitis 

·             A 47 year old man with gastric cancer complicated by profuse hemorrhage was successfully treated by surgical inter---* Epinephrine 

·             A 47 years old man  after lifting a considerable---* spontaneous pneumothorox 

·             A 47 year old man presents to his physician with---* Thrombosis of the hepatic vein {Bu-Ch syndr)

·             A 47 year old obese man complained of periodic attacks of acute arthritis---*Gout arthritis 

·             A 48 y.o. farmer was admitted to the hospital with complaints of headache---*Low level of choline esterase

·             A 48 y.o. patient has been staying in the emergency department for 2 days---*Electric defibrillation

·             A 48 year old man presnets with---* Whipple s disease 

·             A 48 year old man called for a district doctor due to attack of cough ---*Hospitalization to therapeutic unit

·             A 48 year old man complains of heaviness in the right hypochondrium,---*Liver cirrhosis.

·             A 48 year old man was taken to the emergency department in a grave condition---*Haemosorbtion

·             A 48 year old woman complains of fatigue, weight and appetite loss, headache. ---E. *Protein control

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