Monday, 18 May 2009

Gynae Lugansk

Крок 2 Загальна лікарська підготовка_2004-2005

4 профиль 








The 25 years old patient has complaints about suppression of mensis during 3 months, vomiting. According internal genicological investigation – cyanosis of vaginae and cervix uteri, body of uterus is increased. Fundus of the uterus on the 3 sm under the symphisis, consistens of uterus is soft, during the internal investigation it is tioghtly.Adnexa uterus are not palpable. Discharges – is mucosae. What is the most probably diagnosis?  

*Pregnancy in gestation time – 12 weeks 

Fibromyoma of uterus 


Disturbances of the menstrual cycle 



On the fifth day after  the normal  delivery the height of the fundus uteri above pubis equals 

*7 – 8 cm 

5 – 7 cm 

9 – 10 cm 

11 – 12 cm 

12 - 14 cm  


The beginning of delivery is signed with 

*The beginning of regular birth contraction 

Rupture of water bag 

Discharges of mucus from the vagina 

Desccendingof the uterus fundus 

Placing the fetus head or the pelvis in the aditis ad pelvis minor 


Deliveri is finished 

*With the birth of placenta 

Rupture of water bag 

Complete opening of the ostium of the uterus 

The birth of the fetus 

Separation of the placenta 


A 28years-old pregnant at 20 weeks of gestation. In analysis of urine - level of glucosuria is 1.5\%, diuresis – 2 l. Fasting blood sugar : 5,2 mmol/l; 2 hours after  75 g glucose load – 6,2 mmol/l. Height is 160 sm, weight is 78 kg. What is the most probable reason of glucosuria? 

*Glucosuria of pregnants 

Diabetes mellitus 

Disturbances of tolerants to glucosae 


Diabetes mellitus of the 1st type 


A pasurient has atonic bleeding in early postpartum period. Postpartum hemorrhage is 1500ml (1,8\%). Status is hard, the consciousness is confusional, stupor, motor anxiety, temperature of 37C, pail skin, periphery cyanosis. Tachycardia of 130-140 b/min , AP 70/40 mm. Hg., CVP – 20mm. Hg, dyspnea – 40 per min, hour diuresis 15-20 ml/hour, haemotocrytis 0.25 , shock index 1.4, hemoglobin concentration 70 g/l. Doctor’s tactics?  

*Laporotomy. Extirpation of uterus without adnexae uteri. Infusion therapy 

Manual control of cavum uteri and massage on the fist after Baksheyev 

Applying the clames to parametrium, claming the cervix uteri 

Putting the tampone with etherus in the back fornix 

Cold on beneath the abdomen 


A woman in birth for the first time of 29 years old. Pregnancy of 40 weeks. The sizes of the pelvis are: 25 – 28 – 30 – 20 cm. The presumable weight of the fetus is 4.900 +- 200 g. Position of the fetus is longitudinal. Head presentation. Heart beating of the fetus is 140 per minute. Rhythmical. Vaginal investigation: cervix uteri is shortened. It let’s 2 fingers go through. The water bag has not been open harmed. The head balloting above the aditus ad pelvis minor. Promontorium of the sacrum is not reachable with the finger. What is the tactics of leading the delivery. 

*Cesarian section 

Conservative leading of the childbirth 

Stimulation of the delivery activities 

Obstetrics forceps 



Patient after the operation of the caesarian section has sharp pains in abdomen, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, tachycardia, tachypnoe, enteroparesis, symptoms of irritation of peritoneum are positive. Temperature is 39 C. In the blood formula is leucocytosis. What is the main difference between pelvioperitonitis and parametritis?  

*Positive symptoms of irritation of peritoneum 

Type of the pulse 

Type of the temperature 

Type of the pain 

Clinical analysis of blood 


The first and the second periods of delivery – are without complications. It is an uterus bleeding after 10 minutes after childbirth, hemorrhage is 200 ml. After separation and birth of placenta by Krede-Lazorevitch’s method bleeding is not stopping it is increasing. Maternal passages are not traumated. According examination of placenta it is a defects of placental tissue with size 3x4sm. Uterus bleeding is continuing. What is the most probably reason of the bleeding? 

*Defect of the placental tissue 

Hypotonia of the uterus 

Adherent placenta 

Vegetative placenta 

Ingrowing placenta 


22 years old patient has complaints about profuse bloody discharges with clots from genitals, hard pains in abdomen, like contractions. Last mensis was 3 months ago. According bimanual investigations : in vagina - a lot of clots of blood, cervix uteri is open at 2 sm, in the canal of cervix uteri – elements of fetal ovum, uterus is enlarged to 12 weeks of pregnancy, adnexa uterus are not palpable. What is the most probably diagnosis?  

*Incipient abortion 

Treatened abortion 

Complete abortion 

Late abortion 

Incomplete abortion 


33 years-old woman in childbirth (2nd labors). Sizes of pelvis  25-28-31-20.  Fundal height – 40 sm, circumferentia of abdomen – 100 sm. Stage of pushing. Passive segment of the uterus is hard painful. Uterine contractions are  painful, edema of external genitals and muscles  of the pelvic floor. Contrant ring on the line of umbilicus. The sagital suture of the fetus head is in the direct size at the first plate of the pelvis. Symptom of Henkel-Vasten is positive. What must be a doctor’s tactics?  

*Anaesthesia, cesarian section 

Injection of spasmolytics 

Obstetric forceps 

Vacuum-extraction of fetus 

Infusion of uterotonics 


The 30 years-old pregnant arrived to the maternity home in 37’s gestation term, head presentation of the fetus. She has complaints about headache, vomiting, pains in the epigastric area, disturbances of vision. Artherial blood pressure 180/110 mm Hg, proteinuria – 1,66 g/l. The tonus of uterus is normal. Fetal heart sounds – 140 beat/min, rhythm is normal. What is the doctor’s tactics in this clinical case?  

*Intravenous injection of Magnesii sulphatis, Droperidol, Euphillin 

Gastric lavage 

Intravenous injection of Dibasol, Papaverin 

Anaestethia with Ether 

Intravenous injection of Analgin 


On the second day after the normal  delivery the height of the fundus uteri above pubis equals 

*12 – 15 cm 

15 – 16 cm 

9 – 11 cm 

7 – 9 cm 

5 – 7 cm 


A woman of 18 years old applied to the female dispensary at the term of 11 – 12 weeks. One month ago  a woman suffered from rubella. What influence on the fetus is the most probable in this woman? 

*Congenital embryopathy 

Hemolytic disease of the newborn 

Delivery trauma of the newborn 

Disease of the gyalynum membranes 

Chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus 


A woman is in delivery for the first time. Arrived to hospital in the second period of the delivery in the term. Wasn’t observed in the famine dispensary during pregnancy. The head of the fetus is in the thin part of the cavity minor pelvis. The state of the fetus is satisfactory. Small febrilar trembling of eyelids , which spreader to the face and upper extremities. What is the tactics of leading the delivery. 

*Obstretrics forceps 

Cesarian section 

Fetus destructive operation 

Conservative leading of delivery with epysiotomy 

Vacuum extraction of the fetus 


On the seventh day after  the normal  delivery the height of the fundus uteri above pubis equals 

*5 – 7 cm 

7 – 8 cm 

9 – 10 cm 

11 – 12 cm 

13 – 14 cm 


From what time of pregnance fetal heart beating starts to be heard.  

*25 weeks 

18 weeks 

20 weeks 

22 weeks 

30 weeks 


A 23 years-old pregnant at the 10 weeks of gestation has complaints about enlarged thyroid gland. Ps is 72 b/min, artherial blood pressure 110/70 mm/Hg. Thyroid gland is enlarger in all parts, painless, mobile, is not fused with underlying tissue. What analysis  are necessary to do for marking of thyroid gland function? 

*Registration of the TTG content in the blood 

Registration of T 4 in the blood 

Uptake II 31 by the tyroid gland 

Ultrasound examination 

Nucleo-magnetic resonans examination 


During investigation of the 25 years-old pregnant in the term of gestation 34 weeks  by the doctor of the female dispensary are registrated edema of legs, AP on the right hand 140/90mm Hg , on the left – 130/90 mm Hg, proteinuria – 0,66 g/l , level of blood protein – 56 g/l. State of the fetus is satisfactory. What is the most probably diagnosis?  

*Preeclampsia of light degree 

Preeclanpsia of the hard degree 

Edema of pregnants 

Hypertonic diseases 

Pyelonephritis of pregnants 


In a woman in delivery with preecplampsia of the middle degree occasionally dyspnea and drey cough, motor anxiety, pain in thorax, hemoptysis, tachypnoe, tachycardia, cianosis of the lips appeared. During the aucultation: accent of the second tone above the lung artery, multiple rales in lungs. What is the most probable complication appeared? 

*Tromboembolia of the lung artery 


Embolia with amneotic liquid 

Edema of the lungs 

Attack of the bronchal asthma 


Pregnant of 23 years old applying to female dispensary complained of infections hepatitis, holycistopancreatitis, which she suffered from 2 years ago. Appoint the most probable complication of pregnancy in this woman: 


Preliminary childbirth 


Rupture uteri 

Weakness of the delivery activities 


The 19 years -old woman is in the delivery first time. It is the begining of the first period of labors. In her anamnesis – metral cardiac defect in the stage of compensation. Her state is satisfactory. Amniotic bag is not break. What is the doctor’s tactics in this delivery?  

*Active-waiting tactics with presents of therapeutist and maximum analgesia 

Cesarean section 

Obstetrics forceps 

Vacuum-extraction of fetus 

Stimulation of the labor activity 


On the forth day after  the normal delivery the height of the fundus uteri above pubis equals 

*9 – 11 cm 

5 - 7 cm 

7 – 9 cm 

12 – 14 cm 

14 – 16 cm 


On the third day after  the normal  delivery the height of the fundus uteri above pubis equals 

*12 – 14 cm 

5 - 7 cm 

7 – 9 cm 

9 – 11 cm 

14 – 16 cm 


The woman in birth for the first time of 20 years old with plenty of amniotic fluid is being in delivery for 3 hours. Delivery activities are active. In uterus there is one fetus with head presentation. Heartbreaking of the fetus is normal. Opening of the cervix uteri is 4 cm. Water bag is strained between the contractions. Appoint the tactics of leading the childbirth. 


Waiting tactics 

Cesarian section 

Sleep, relaxation 

Stimulation the childbirth with prostaglandins 


A woman is in the third in - time childbirth. The weight of the woman body is 80 kg. A boy with 4.200 kg. and the length of the body of  50cm was born. General blood loss is 450 ml. Physiological volume of blood loss for this woman equals : 

*400 ml 

450 ml 

500 ml 

550 ml 

600 ml 


A woman of 30 years old in birth for the first time has the beginning of intensive pushing with the interval of 1 – 2 minutes, lasting 45 seconds. During the birth of the  fetal head, extraordinary pain in the perineum appeared. The perineum 4 cm high, is pail. Heart beating of the fetus is not affected. What is to be done: 



Protection of the perineum 

Waiting tactics 

Pudendal anesthesia 


When can a woman stand up and walk after childbirth? 

*In 6 – 8 hours 

In 24 hours 

In 2 hours 

In 3 days 

Right away after childbirth 


The woman of 25 years has addressed to the doctor with complaints of a nausea, vomiting 1 times in a day, a sleepiness, a delay of a menses for 2 months. At bimanual inspection: cyanosis of the mucosa of the vagina and uterine  cervix. The uterus is enlarged, softened, especially in a region of an isthmus, however during inspection began more dense, painless. Appendages are not palpated.  Discharge are mucous.  The most  relible diagnosis. 


Myoma of uterus 

A salpingocuesis 

Infringement of a menstrual cycle 

Ovarian tumor 


The 24-years old woman, earlier not pregnant, terminated to accept oral contraceptives. After last reception of a drug she had one menses, and then within 6 months the amenorrhea was observed. Choose the most suitable investigation:  

*USE of the organs of the small pelvis 

Determination of the level of Gonadotropins  

Determination of the level of Progesteron   

Determination of the level of Testosteron  

Computer tomography of the head  


The puerpera of 24 years old, the 2d day after laborC. A common state is satisfactory, a body temperature is 36,6 degrees , sphygmus 82 beets / mines, satisfactory propertieC. There is no pathology from internals . Mammas are enlarged in the dimensions, mild, papillas are whole. The uterus is dense, painless, a bottom of it is on 5 sm above a bosom. A lochia are serouse-bloody, in a small amount. Physiological functions are normal. It is enough for determination of character of lochia: 

* A sighting 

Microscopies lochia 

A luminescent microscopy of lochia  

Bacteriological investigation of lochia  



The puerpera of 22 years old for 2 day after normal laborC. A common state is satisfactory, a body temperature is 36,5 degrees,  puls of 80 beets / mines, satisfactory properties. Mammas are enlarged,   papillas are whole. The uterus is dense, painless, a bottom is on 8 cm above a bosom. A lochia are bloody, in a small amount. Physiological functions are normal. In a puerperal period it is enough for determination of dynamics of reduction of a uterus: 

*Palpation to define a level of standing of a uterine fundus 


X-ray inspection 

To meter a circle of an abdomen. 

Palpation to define a level of standing of contractive rings of a uterus 


The puerpera of 25 years old, 7 day after labor. The common state is satisfactory, there are no complaints A body temperature is 36,6 degrees, puls is 76 beets / mines, satisfactory properties. The BP of 120/80 mm.Hg on both humeral arterias. Mammas are mild, painless, papillas are whole. The uterus is dense, painless, a bottom of it is defined at symphisis level. A lochia of serous-mucous character, scanty. . Physiological functions are normal What Hormon  secreted by a pituitary gland, stimulates reductions of a uterus in a puerperal period?: 

* Oxytocinum  



Chorionic Gonadotropinum 



At the puerpera of 26 years old, for 4 day after labour the incessant parent bleeding began. The haemorrhage has made 400 ml. The common state is worsened - a body temperature 36, 7о С, pulse of 94 beets / mines, the AP of 90/70 mm.Hg. The uterus is intense, morbid, its bottom is at a level of a umbilicus. The diagnosis is : " Delivery in time. A bleeding of the 4th  day of puerperal term. ". It is necessary: 

*Tool revision of a cavity of the uterus 

Manual inspection of a cavity of the uterus and erasion of the delayed parts of a placenta   

Outside massage of a uterus after bleeding urinary bladder 

To enter drugs reducing a uterus  

Supravaginal ablation of a uterus 


A 5  years old girl who attends a kindergarden has an atypical pneumonia. What antibacterial drug should be prescribed? 

* Macrolides 


Cephalospores of the 1-st generation 

Cephalosporines of the 2-st generation 

Cephalosporines of the 3-st generation 


The pregnant woman, aged 25 yr with 36 weeks gestational term complains of upper abdomen pain, nausea, vomiting and blurred vision. There is also generalized edema.  BP on both arms is 170/100 mm Hg. What is the most probable diagnosis?  

*severe preeclampsia   

moderate preeclampsia  


retinal detachment   

epileptic coma   


A 25 years old woman in labor has the second timely labor. The contractions appear every 5-6 minutes and last 20-25 seconds . The longitudinal fetal position and occipital presentation of the fetal head are found   against the small pelvis entry. What is the stage of labor?   

*Opening of the uterine cervix 

Expulsion of the fetus 

Afterbirth period 

Preliminary period 

Postnatal period 


A 20 years old 36 weeks of gestation pregnant woman was admitted to the obstetrical hospital with complains of the pain in the lower abdomen and bloody vaginal discharge. The general condition of the patient  is good. Her blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. The heart rate of the fetus is 140 beats per minute and rhythmic. By vaginal examination the cervix of the uterus is formed and closed. The discharge from vagina is bloody up to 200 ml per day. The head of the fetus is located high above the minor pelvis entry. A soft formation was defined through the anterior fornix of the vagina. What is the probable diagnosis? 

*Placental presentation 

Premature placental separation 

Uterine rupture 

Загроза передчасних пологів 

Incipient  abortion 


The woman on the seventh day after delivery complicated by uterine bleeding and manual investigation of the uterine cavity started to be  feverish up to 38,70C and  complains of the  bloody purulent vaginal  discharge with unpleasant smell. The uterine upper border  is located between the pubis and omphalus. The uterus is tenderness and has a dough-like consistency. What is the most probable diagnosis? 

*Puerperal (postpartum) endometritis 

Uterine postpartum subinvolution 



Physiological puerperal (afterbirth) period   


18-years-old PG (prima gravida) woman is in fully term labor lasting  12 hours. The woman fills her self  tired and dozes between the contractions. The general conditions of woman and fetus are good. The obstetric sizes of  pelvis are 25-28-31-20 cm. The labor activity is mild to moderated. On vaginal examination  the  uterine cervix is smooth and up to 4 cm dilated. Amniotic sac is intact. Fetal head is presented against the small pelvis entry in sacrum right posterior position (SRP). What is the correct   management of labor? 

* Obstetrics sleep-rest 


Oxytocin test 

Labor stimulation 

Cesarean section. 


After the labor the vaginal examination did not reveled the uterine cervix damage. In the perineal region a deep skin laceration up to the anus and muscular breakage of  vagina posterior wall including  external sphincter were noted. What kind of complications was happened ?    

* II degree perineal rupture   

I degree perineal rupture  

III degree perineal rupture  

Groin rupture of the III degree 



The 27 years old PG (prima gravida) woman  delivered the full term newborn with big waight. The placenta was separated spontaneously. Within 20 minutes after labor the patient lost 300 ml of blood clots from vagina. During the external massaging the dough-like hypotonic uterus and additional 200 ml blood loss were noted. The correct subsequent treatment is:  

*manual examination of the uterine cavity 

curettage of the uterine cavity 

cold on the lower portion of abdomen 

uterine extirpation 

supragroinal uterine extirpation 


At term of a gestation of 40 weeks height of standing of a uterine fundus is less then assumed for the given term. The woman has given birth to the child in weight of 2500 g, a length of a body 53 cm, with an assessment on a scale of Apgar of 4-6 points. Labor were fast. The cause of such state of the child were: 

* Chronic fetoplacental insufficiency  

Delay of an intra-uterine fetation  

Placental detachment 

Infection of a fetus 



A 26 year old woman complains of a mild bloody discharge from the vagina and pain in the lower  abdomen. She has had the last menstruation  3,5 months ago. The pulse rate is 80  per min. The blood pressure (BP) is  110/60 mm Hg and body  temperature  is 36,60C. The abdomen is tender in the lower parts. The uterus is enlarged up to 12 weeks of gestation. What is your diagnosis? 

*Inevitable abortion   

Incipient abortion     

Incomplete abortion   

Complete abortion     

Disfunctional bleeding   


Primapara, 24 years with a normal pelvis. After 8 hours of normal patrimonial activity spasms became weak, ineffective. Vaginal research: disclosing of a uterine cervix is 8 sm, the head of a fetus is with its the big segment in an inlet into a small  pelvis. The amniotic membrane is absent. Palpitation of a fetus a clear, rhythmical 130 heart-rate. Tactics?  

*Stimulation of patrimonial activity 

Obstetric forceps  

Medicament dream - rest 

Caesarian section  



A 2 years-old child suffering from food allergy became acutely ill. The spasmodic  cough, prolonged expiration and expiratory wheezing are presented. The respiratory rate is 60 per min. The mild respiratory distress mast be noted  because   of  chest additional muscles participation  in breathing. The wheezing  chest is hyperinflated. Choose the treatment  which mast be done to the patient   by intravenous  infusion.  

*Euphyllinum, predisolon 




Calcium gluconate 


At multipara, in a duration of gestation of 40 weeks, at survey a spherical, balloting formation is defined to the left of an umbilicus, the palpitation of a fetus is auscultated closer to an umbilicus, about one 140/minutes. It is possible to think of what position of a fetus in this case?  

*Transversal position of a fetus, left position  

Transversal position of a fetus, right  position 

Longitudinal position of a fetus, a head presentation 

Pelvic presentation 

Slanting position of a fetus 


At a vaginal examination at primapara: disclosing of a cervix of a uterus up to 8 sm, vertex presentation, a sagittal suture is in the transversal size of the inlet plane, is posed closer to a  promontorium, the big and small fontanels are at the same level. What insertion of the head of a fetus takes place in this case? 

*Anterior asynclitism   

Average transversal standing of head  

High direct standing of head  

Low transversal standing of head  

Posterior asynclitism  


The data of a functional condition of the child after delivery: palpitation is 134 heart-rate; respiration is  independent, but without the first cry; a skin of the  face and a  trunk is pink, extremities - dark blue; movements are active, cry is loud. A condition of a newborn according to a scale of Apgar? 

*8 points   

5 points  

6 points  

10 points 

9 points 


Puerpera, the 3-d day of the postnatal period, complaints to a fever up to 38,2(С, a pain in the  lower part of abdomen, purulent discharge from vagina, delicacy have appeared. Objectively: pulse - 98 heart-rate, the BP – 120/80 mm.Hg, a skin is   pale. The abdomen is soft, painless. The uterine fundus is lower than umbilicus  up to one transversal finger, has a soft consistence, morbid. At vaginal research: the uterus enlarged till 17 weeks of pregnancy, softened, painful. Appendages of a uterus and vaults of the vagina are without features.  Discharge are purulent, in moderate quantity. The analysis of a blood: a leukocytosis 13,5(10 9/l, ESR - 32 mm/h. Establish the preliminary diagnosis. 

Postnatal acute endometritis 

A postnatal thrombophlebitis  

A postnatal adnexitis 

A postnatal parametritis 

A postnatal pelviperitonitis 


Menstrual function of the 42 years-old woman as hyperpolymenorrhea and progressiv algodysmenorrhea withing last 10 years. Vaginal dascharge like chokolade, uterine size is enlarged, tuberous, little morbid, uterine adnexa are not palpable, fornix are not painful, deep. What is the most probably diagnosis? 

*Endometriosis of uterus 

Cancer of uterus 

Submucous fibromyoma of uterus 


Endometriosis of adnexa uterus 


In gynecological department a woman complaining about acute pains beneath the abdomen, increased body temperature up to 38 deg., complaining about purulent discharges from the vagina, arrived. Sexual life is discursive. During the bimanual investigation: adnexae uteri are painful, purulent leucorrhea. For making a diagnosis it’s necessary: 

*Bacteriological investigation of discharges from the genitals 


Probing the uterus 

Curettage of the uterine cavity 

Cytological investigation of the vaginal leucorrhea 


A woman of 27 years old leading an active sexual life, complaining about numerous vesicules on the right major lip, scratching and irritation. Rash appears periodically before mensis and finished in 8 – 10 day. Possible diagnosis. 

*Virus if Herpes Simplex 


Primary syphilys 

Genital condilomatosis 

Cytomegalovirus infection 


A 60 years old and 10 years  menopausal woman complains of the abdomen enlargment, weight lost, asthenia, bloody discharge from vagina. The uterus is enlarged like up to 16 weeks of gestation  and hard. The salpinxes   are not defined. What method of diagnostics is it necessary to carry out? 

*Consequent  diagnostic curettage   of the uterine cavity and cervical canal   

Ultra sound investigation 



Sexual hormone investigation 


During the colposcopia endometriosis of the vaginal part of the cervix uteri was found out in a patient M. Choose the method of treatment. 

*Laser vaporisation 


Еxterpation of uterus 

Supervaginal amputation 

Antiinflamation treatment 


A woman of 35 years old complaints of amenorrhea during a year after a hard fright. Diagnosis.  

*Psychogene amenorrhea 

Hypomenstrual syndrome 





11 years -old girl arrived to the hospital with uterus bleeding after suppression of mensis. Anaemia is absent. Genital formula is Ax2 P3 Mg2 Me+. Virgin. Investigation per rectum – no pathology. The treatment of this patient should be start from  

*Infusion therapy with using of uterotonics 

Abrasio cavi uteri 

Hormonal homeostasis 

Antyanaemical therapy 

Intramuscular injections of uterotonics 


A woman of 45 years old is working as a painter and a builder. During bimanual investigation elytroptosis of the second degree was find out. What is the reason of the disease?  

*Hard physical work 

Delivery trauma 

General disease of the vagina 

Errosion of the cervix uteri 

Disturbance of the bowels function 


A 20 years old woman was admitted to the reception room of the central district hospital. The patient  complains of a lower  abdomen cramping pain   ascending upward, dizziness and  vomiting within painful attack.  She recalls the last menses haven 6 weeks ago. On clinical examination a cheeks skin hyperpigmentation is  noted. The mucous membranes are pale. Chest is clear.  The heart beats are rhythmic.  The pulse is soft and  weak 108  per minute. The body temperature is 36,3 oC. The extremities are cold in touch. Abdomen is tense, considerably distended  and painful. On percussion in the lower  abdomen dullness is found. There is not any vaginal bloody discharge. What method of clinical investigation could  help the surgeon to make a correct diagnosis ? 

*Abdominal cavity punction through the posterior fornix of  vagina  


Ultra sound investigation of the abdominal cavity  


General blood analysis. 


In a woman of 28 years old with complaints about infertility during 3 years . In the laporoscopy internal  endometriosis was found. In anamnesis is chronical salpingoophoritis. The most probable pathogenital cause of infertility in this woman is: 

*Local secretion of prostoglandines 

Disturbance of synthesis of cortisolum in adrenal glands 

Thickening of the albumine coverage of ophorons 

Congenital hypoplasia of genitals 

Increasing of viscousity of cervical mucus 


A woman of 18 years old complaints on the absence of pregnancy during regular genital life within 1 year. Contraception is not being used. Pregnancy never took place. During the bimanual investigation no pathology is found out. With what method should the investigation of this couple be started?  




Test of the functional diagnostics 

Bacteriological inoculation 


A mother with a girl of 6 years old with pruritus in perineum area and outer genitals applied to the doctor. Objectively: general condition is satisfactory. Multiple of scratches of vulva and perineum, around the anus, hyperemia, edema. What investigation should be carried out?  

*Analysis of feces for helmints 

Bacteriological inoculation 

Stear for flora 

General analysis of urine 

Glucose of the blood 


In a girl of 3 weeks of age fountain vomiting not connected with feeding is registered many times a day. Periodical liquid defecations. Decrease of the body weight. During the examination the child is rigid and has dehydratation. Hypertrophy of clytoris is obviously seen. What disease takes place?  

*Congenital adrenogenital syndrome 


High bowel impaction 

Real hermophroditism 

Occute bowel infection 


A 13-years old girl complains of vaginal bleeding. The last menses was 4 months ago. The patient complains of weakness and dizziness. Her blood analysis shows the hemoglobin 64 g/l, erythrocytes count 1,8 x 1012/l, platelet count 280 x 109/l.   By vaginal examination  the uterus is not enlarged, the salpinxes  are  not affected. 

*Juvenile uterine bleeding 

Incipient abortion 

Willibrandt’s disease 

Thrombocytopenic purpura 



In a 32-year old woman during the bimanual examination a tumor-like firm to hard consistency swelling was revealed  on the left of the uterus. It is displaceable  and painless. Its diameter  is about 10 cm. The uterus and adnexia are not changed. The  menstrual  function is not impaired. The patient looks healthy. What is the probable diagnosis?   

*cyst of the left ovary 

Cystoma of the left ovary   

Dermoid cyst of the left ovary 

Ovarian cancer 

Extrauterine pregnancy 


A 42-year old woman consulted by a doctor  complais of the gnawing-like  pain in the lower  abdomen, weakness, long abundant  menses. The general condition is good. By bimanual examination the enlarged uterus sized about 10 weeks of gestation being hard, painless and having  irregular contours was revealed. What is the probable diagnosis? 

*Uterine myoma 

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 

Ovarian cystoma 

Uterine body cancer 

Uterine pregnancy 


A patient complaints of the pains beneath the abdomen, radiating to the vagina. strengthening during menses, sexual intercourse. Anamnesis: two years ago there was a suspect for endometriosis. Vaginal investigation: to the back of uterus a painful nodular conformation is found out. Diagnosis. 

*Retrocervical endometriosis 


Chronically inflammation of tne adnexae uteri 


Endometriosis of the cervix uteri 


A 27 years old woman being treated concerning a chronic adnexitis for 5 years, is delivered in a gynecology department with attributes of  pelviperitonitis. Her husband  is suffering from chronic urethritis. What researches should be appointed for precising of treatment tactics?   

*Bacteriological research of a vaginal content and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics 

Bacterioscopic research of a vaginal content 

A puncture of an abdominal cavity through a back vault of the vagina, bacteriological sowing of an obtained punctate on gonococcus 

Clinical and bacteriological analysis of a blood 

Bacteriological research after provocation   


In a gynecology department the woman with complaints on bloody allocation from a vagina has addressed. Last menses was 3,5 months ago. Ultrasonic did not pass. A uterus at a palpation of a paste consistence, painless, height of standing of a uterine fundus - 24  sm. Parts of a fetus are not palpated, palpitation is not listened, the movement does not feel. From both sides of a uterus are palpated the ovoid form of formation 5( 6  sm. What is the most authentic diagnosis?     

Hydatiform mole  

Threat of abortion 

A placental presentation   

A premature placental detachment 

Antenatal destruction of a fetus   


In a gynecology department there is a 47 years old woman with dysfunctional uterine bleeding after a delay of a menses of about 10 days. With what it is necessary to start the treatment?  

*A fractional medical-diagnostic curettage of a mucous of uterus 

Hormonal hemostasis 

Nonhormonal hemostasis. 

Cyclic hormonal therapy 

Ablations of the uterus 


On the 3rd day after the artificial abortion the patient felt a dull pain  in all abdomen, fever  up to 39,90 C, nausea  and one time   vomiting . The pulse is 120 beats per minute and weak. A marked abdomen distention and painful  voiding  are defined.  Morton, Schyotkin – Blumberg’s symptoms are not clear positive. After  24 hours of observation  the patient’s  condition become better but lower abdomen distention  and  tenderness are still  presented . The pulse and body  temperature are normal. On vaginal  examination  there is any effusion   defined in  the space between uterus and rectum. . The  uterine cervix    upward shift provokes severe pain. Salpinx is  enlarged  and  also painful. An   abdominal cavity  puncture through  the posterior vaginal fornix did not reveal a blood. What is the  diagnosis of this woman? 


Diffuse peritonitis 

Extrauterine pregnancy 

Acute appendicitis 

Ovarian apoplexy 


The patient of 24 years was admitted  into a gynecology department due to a disharmony of the sizes of a uterus to a duration of gestation. Last menses were 4 months ago. At vaginal examination: the uterus is enlarged according to 10 weeks of pregnancy. What diagnosis the most probable?  

*Missed abortion     

Beginning abortion    

Abortion at a course 

Incomplete abortion 

Menacing abortion 


At vaginal examination: the uterus is enlarged by a chorionepithelioma up 12-13 week pregnancy, the patient complains of a strong uterine bleeding; a haemoglobin is 52 g/L. What treatment should be appointed to this patient? 

*Hysterectomy with appendages and the subsequent chemotherapy 

Ablation of a uterus 

A chemotherapy 

Anemia treatment  

A hormonetherapy 


The 24-years old woman, earlier not pregnant, terminated to accept oral contraceptives. After last reception of a drug she had one menses, and then within 6 months the amenorrhea was observed. Choose the most suitable investigation:  

*USE of the organs of the small pelvis 

Determination of the level of Gonadotropins  

Determination of the level of Progesteron   

Determination of the level of Testosteron  

Computer tomography of the head  


47 years- old patient is complainting to bloodish discharge from genitals withing 3 weeks after suppression of menses during 2 months. According bimanual vaginal investigation sise of uterus is nornal, it is’nt painful, fornix are deep, palpatia is painless. Uterine adnexa are not palpable.What is the most probably diagnosis? 

*Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 


Uterine body cancer 

Vaginal tumour 

Submucosal fibromyoma of uterus 


Patient has complaints about pain in her abdomen, metheorism, nausea, and vomiting, nervous irritation. Symptoms are registered on the 3rd day after abolishing of clomiphen-cytratis. Objective state – bracing of musk’s of the abdominal wall, adnexa uterus are enlarged, painful. The level of AP is low, tachycardia. What is the pathogenesis of such complication? 

*Hyperstimulaton of ovaries 

Inflamation of ovaries 

Yellow body persistency 


Bleeding to the intestinal cavity 


12 years -old girl is complaining to the strong pains in the right iliounguinal area of abdomen after physical tension, vomiting, body temperature is 38 C. Palpation of abdomen - symptom of Schotkin is positive in the right iliounguinal area. What is a main type of investigation in this case? 

*Ultrasound investigation 

Clinical blood examination 

General analysis of urea 

Rectal examination 

X- ray investigation of the organs of abdominal cavity 


In the gynecologic office a 28-years old woman  complains of sterility within three years. The menstrual function is not impaired. There were one artificial abortion and chronic salpingo-oophoritis  in her case history. Oral contraceptives were not used. Her husband’s analysis of semen is without pathology. From what diagnostic method will you start the workup  in this case of sterility? 


Hormone investigation 

Ultra sound investigation 

Diagnostic scraping out of the uterine cavity 



A patient complaints on dark spready discharges from genitals before and after the mensis. During the colposcopy cianosis inclusions are visualised on the cervix uteri. Diagnosis. 

*Endometriosis of uterus wall 


Errosion of the uterus wall 


Polyp of the cervical canal 


The 31 year old female  patient complains of the  lower abdomen pain, fever up to 38,80C. The patient is ill within 4 days. She has had her last menstrual period one week ago. Besides it is known that she has a history of chronic salpingitis (pelvic inflammatory disease – PID). The patient`s skin is pale, the tongue is dry, the blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg, the pulse rate is 100. The Schyotkin’s sign is (+)-ve. By bimanual  examination  the 10 cm sized  painfully sharp swelling has been noted in the right side from uterus. The  WBC (leukocyte count) is 16*109/l. What is the previous diagnosis? 


Acute salpingo-oophoritis 





A 27 years old woman being treated concerning a chronic adnexitis for 5 years, is delivered in a gynecology department with attributes of  pelviperitonitis. Her husband  is suffering from chronic urethritis. What researches should be appointed for precising of treatment tactics?   

*Bacteriological research of a vaginal content and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics 

Bacterioscopic research of a vaginal content 

A puncture of an abdominal cavity through a back vault of the vagina, bacteriological sowing of an obtained punctate on gonococcus 

Clinical and bacteriological analysis of a blood 

Bacteriological research after provocation   


A 26 years old woman is delivered in a gynecology department with complaints on a sharp pain in right ileac range. Last menses 16 days ago, in time. At survey in specula: a vagina and uterine cervix are without changes. At a vaginal examination the body of the uterus and appendages are not accessible to a palpation because of sharp morbidity and a strain of muscles of a frontal abdominal wall. The back vault  is morbid. What it is necessary to make for specification of the diagnosis?    

*Puncture of an abdominal cavity through a  posrerior vault of the vagina 



Define horionic gonadotropinum level  



A 18 years old woman complains of acute pain in the external  genitals  particularly in walking and labia majora swelling. Body temperature is 370C, pulse rate is 98 beats per minute. The examination revealed  the thickness of the right labia majora  and severely  painful swelling 5,0x4,5 cm in it The local skin and mucous membranes are hyperemic. There is an abundant smelly discharge. What is the most probable diagnosis ? 

*acute bartholinitis 

furuncle of the major genital lip 

acute vulvovaginitis   

cyst of the Bartholin’s gland 

acute vulvitis 


A woman of 28 years old complains about periodical aching pains beneath the abdomen, subfebral temperature. Night sweating, olygomenorrhea, algodysmenorrhea, infertility during 7 years. Woman lost 7 kg of weight. Bimanual investigation: uterus is not enlarged, mobile, painless, adnexae uteri have numerous bands, painless. What primary investigation should be carried out for making a diagnosis? 

*Inoculation of menstrual blood three times during one menstruation 

Inoculation of the urine 


Analyses of discharges 

X-ray investigation of lunges 


Secundapara of 25 years. In the third period of delivery the bleeding has appeared.  The attributes of placenta’ detachment are absent. At manual   detachment of a placenta it was revealed that a placenta is fixed, with growing into a myometrium. Tactics of the doctor?                           

Laparotomy, a hysterectomy 

Application of uterotonic agents  

A hemotransfusion 

Laparotomy, supravaginal amputation of uterus 

Tool secretion of an afterbirth 


A 37-year old woman was admitted to the gynecological department by the ambulance. She complains of acute pain in the lower part of abdomen, weakness, nausea, vomiting. Menstrual and genital functions are not impaired. Ultra sound investigation a week ago revealed the cyst of the right ovary. The patient`s conditions are the body temperature 36,6 0C, the pulse  88 beats per minute, the blood pressure 90/60 mmHg. The acute tenderness in the lower abdomen and   positive Schyotkin-Blumberd’s symptom are noted. Uterus and left adnexia are normal. A displaceable  firm to hard consistency  swelling was defined on the right side from the uterus. It is severely painful on palpation. What is the diagnosis? 

*Twist of ovarian cyst pedicle 

Acute salpigooophoritis 

Ovarian apoplexy 

Cyst rupture   



18-year old woman complains of the pain in the lower  abdomen. Some minutes before   suddenly she was appeared unconsciousness at home. The patient has not had a menses within last  3 months. The main features of this case are  pale skin, the pulse rate  110 beats per minute,  Hb (hemoglobin)  76 g/l, BP  80/60 mm Hg. The Schyotkin’s sign is (+)-ve. The vaginal examination revealed following features.  The uterus  is a little bit enlarged. Its displacement is painful. There is also any lateral swelling with  indistinct size. The posterior fornix of the vagina is tenderness and overhangs inside.  What is the most  probable diagnosis? 

*impaired extrauterine pregnancy   

ovarian apoplexy 

twist of cystoma of right uterine adnexa   

acute salpingoophoritis   

acute appendicitis   


The 36 weeks of gestation pregnant woman  was admitted to the obstetric in-patient department. She has previous history of arterial hypertension, now complains of a headache, aching pains in the lower  abdomen and bloody discharge from vagina. The main clinical features are blood pressure 180/100 mm Hg  and hypertonic uterus. During investigation  about 300 ml of dark blood was discharged from vagina. The fetal heartbeats are not heard. What is the diagnosis? 

*premature placental separation   

Placental presentation 

premature delivery threat 

uterine rupture   

Embolism caused by amniotic fluid   


The woman delivered twins has early postnatal hypotonic uterine bleeding reached 1.5\% of her bodyweight. The bleeding is going on. Conservative methods to arrest the bleeding have been found ineffective. The conditions of patient are pale skin, acrocyanosis, oliguria. The woman is confused.  The pulse rate  is 130 beats per min, BP – 75/50 mm Hg. What is the further treatment? 

*Uterine extirpation 

Supravaginal uterine amputation 

Uterine vessels ligation 

Inner glomal artery ligation   

To put clamps on the uterine cervix   


Primapara with a preeclampsia of a serious degree. The sizes of a pelvis: 23-25-29-19  sm. The position of a fetus is longitudinal,  vertex presentation. Palpitation of a fetus is not  auscultated. An attack of an eclampsia. Vaginal examination:  disclosure of uterine  cervix is complete, the head is in a narrow part of a pelvic cavity. Tactics of delivery’s conducting?  


Applying of obstetric forcepses 

Vacuum extraction of a fetus.  

Caesarian sections.  

Skin-head forcepses by Ivanov 


Primapara 26 years, in-time labor, began 8 hours ago. Amniotic fluid has flown away 3 hours ago.  Spasms for 30-40 sec., in 5-6 minutes, regular, painful. The position of a fetus is longitudinal, head presentation; fetus’ head is pressed to an inlet into a small pelvis. Palpitation of a fetus precise, 136 hits in one minutes. At a vaginal examination: disclosure of uterine cervix is 8 sm, a forehead, superciliary arches of a fetus are palpated, a frontal  suture is in the right slanting size. The    amniotic membrane is not present. What from the listed below is the most rational?           

*Caesarian section 

Embryotomy operation 

Cavitary obstetric forcepses 


Dream - rest, spasmolyticses 


The 20 years old patient shows complaints on a delay of menses to 10 days. Infringement of menstrual function marks for the first time. Sexual life is regular, is not preserved from pregnancy. At survey: a state is  satisfactory, an abdomen is painless, the AP of 120/80 mm.Hg. The pulse is 72 per minute, of satisfactory properties. At transvaginal echograpphy: progressing tubal pregnancy is suspected. Correct tactics of the doctor? 

*Urgent hospitalization  

General laboratory examination in polyclinic  

Ultrasound scanning in one week  

Examination according to the tests of function diagnostics 

Puncture of an abdominal cavity through a  posterior vault of the vagina 


In a gynecology department there is a 34 years old patient with complaints of acute pains in the bottom of abdomen on the right which have begun suddenly, nausea, vomiting. Bimanual research: the uterus of the normal sizes, its shifting is morbid, the right ovary a little bit enlarged, spherical, morbid. Vaults of the vagina are protruding; the palpation on the right is morbid. In  specula: the uterine neck and mucous of vagina are not changed.  Discharges are not present. What method of research is most informative?   


A puncture of an abdominal cavity through a back vault of the vagina 

Ultrasonic investigation of organs of a small pelvis 

A colposcopy 

Bimanual research 


In a gynecology department there is a 47 years old woman with dysfunctional uterine bleeding after a delay of a menses of about 10 days. With what it is necessary to start the treatment?  

*A fractional medical-diagnostic curettage of a mucous of uterus 

Hormonal hemostasis 

Nonhormonal hemostasis. 

Cyclic hormonal therapy 

Ablations of the uterus 


A 26 years old woman is delivered in a gynecology department with complaints on a sharp pain in right ileac range. Last menses 16 days ago, in time. At survey in specula: a vagina and uterine cervix are without changes. At a vaginal examination the body of the uterus and appendages are not accessible to a palpation because of sharp morbidity and a strain of muscles of a frontal abdominal wall. The back vault  is morbid. What it is necessary to make for specification of the diagnosis?    

Puncture of an abdominal cavity through a  posrerior vault of the vagina 



Define horionic gonadotropinum level  



Multipara, 35 years, 1 period of the second labor.  Spasms are of average force. Three medical abortions and caesarian section concerning a placental presentation in anamnesis. Suddenly the parturient woman complaints of strong abdominal pains, weakness have appeared. The BP - 80\50 mm Hg. From a vagina - moderate bloody discharge. Palpitation of a fetus is not auscultated.    Parts of a fetus are palpated to the left of an middle line of abdomen. Patrimonial activity is absent. The preliminary diagnosis? 

Rupture of uterus   

Premature detachment of normally posed placenta 

Placental presentation, bleeding 

Uterine’ cervix rupture,  ІІІ degree 

Embolism with amniotic  fluid 


A pregnant woman having 20 weeks gestation term began to complain of weakness, fatigue, dizziness. The  hemoglobin is 80 g/l,  pulse rate 86 beats per minute, blood pressure  120/80 mm Hg. The skin and mucous membranes are pale. What is the diagnosis? 

*Anemia of pregnan woman 

Neurocirculatory dystonia 


Chronic arterial hypertension 



Patient has complaints about non-regular manses, obesity, girsutism, she suffers from sterility. According bimanual investigation – size of the uterine body is smaller then  normal one . The left and right ovaries are mobile, painful. Sizes of ovaries are 4 x 5 x 4 sm. What can be a pathology in this case?  

*Disease of polycystose ovaries 

Chronical adnexitis 

Tuberculosis of adnexa uterus 

Kysts of ovaries 

Endomerriosis of ovaries 


A 26 years old woman, delivery has taken place 12 months ago, complicated by hemorrhage  and DIC-syndrome in an early puerperal period. A patient complaints on a headache, giddiness, sleepiness, abasement of hair on a head and pubis. The BP is  90/50 mm. Hg. Menstrual function after delivery is not iterated. The uterus is diminished, ovaries are not palpated and dryness of mucous of vagina is marked. The basal temperature is monophasic, lower than 37(C, signs of pupil and fern are negative. What is the pathogenesis of disease?    

* A depression of function of a pituitary  gland     

Excessive production of prolactinum 

Depression of function of ovaries 

Infringement of function of paranephroses 

Hyperproduction of androgens 


A 26 years old woman, delivery has taken place 12 months ago, complicated by hemorrhage  and DIC-syndrome in an early puerperal period. A patient complaints on a headache, giddiness, sleepiness, abasement of hair on a head and pubis. The BP is  90/50 mm. Hg. Menstrual function after delivery is not iterated. The uterus is diminished, ovaries are not palpated and dryness of mucous of vagina is marked. The basal temperature is monophasic, lower than 37(C, signs of pupil and fern are negative. What is the pathogenesis of disease?    

* A depression of function of a pituitary  gland     

Excessive production of prolactinum 

Depression of function of ovaries 

Infringement of function of paranephroses 

Hyperproduction of androgens 


The 46 years-old woman has copmplaints about prolonged menstruation, polymenorrhea within 2 years. She has hypertonic diseases, obesity of 2nd degree. In the hystological investigaion in the scrap of endomethrium – numerous big glands with cists.What is the link of the pathogenesis of such state?  

*Aromatisation of androstendiol in estrone 


High secretion level of adrenocorticopripical hormone 

Low level of glucocorticoids 



28 years-old patient has complaints about absense of menorrhea, growth of hair as of men’s type. Married. Menarche since 14 years- age – hypomenorrthea and finished after 2 years. Height is 160 sm, weight is 65 kg. Female constitution. Colour and humidity of skin are normal. External genitals of the female are normal. Uterine size is normal to. Uterine adnexa are enlarged according palpation. What is the most probably diagnosis? 

*Syndrome of Shtein-Levental 

Disease of Itsenko-Kushing 

Adreno-genital syndrome 




30 years old patient has complaints about  amenorrhea during 2 years after delivery. Labor was complicated with massive bleeding. After delivery woman lost a body weight, has alopecia. According of  bimanual investigation – the size of uterine body is small, hypoplasia of minor and major lips . What is the etiological factor of this changes 

*Necrosis of adenohypophis after haemorragical shok 

Stimulation of ovulation 

Momental turning of the ovarial function 

Involutia of hypothalamus 

Pathological clymacs 


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