Monday, 18 May 2009

Therapy 151-325 Lugansk


A child from tuberculosis place was admitted to the children's department of tuberculosis hospital with primary tuberculous complex. On the X-ray there is shadowing of medium intensity with poor defined outline in 2-nd segment of the right lung, bound "track" with the root, increased root  lymphonodes. Determine the stage of  primary tuberculous complex. 





The 30 years old patient jast now arrived  from Tadjikistan. There are complains of fever up to 40 ?С, which is accompanied by chills and sweating. There has been revealed  hepatosplenomegaly in this case. Blood analysis shows the red cells count (RBC)  3.0 x 10e12/l,  Нв 80 g/l, white blood cells count (WBC) 4.0 x 10E9/l, Еos 1\%, Neutro 65\%, Limph 24\%, Мon 10\%, ESR- 25 mm/hour. The previous diagnosis is:  

* malaria 

adenoviral infection 



A pain in the axillary area, increase of the temperature developed 10 hours ago in the patient. On exa-mination: shaky gait is marked, the tongue is coated by white fur. The pulse is frequent. The painful lymp-hatic nodules are determined in the axillary area. The skin is bloodshot, glistening above the lymphatic nodules. What is the most probable diagnosis? 


Acute purulent lymphadenitis 



In a surgical department appendectomy was performed on the patient Н. of 30 years old. Subfebrile temperature persisted operation. Periodical watery stool developed. Since the 10th day of the disease the temperature has been 39,5С, with chill. Eruption, enlarged liver, moderate jaundice, polyarthralgia are marked. What is the diagnosis? 

* Yersiniosis 


Typhoid fever 


The patient S. was admitted to the hospital with complaints of general cramps, anxiety. He fell ill two days ago. During the last 6 hours the attacks became more frequent and prolonged. On examination: sardonic smile, rigidity of occipital muscles, trunk and extremities are marked. The patient injured his foot by rusty wire a month ago. What is a diagnosis? 

* Tetanus 




The patient E. has complaints of rough barking cough, loss of voice, difficult respiration. He has been ill for 4 days. The temperature is 38(С. Objectively: the patient is restless, irritable, stenotic respiration, the tonsils are enlarged, covered by dense, pale-gray coats, which are spread to the soft palate. The  mucous membrane of the pharynx is cyanotic. What is the preliminary diagnosis: 

*Diphtheria of stomatopharynx and larynx, croup 

Foreign body of larynx 

Wide-spread form of diphtheria of stomatopharynx 


The patient of 20 years old complained of dermal itching, bright reddening and edema in 4 days after microtrauma in the area of nail phalanx of the 3-rd finger, received due to preparation of pig meat. What is it necessary to think about first? 


Erysipilatous inflammation  



The patient of 42 years old had attacks of the fever every 48 hours during one week. The temperature of the body increased to 40(C and decreased in 3-4 hours and accompanied by excessive sweating, general weakness developed. The liver and spleen are enlarged and firm on palpation. What is the most effective method for verification of the diagnosis? 

*Microscopy of blood smear and thick drop 

Virological method 

General analysis of blood 


The patient consulted to the doctor with complaints of high temperature to 37,8(С, moderate pain in his throat for 3 days. Objectively: the submandibular lymphatic nodules are enlarged. The palatine tonsils are hypertrophy, covered by gray, smooth fur, which is spread to the uvula and forward palatine arches. What is the most probable diagnosis? 

* Diphtheria of stomatopharynx  

Candidiasis of stomatopharynx 

Ulcer-necrotic angina of Symanovsky-Viensan 


A patient T. fell ill acutely with headache, chill,  pain in her throat, temperature 38(С. The patient was examined by the doctor the same day. The doctor revealed gray firm membranes on the tonsils, enlarged and painful lymphatic submandibular nodules. Diphtheria was suspected. What is the most effective method for verification of the diagnosis?     

* Bacteriological method 

Puncture of submandibular lymphatic nodes 

Serological method 


The patient С. fell ill 3 days ago. The disease began by increase of the temperature up to 39,5(С, pains in the muscles of the legs and trunk. There are weakness, bleeding from gums and nose. The skin and sclera are yellow. What is the diagnosis? 


Viral hepatitis A 



The patient С. fell ill acutely: a high temperature (38,0(С), pain in the epigastric area, vomiting, plentiful watery stool without admixtures and tenesmus in 3-4 hours after using insufficiently fried meat. Objectively: the paleness of dermal integuments, acrocyanosis, tachycardia, hypotonia. The stomach is painful on palpation. What is the preliminary diagnosis?  





The patient М., was admitted with complaints of nau-sea, vomiting, spastic abdominal pains, chill. She be-came ill acutely 2 hours ago after taking the pasta with meat. In objective examination: temperature - 38,5(C, Ps-110, BP-110/60 mm Hg, the tongue is coated and dry. Stool was one time without admixtures. What investigation is necessary for making a diagnosis? 

*Culture of  feces and wash waters 

Culture  of blood on a bile broth 

Culture of duodenal contents 


The patient С. of 18 years has complaints of sore throat, headache, weakness, fatigue. On examination: enlarged cervical, axillary and inguinal lymphatic nodules up to 1-3 cm in diameter, of dense consistence, non-adhered, motile are revealed. There are hyperemia of the fauces and purulent coats on tonsils. Hepatosplenomegaly. What is the diagnosis? 

*Infectious mononucleosis 

Typhoid fever 



The preliminary diagnosis was made to the patient – meningococcal disease: meningitis, meningococcemia. The condition is grave. The patient is pale, adynamic. There are many hemorrhagic elements on the skin. Meningeal signs are positive. The pulse is frequent, weak, BP – 80/40 mm Hg. The temperature is 40(С. What  etiotropic therapy would you prescribe? 

* Chloramphenicol intramuscularly 

Quinine intravenously 

Etazolum intravenously 


The 32 years old man-fisherman has fever  up to 400 C, headache and calf muscles pain. At the 5 th day of disease onset   the depleted  urine output  and increased blood  urea and creatinine are noted. Point out the cause of this condition: 

*Leptospirosis nephrosonephritis 

The increasing  of protein catabolism  

The high  aldosterone secretion 


A man-hunter complains of a headache, severe weakness, fever about 39 (C and right upper limb edema. On the hand there are an painful  ulcer covered by dark crust on the bottom and small vesicles  around it. 

* anthrax  




A 70-year old woman has fallen ill acutely.  The fever  is about 39 0C. The patient is excited, out-self reflexive, talkative. The other features of the case are  scleral injection, facial hyperemia, Rosenberg’s anathema. Diagnosis? 

* Brill’s disease 

Meningitis infection 

Typhoid fever  


A patient with the body temperature  38,40 C developed severe barking cough,  respiratory distress  with intercostal chest retractions. The patient  looks moderate cyanotic espesially in appearance  of the nasolabial triangle. What illness provokes  this symptoms  more frequently then others? 

* Parainfluenza 

Adenovirus infection 



On the 18th day of the disease in the patient suffering from typhoid fever the sudden body  temperature fall down up   to 370 C, the rapid pulse, thirst and hypotension were noted. The   stool assay (Gregersen) for occult blood is positive. What complication was occurred?   

* hemorrhage 

infective toxic shock 

perforative peritonitis 


The patient complains on high temperature (38,5(С), chill, severe headache, dry cough. The skin of his face and conjunctiva are bloodshot. His throat is bloodshot, granular enanthema and punctate hemorrhages are on the soft palate. The pulse rate is 90 beats per minute, rhythmical, of satisfactory properties. What is the probable diagnosis? 

*  Influenza  

Epidemic typhus 

Typhoid fever 


In a 32-year-old patient with infiltrative right upper lobe pulmonary tuberculosis tuberculoma of 3 cm in diameter was formed in 6 months after hospital treatment. What radical method of treatment may be used?  

Segmental lung resection 

Artificial pneumothorax 

Thoracoplastic surgery 


A 19-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis: meningitis of the unknown etiology. She was investigated. Blood test: leucocytes- 10,0 x 109/L, neutrophile shift to the left, lymphopenia, monocytosis, ESR-19 mm/hr. CSF: increase in protein value, decrease in glucose and chloride counts, leucocytes-130 in 1 ml., 100\% lymphocytes, MBT (-). In 48 hrs the fibrin layer was formed. What etiology of meningitis can be suspected in this patient?  





A 42 year-old patient with the diagnosis: Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in the phase of disintegration, МBТ (+), was hospitalized to specialized hospital. Who should conduct final disinfection at the place contaminated by infection? 

Workers of sanitary epidemic control 


Members  of patient’s family 


The disease in a child’s institution began suddenly in 2-3 hours after having the cottage cheese, which didn’t undergo thermal treatment. All patients had plentiful repeated vomiting, abdominal pain, watery stool, paleness of the dermal integuments. The body’s temperature is 37,3(С. The clinical manifestations passed during a day. What is the probable diagnosis?  

*Toxic food infection  

Poisoning with salts of hard metals 

Bacterial toxicosis 


A patient N. was admitted to the hospital in the extremely serious condition: cold extremities, acro-cyanosis, dry skin and mucous membranes, dark circles around eyes. The pulse rate is frequent, thread. BP - 40/0 mm Hg. The disease began 10 hours ago: plentiful repeated watery stool without admixtures and repeated vomiting. The severity of the condition is caused by: 

*Hypovolemic shock 

Infectious-toxic shock 

Distress syndrome 


The patient C. fell ill acutely 12 hours ago: tempera-ture 38(C, chill, general weakness, spastic pains in the low parts of the abdomen. 5 hours later frequent scan-ty stool with admixtures of mucus and blood occurred. The patient drank unboiled milk. What is the preliminary diagnosis?  

*Acute dysentery  

Typhoid fever 

Acute amebiasis 


A 3-year-old  girl was admitted to the hospital in critical condition with temperature 39.60C. She has been sick for the last 10 days: she has  dyspnea, severe headache. Her mother says she has been in contact with her uncle who is suffering from tuberculosis. Muscles of nucha are rigid. Sharp dyspnea. What changes in liquor are characteristic for tuberculosis meningitis?  

Decreased glucose and chlorides contents 

Increased glucose and chlorides contents 

Normal glucose and chlorides contents 


The patient D. was admitted to the hospital on the second day of the disease with complaints of temperature increase up to 39(C, paroxysmal pains in the lower part of the abdomen, frequent watery stool with admixture of the mucus.  On examination: the stomach is painful in the left iliac area. The sigmoid is spasmodic. What is the preliminary diagnosis? 

*Acute dysentery 




A patient is suffering from disseminated lung tuberculosis. What is the most common complication of this process?                         


Cardio-pulmonary insufficiency 

Kidney insufficiency 


Tuberculosis of the right intrathoracical lymph-nodes complicated with bronchonodular fistula was diagnosed in a 9-year-old child at a tuberculous dispensary, confirmed by bronchography. A sputum culture examination for finding mycobacte-rium tuberculosis was performed. In what period of time it will be possible to get the result? 

In 6 -8 weeks 

In a weeks 

In 3 days 


Virage of tuberculin test is found in a 7 year-old child from a tuberculous epidemic place. The lung X-ray reveals enlargement of the right lung root and dilated contours. Preliminary diagnosis: Tuberculous bronchoadenitis. What form of tuberculous bronchoadenitis this child  has? 





A 6-year-old child has virage of the Montoux test. He is healthy. What dose of isoniazid must be prescribed to this child for prophylaxis of tuberculosis?  

5 mg/kg 

12 mg/kg 

10 mg/kgs 


CSF is taken in the patient with suspected tuberculous meningitis. Which kind of cytosis is characteristic in tuberculous meningitis?  





A 6-year-old child complain of weakiness, bad appetite and cough. He has virage of tuberculin test.  He is pale, malnourished, has micropolyadenia. BCG cicatrice is absent. On the X-ray there is shadowing in the upper right lobe associated with infiltrated lung root. What disease can be thought of in this patient? 

Primary tuberculous complex 


Lung cancer 


A 37-year-old patient with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis was treated by HRZS in tuberculous hospital, in three weeks after begining of treatment he felt tinnitus aurium, giddiness, decrease of hearing. Which medication can lead to such symptoms?             





In a 25-year-old student during prophylactic examination foci in the right lung are found. Call the most common localization of focal tuberculosis in the lung segments? 

1, 2 

2, 3 

1, 5 


The inhabitant of India periodically had sharp abdominal pains, indulgence of stool. Stool is sometimes viscous of brown color, with admixture of mucus. The patient lost weight significantly. The pains in the right hypogastrium, chills, and high temperature developed two weeks ago. What is the preliminary diagnosis? 

*Chronic amebiasis,  abscess of the  liver 

Chronic relapsing dysentery 

Helminthiasis (diphyllobotriasis) 


The disease began acutely: frequent watery stool developed 6 hours ago. The body temperature is normal. Then the vomiting developed.  On examination: his voice is hoarse, eyes are deeply sunken in the orbits. The pulse is frequent. Blood pressure is low. There is no urine. There are cramps of the low extremities. What is the preliminary diagnosis? 

* Cholera  

Typhoid fever 



In a 3 year-old child with right-sided tumorous bronchadenitis  dyspnea, cyanosis and extensive dry cough appeared on the ground of receiving specific therapy in tuberculosis hospital. During X-ray control upper lobe of the right lung had  shadowing and reduced in volume, organs of mediastinum are displaced to the right. What complication had arisen in the child? 



Apical pleurisy 


A patient was admitted with the loss of consciousness. He has history of diabetes mellitus type 1 for 12 years and acute gastroenteritis during the last week. There are dry skin, soft eyeballs, shallow breathing, no acetone smell.  What is the most probable coma? 





A patient presents with the loss of consciousness, dry hot skin, facial hyperemia, Kussmaul’s breathing, acetone smell. Blood gluse level - 33 mmol/l. Ketoacidotic coma was diagnosed. What is to be done first of all ? 

Intravenous insulin injection 

Intravenous injection of glucose 

Intravenous injection of glutamic acid  


A 41  years old woman complains of infertility, memory disturbance,  appetite loss, skin dryness and mild swelling (pastosity).On physical examination there are  evident bradycardia and  dull heart sounds. Thyroid  gland is diffusely enlarged and very hard. The serum thyreoglobulin antibodies are in 1: 1000 titer.  What thyroid gland disease   is presented  most probably  in this patient? 


( Ridel's thyroiditis 

Autoimmune thyroiditis 


A 45 years old patient long time suffers from kidney polycystic disease with 4th degree of chronic renal failure and is treating with chronic  hemodialysis.   She complains of skin itching, lower extremities  joints pain. The X-ray of feet shows the metatarsus-phalangeal junctions resorption.   The patient takes calcium preparations. Serum calcium is 2,2 mmol/l, phosphorus 0,95 mmol/l, parathormone 554 ph/ml. What diagnosis is proposed? 

* Secondary hyperparathyroidism 

Multiple myeloma  disease 

Primary hyperparathyroidism, osteopenic  form 


A 38 years old patient was urgently admitted to the hospital with complaints of sudden weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, body weight loss, , nausea, vomiting, severe pain in epigastric area, diarrhea, skin hyperpigmentation. What is the most probable diagnosis? 

Addisonic crisis 

Acute gastroenteritis 



A 33 years old female has diabetes mellitus for 5 years. She uses more than 100 insulin units per day for the last 6 months.  Her body weight gained for 10 kg. Fasting glucose level is 13 mmol/l, daily urine glucose – 3\%. Generalized microangiopathy. Hypoglycemia was reported after attempts of insulin dosage increase. What is the diagnosis?  

Insulin resistance 

Dawn phenomenon 

Diabetic nephropathy 


An unconscious patient presents with moist skin, shallow breathing. There are signs of previous injection on the shoulders and hips. BP 110/70 mmHg. Tonus of skeletal muscles and relexes are increased. Cramps of muscles of the extremities are seen. What is the most likely disorder?  

Hypoglycemic coma 

Hyperglycemic coma 

Hyperosmolar coma 


A 67 years old female with diabetes mellitus type 2 presents with severe pain and soreness of the legs, most of all of hips.  The touch is extremely painful.  What is the most  probable  diagnosis ?  

Diabetic acute painful neuropathy 

Autonomic neuropathy 

Central chronic neuropathy 


A 32 years old patient was presented with primary chronic adrenal insufficiency of moderate severity. How will be changed the level if 17-KS after the test with ACTH (synacthen)?  

No changes  

50 \% increase 

100 \% increase 


A 42 years old female complaints of nausea, frequent defecation, weakness, dizziness, body weight loss. Skin colour is similar to intensive tan. Hyperpigmentation is the greatest on joints, palms. BP 86/60 mmHg.  What is necessary to be performed to define the cause of the disorder?  

Determination of urine 17-КS and 17- OHCS 

Hands X-ray 



A 26 years old patient was revealed on a street with the loss of conscioucness. He was admitted to the hospital with provisional diagnosis of alcoholic intoxication. Episodes of cramps were registered. The skin is dry, skeletal muscles tonus is increased. Pathological reflexes are positive. The smell from his mouth is normal. There are signs of injections on the abdomen and hips. Pulse 90 per min, BP 104/75 mmHg. What is the most probable diagnosis? 

Hypoglycemic coma 

Ketoacidotic coma 

Alcoholic coma 


A 28 years old patient had used simple insulin for 2 years. Two days ago he started to use new scheme of therapy with Protaphan. Previous evening he was presented with sudden weakness, increased sweating, loss of consciousness. What is the most probable diagnosis? 

Hypoglycemic coma  

Hyperosmolar coma  

Uremic coma  


The 56 years old patient has worked at the aluminium plant  more than 20 years. Within 3   last years he has developed loosening of teeth, bone and joint pains, piercing pains in heart area, vomiting. The previous diagnosis was: 

* fluorine intoxication 

mercury intoxication 

lead intoxication 


A sick 37 years old woman was admitted to the district hospital with symptoms of mercury-organic pesticide poisoning (she ate bread  made from pickled seeds). Chose the antidote therapy in this case: 





A 55 years old patient was diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis of the right lung upper lobe with destructive lesion. AFB (acid fast bacilli) in sputum are positive. The history: 5 years ago he was ill with focus lung tuberculosis. In the in-patient department he was administered anti TB (tuberculosis)  therapy recommended DOTS as for the patient of the 3rd category. After the month of treatment the mild jaundice is appeared. Biochemical blood analysis reveals. the increased activities  of AST and ALT. What anti TB  preparation caused such complication? 





A 45-year-old woman complains of periodical painless bleeding during urination, weakness, hyperhidrosis, losing flesh (about 10 kg for last six months) and continual fever with ague attacks. Blood and urine test haven’t revealed any peculiarities. Tuberculosis of kidney had been suspected. Choose the most expedient programme of additional examination. 

*Culture urine test for micobacteria, excretal urography. 

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys, biochemical blood test 

Direct smear test of the sputum 


A 7 years old boy  began to complain of the body t0 elevation up to 37,50C in the evenings, weakness, loss of appetite. Mantoux test is 12 mm. Last year it was 5 mm. On clinical examination  the skin is pale and  enlarged groin lymph nodes are palpated. Chest is clear and a vesicular type of respiration is heard in the lungs. Heart sounds are clear, rhythmical. X-ray examination: roots of the lung are of normal configuration, lung fields are transparent. Sinuses  are free. The CBC:  leucocytes  are 7,5*109 /L, ESR  17 mm/hour. Clinical diagnosis is: 

*tuberculosis intoxication 

TB contamination 

Chest tuberculosis 


18-years-old man complains of pain in the right hip joint. Contracted year and a half ago. Movement in the affected joint is restricted, right leg is short-cut and on the right hip there is a cold abscess. Blood test: leucocytes–11,5(109; slight neutrophilia and lymphopenia. X-picture: signs of osteoporosis, joint space constriction, destruction of the pelvic bones and the head of thigh bone. Choose the most likely diagnosis. 

Tuberculosis if the hip joint. 

Arthritis deformans of the hip joint. 

Gouty arthritis. 


A six-year-child whose father suffers from bacterial lung tuberculosis shown negative Mantoux skin test. In what term he has to be BCG-revaccinated? 

*not earliar, than in 3 days and not later, than in 2 weeks. 

in a month. 

in two days. 


A patient  aged 52 years works at the chicken farm. The main complains  are slight fever up to 380C and a cough with mucopurulent sputum discharge. He associates the disease with the commoncold.  The last fluorography examination was done 2 years ago.. Now the X-ray examination shows in 6 segment projection non-homogenous infiltrative density with destructive lesion  up to 3 cm in size. The ESR is 13 mm per hour. The WBCs (Leucocytes) are 6,8*109 /L in blood.  AFB (acid fast bacilli) are found in the sputum. What disease is the most probable? 

*infiltrative tuberculosis of the lung on the right 

right-side abscess formation pneumonia 

right lung cancer 


Choose the minimal duration of treatment course in the case of destructive and bacterial lung tuberculosis effective treatment? 

*6  months 

4  months 

8  months 


A 47 years old man  after lifting a considerable  heavy weight suddenly felt an acute pain in the right side of the chest and breathlessness. A symptoms  increased and mucous and skin became cyanotic. An emergency doctor learned that 7 years ago the patient was ill with an infiltrative chest tuberculosis of the right lung, had recovered and was not examined within the last 3 years. On percussion exaggerated tympanitis was revealed over  the right part of chest and   auscultation revealed  the sharply weakened breath sounds here. What disease should be the first thought? 

*spontaneous pneumothorox 

pulmanonary thromboembolism 

exudative pleurisy 


A 2 months old child (an infant)  was born in term with   3550 g of weight and had had  the symptoms of hemolytic disease of the new- born  appeared in the first days after delivery. No vaccinations were made in maternity home. The infant is healthy now. What vaccine should be inoculated firstly? 


Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine 



Laboratory assistant of the bacteriological laboratory contracted tuberculosis. What mechanism of contamination is the most probable in this case? 

*immediate contagion  

alimentary infection 

inhalant infection 


Patient K, 26 years old, has rosy-red spots, plaques with distinct borders on the skin of his face, hairy part of the head. On the surface of most foci there are closely set scales. If the patient scratch them off, he feels pain. Subjectively: moderate itch. What is the diagnosis? 

*Disseminated lupus erythematousus. 

Tuberculosis of the face skin. 

Photo dermatitis. 


After delivery a women felt weakness, hyperthermia. On the skin of the nose, cheeks, breast there are rosy-red spots with grayish scales. In the center of the foci there’s a scurry atrophy. Small joints of the extremity are edematic, the skin around them is red, their function is destroyed. What’s the clinical diagnosis? 

*Systemic lupus erythematousus 

Mycosis of the skin 

Psoriasiform syphilid 


A worker of the cement plant visited doctor with the complaints on itch, edema and weeping of the skin near the fistula from osteomyelitis on the right cruse. Margins of the focus are clear. What’s the most possible diagnosis? 

*Microbus eczema 

True eczema 

Professional eczema 


A 34-year-old driver saw the doctor because of the lesion of the skin of the extremity significant itch weeping. He has been ill for  5 months. During examination of the skin of the back of the hands and lower one-third part of the forearm a lot of papules, vesicles, pustules, scales, erosions, with a large amount of exudates were revealed. What disease can it be? 

*Chronicle eczema 

Acute eczema 



In patient B, 34 years old on the skin of the back of the hands, abdomen and thigh there’re symmetrical apparent foci of the lesion of different sizes with unclear borders, where on the erymatous background one can see small papulas, vesiculas, single pustules and in the centre – erosion, scabs, weeping. Make your diagnosis? 

*True eczema 


Microbic eczema 


Primary seronegative syphilis has been established in the patient [28 y.o.] on the basis of confrontation and laboratory researches. However terms of the incubatory period are reduced considerably. In what case it can be? 

*Tuberculosis pulmonary, oncological problems, narcotics 


Treatment of the intercurrent illnesses by antibiotics 


The patient [29 y.o.] has consulted a venereologist on the occasion of ulcers on the penis. He had a casual sexual connection with the unfamiliar woman for 1,5 months ago. The failure of penis has found for 2 weeks ago. Two ulcer elements have been found out at survey. They had the round form, equal edges and they were painless. The lymphadenitis of dense-elastic consistence is palpated in the inguinal region. Lymphatic nodes are painless and mobile, the skin above them is without an inflammation, they are not connected with each other and neighbouring tissues. The skin of the trunk and limbs has no rash. What about diagnosis is it necessary to think? 

*Primary Syphilis 

Acute Gonorrhoea 

Soft Chancre 


The accoucheur-gynecologist has found out the ulcer with the round form and the size about 10 mm on the small sexual lip in the student [19 y.o.] at medical survey. The ulcer did not worry the patient. Objectively: the edges are precise and equal, its colour meat-red, the condensation is in the basis of the ulcer. The priority in the plan of patient’s inspection will be: 

*Inspection on T.pallidum and serological reactions of blood on the syphilis 

Finding of herpetic antibodies in the whey of blood 

Inspection of sexual partners 


The women, 45 years old, has many bullas in here skin. The bullas resemble the peas in dimension. The rest skin is free of spots, without inflammation. The red erosion are in the oral cavity. They are very sickly. The patient notices the put of weight, feels herself bad. What is the diagnosis? 

*Pemphigus vulgaris 

Vesical toxidermia 

Vesical toxidermia 


The patient [19 y.o.] has consulted a dermatologist with complaint of the strong inch, which amplifies appreciably at night. He has steam papulo-vesicular elements of excoriation on the skin of the trunk, superior limbs and internal surface of the hips. What is preliminary diagnosis? 



Duhring’s dermatitis 


Very strong itch at the area of pubis and inguinal folds disturbers the patient, 42 years old, who has returned from a foreign mission. During the examination it was revealed many scratchings, haemoragical scabs and spots on the skin of the lower part of abdomen and internal surfaces of thighs. What is the diagnosis? 





It was known that woman in childbirth, being in pangs, had known gonococcus from the urethra and vagina. What have to be a treatment of newborn child? 

*To treat of all natural foramens by the 30\% solution albucidi 

To treat of all natural foramens by manganese 1:10000 

To treat of all natural foramens by penicillin 


The man, 55 years old, complaints for appearance of many rashes in the oral cavity. They are very sickly, especially during the eating. During the examination there are spread red round erosions, without inflammation. What kind of diseases you must think at first? 

*Pemphigus vulgaris 

Duhring’s dermatitis 



The patient, 65 years old, has big bullas with flabby tegmen, red erosions in the mucosan  membrane of the oral cavity, in the limbs and  inquinal area, without any reason. She has a pain, especially during the eating. What is the diagnoses? 



Duhring’s dermatitis 


The patient, 46 years old, has inflammatory spots and papules at the skin of nose and cheeks. They after being in the skin over a long time. There is burning at the areas. The symptom of Benje-Mesherskiy is positive. What kind of pathological appearance was formed this symptom? 

*Follicular hyperkeratosis 

Ballonic degeneration 

Vacuolar degeneration 


The patient has many uncavitary infiltraty elements, increasing in the surface of skin. The elements resemble the grain. There are red, flat, poligonalis, with impression in the center. The network of Wikchem is present. What kind of morphological elements and disease the patient has? 

*Papules by lichen rubber planus 

Papules by psoriasis 

Papules by secondary syphilis 


The patient, 39 years old, has a big pink papilomatosic growths on the skin near the anus. The growths resemble the cauliflower and hold on the thin stalk. The surface of growths is red and macerated. The pain and burning at the area of affection trouble the patient. What is the diagnosis? 

*Condilomas acuminates 

Condilomas lata 

Varicose of haemorrhoidal veins 


The boy 3 years old, fell ill in the first years of life. The are bullas at the place of traumatism of skin. The same diseases  has his mother. During of the examine it was reveal serous bullas at the skin of hands and feet. In the place of opening bullas we can see erosions and serous crusts. What is the diagnosis?  

*Simple bulla epidermolysis 


Polimorfic exudativum eritemae 


Some foci of failure have appeared on the head in the patient during last 2 months. The skin has a light pink colour, it is covered by grey-white scales. The loss of hair is marked as a result of their break-down on 2-3 mm above a level of the skin. Grey-white prickles are found among the scales. Separate black points are observed in a place of exit from the follicle. By your diagnosis is: 

*Trichophytose Superficial 

Alopecia Areata 

Alopecia Syphilitica 


The patient, 32 years old, came to the doctor with complaints for the increase of body temperature up to 38 degrees Celsius, pain in his joints, conjunctivitis. He felt ill acute after the accidental sexual contact. During the examination the skin over the right ankle joint, the left knee joint and the right hip joint was hyperemic, hot to the touch.  

*Reyter’s disease 

Psoriatic arthritis 

Behterev’s disease 


The chlamydiosis (clamidiosis)  infection is due to … 

* Elementary bodies 

Reticular bodies 

Anaerobic bacteria  


What pathologic process in the skin  define  Nikolsky symptom: 

* Acantholysis 




To confirm a diagnosis of  the tinea versicolor (branny lichen) what  diagnostic test is used? 

* Baltser’s test 

Three – glass test 

Salt – solution test (blister test) 


After the  10th  days at the accidental sexual connection the women had purulent secretion from the genitals, burning. Syringing, genital-bath with soda, chamomile, didn’t give any effects during one week. During of the examine by gynecologists /after two weeks from the beginning of disease/ it was reveal for erosions the big genitals sexual lips, at the smears-gonococcus. Control serological reaction /CSR/ for syphilis is negative. What will a doctor do? 

* Repeated examination for syphilis 

The treatment of gonorrhea 

Examine for chlamidiosis 


The patient, 28 years old, living impropriety sexual life, it has diagnosed-trichomoniasis. What kind of preparations must be use for it etiology treatment? 





The women, 29 years old, applied to the doctor with completions for massive secretion from the vagina, itch, burning, pain during urination. During of  the examine it was reveal hyperemia external sexual organs, vagina. Much quantity of yellow foamy discharge, urethritis, endocervicitis. What is the diagnosis? 





The patient, 27 years old, single, living impropriety sexual life. During the last 2 month looks unimportance mucous, sometimes purulent secretion from urethra, subjective-inconstant itch or sensation burning from urethra. He didn’t apply to the doctor. What is the diagnosis? 

*Chronicle gonorrhea 

Acute gonorrhea 



The pregnant is in her second half pregnancy diagnosis chronicle aendocerviciti and urethrity. What prescribe, to the patient? 





The man, 27 years old, applied to the doctor with completions for pain in appended right testis, have a higher temperature until 40 degree Calcium, headache, indisposition. At the anamnesis had gonorrhea. During examine-appendage of right testis is hyperemier, increase, during of the palpation it was reveal compact sickly infiltration. What is the diagnosis? 

*Gonorrhea aepididimitis 

Tuberculosis epididimitis 

Cancer of testis 


At the 16th day after the abortion the women had abdomen pain, indisposition, the higher of temperature until 39,5 degree Cesium. It was reveal from the anamnesis- accidental sexual connection with unknown man. She treated independently, only by the external preparations. Rate erythrocyte sedimentation \ESR\ - 44 mm/h. What is the diagnosis 





The women suffering from the chronic gonorrhea finished the complete course of treatment. The source of the infection was not establish. What will a doctor do? 

*Clinical and serological control during 6 months 

Clinical and serological control during 3 months 

Clinical and serological control during 1 month 


The women, 60 years old, hospitalized with complaints for strong pain at the right side and rash on skin. She having ill during 5 days. During of the examine it was reveal grope vesiclaes with serous exudation at the erithematosis skin of intercostals space. During the palpation she has pain. What is the diagnosis?   

*Circular lichen 




The pregnant women applied to the doctor with completions for pain during the urination and secretion from the vagina. She is ill during 4 days. During examine it was the clinic of acute vulvovaginitis. In the smears – are gonococcus. What must be a treatment of the patient? 





The woman, who has just returned from a foreign mission, has the bladders on the skin of  her neck and shoulder-blade. Very strong itch inconveniences the patient. At the examination we can see many folliculates, excoriations near the bladders. This disease the woman connects with the wearing orhers clothes. What is your diagnosis? 





The women, 28 years old, applied to doctor with completions for limited falling out the hairs. In the anamnesis- she had frequent headache indisposition, artromyalgia, fever, impropriety sexual life, using narcotics. RW is negative. What of examines must be the first? 

*Examine for VICH 

Examine for at neuropathology 

Examine for gonorrhea 


The patient has the spots of   contagious mollusk at the face, hairiness part of head, sexual organs. Rash steady to the therapy, with often recidivations. Beside, the patient has often fevers infections, height temperature, until 38 degree of Celsius, pain in the right side. During the examine it was reveal is anemia, leukopenia, importance lowering of T-helpers. What is the diagnosis? 



Lupus tuberculosis 


The women 32 years old, has periodical hyperthermia, feels bad, put of weight. She has systemic candidiasis, nothing of any anticandidiasis preparations doesn’t give effects. During of the examine it was limphocytopenia, anemia, leucopenia, lowering of T-helpers. What is the diagnosis? 



Duhring’s dermatitis 


The man, 40 years old, appealed to the doctor with the complaints for defeats and pain at sexual organs. He is ill during one year. He received some treatment, with out any results, more of it hearth begins to transformate to ulcers being over a long of period of time. During of the examine it was ulcer with not right margins, considerable appliances of immunodeficiency. During the palpation were pain, polyadenitis. What is the diagnosis?  





The patient, 27 years old, has erythematous spots, plates with fat hyperkeratotic scales yellow color, which had appeared one week ago on the face, hairiness part of head, extensor surface of extremities. He had this disease some month, after blood transfusion. The patient complaints of a bad state, put of weight, diarrhea, the treatment result didn’t give. During of the examine it was reveal importance lowering of index of immunity. What is the diagnosis? 





The patient complaints of bad state, increase of temperature of body until 38-39 degree of Celsius, pain in throat, diffusion increase of lymphatic nodes. He has disease during 2 weeks. In anamnesis is narcotism. During of the examine there are wide spread rash pink color (spots and papules), on the head and body, (having peripheral increase, violet and brown colors, (reminding haemangiomae). During of the examine it was importance lowering of index T-cells immunity. What is the diagnosis? 


Secondary syphilis 



The women 28 years old, complaints for appearance of vesical rashes at the red margin in a low lip, after over a long time stay at the cold. During of the examine – the skin is free from the rashes. What is the diagnosis?  

*Vesical lichen 

Duhring’s dermatitis 



After the 5 days the accidental sexual connection the man had purulent secretion from the urethra, sick at the end of urination, discomfort. During of the examine of the smears – the leukocytosis in all field of vision, insude and extracellular the are many gonococcus. What is the diagnosis? 

*Gonococci acute back urethritis 

Gonococci acute front urethritis 

Gonococci acute totals urethritis 


The patient [56 y.o.] with the chronic furunculosis has consulted a dermatologist with complaints of the deterioration of his condition during last year. What researches should be prescribed to this patient first of all? 

*Research on the maintenance of sugar in blood 

Wassermann’s reaction  

Research on HIV 


The young man [25 y.o.] has consulted a dermatologist with complaints of the appearance of a rash on the skin of the face, trunk and limbs. It disappears quickly and it is accompanied by intensive itch. Separate non-cavitary elevated porcelain elements are marked on the skin. What is the primary morphological element make a clinical picture? 





The patient, 62 years old, who is being treated by the newropatologist for the neurithis of neuros facialis, the doctor noticed on his body, face and limbs the achromic spots of different sizes and the gradual disappearance of sensuality: at first of temperature, then of pain and at last tactile and also falling of hair of his eyebrows and eyelashes. What kind of examination must be prescribe for the patient at the first time? 

*For the mycobacterium of lepra 

For the mycobacterium of tuberculosis 

For the LE-cells 


The patient, 49 years old, has the erythematosic spots and plates on the skin of her face, body and limbs, consist of the dense small knots. On the places of some of them there are hearths of atrophies. During the examination it were revealed the breach of temperature, painful and tactile sensuality. What do you think the disease is? 





Nikolsky's positive symptom is found in the patient [66 y.o.] by the dermatovenereologist. By your preliminary diagnosis is: 

*Pemphigus vere  

Solar burn 

Duhring’s hepetiform dermatitis 


Ardy’s positive symptom [that is the presence of a rash of impetigo’s character in the region of the both ulnar shoots] is found in the patient [23 y.o.] by the dermatovenereologist. By your preliminary diagnosis is: 



Avitaminosis A 


The man [23 y.o.] has small pustules on the skin of the face. They are located in the centre of the hair follicle and surrounded by a narrow hyperaemic band. Subjective sensations are absent. By your clinic diagnosis is: 

*Ostial Folliculitis 

Chancriform Pyoderma 

Parasitic Sycosis 


The patient has consulted a dermatological clinic for consultation. His clinical lesions have caused of carrying out of special researches. The fusion of intercellular epithelial bridges was found in the prickle-cell layer at histological research of the struck epidermis. These changes are signs of: 





The signs of acanthosis are marked at the patient with the psoriasis at histological research of the struck skin. For this process is typically: 

*Amplified duplication of prickle-cell layer 

Disturbance of keratinization of the epidermis 

Thickening of the granular layer of the epidermis 


Wickham’s positive symptom [that is the small netting and web-shaped lines on a surface of the papules as a result of focal granulotosis] is found in the patient [23 y.o.] by the dermatovenereologist. By your preliminary diagnosis is: 

*Lichen Ruber Planus 


Molluscum Contagiosum 


Tarnovsky’s hypertrichosis is found in the patient [26 y.o.] by the dermatovenereologist. It can speak about: 

*Late Congenital Syphilis 


Itsenko-Cushing’s syndrome 


After the trauma of the right cruse on external surface the man of 27 years old had nodes, which later opened with secretion which had a lot of glue substance yellow color. The ulcer had appeared, which was spherical shape with hand over margins and necrotic masses on the fundus. The patient doesn’t have subjective sensations. What is the diagnosis? 

*Syphilis tertiary 

Tjuberculosis of skin 



The mother with her doter applied to the dermatologist with complains for the itch of hairiness part of head and the back surface of the neck. During the examine it was reveal the white and gray dandruff, fixating strong to the hair. The girl has the excoriations, single pustules at the neck. What is the diagnosis? 





The man, 23 years old, came to the doctor with complaints for onset the ulcus near the anus 1 month ago. The patient doesn’t have subjective sensations. He is bisexual. What is the diagnosis? 

*Syphilis primaria 




Neoplasm of red colors, has been revealed in the region of the patient’s anus. It reminds color cabbage or a cock’s comb, in palpation it’s soft. About what morphological element can we speak? 





In patient, 56 years old, on  the internal surface of the lower one-third of the left cruse there’s an apparent ulcer of three-kopecks-coin size with even raised margins and flat fundus. The skin around it is red and there’re a lot of vesicles, erosions, massive scabs. What’s your diagnosis? 

*Microbus eczema 

Vasculitis of the skin 

Ulcer pyoderma 


On the patients elbows and knees there’re rosy-red elements; size: under 2 cm. Picture of the skin on their surface is clear. In palpation there is some infiltration, in vitropressure elements get pale.  What morphogical element can we think about? 





A patient saw the doctor because of the lesion of the face skin. Examination showed grouped small elements with transparent contents on the cheeks and skin of the upper lip on the eritemathosus background. What are the morphological element here? 





On the trunk of the patient a lot of white and yellowish-brown elements of various configuration and size, situated apart on the sunburned skin have been revealed. Relief and picture of the skin in the foci haven’t changed. About what morphological element can we think?  

*Spots without inflammation. 


Spots with inflammation. 


Spherical skin defect, size: under 3 cm in the diameter, with gentle margins, necrotic profound fondues, easily, bleeding has been revealed on the patients skin of the lateral surface of the lower part one-third part of the left crush. What morphogical element can we think about? 





The patient, 28 years old, came to the doctor with complaints for the discomfort during the urination , itch and scanty secretions from his urethra, mainly in the morning, pain in the lower part of his abdomen. He has been ill for about one month. During the examination there was found hyperemiae near the external outlet from his urethra and leycocitosis in the smears.  What is the diagnosis? 

*Chlamydeous urethritis 

Trichomonadia urethritis 

Gonorrhoeal urethritis 


The boy, 12 years old, has numerous small papules (up to 2 mm in diameter)  on the skin of forehead and limbs. They have the color of normal skin and shine. Papules have the hollows is the center. If we try to press the elements, some white crumlike mass secretes. . What is the diagnosis? 

*Contagious mollusk 




The patient, 35 years old, had a treatment 5 years ago for syphilis secundaria recidiva. He didn’t complete his  treatment ( he changed his home address). Now he has tuberculums on his nose and forehead. RW, RITP and RIF are positive. What is the diagnosis? 

*Syphilis tertiary 


Tuberculosis of skin 


The patient, 57 years old, has some plates on the skin of the extension surfaces of his limbs, a lot of squamules, which are easily shelled away. Isomorphic reaction of Kebner and triad of Auspic are positive. What is the diagnosis? 


Lichen rubber planus 



The women, 33 has scanty secretions, itch in the external genitals, unpleasant sensations during urination, sometimes she feels pain in the lower part of her abdomen. It was diagnoses chlamidioses. What kind of preparations are more effective? 





The positive symptom of “the handles of a suitcase” [that is the presence of bridge-shaped cicatrices with a free space] is found in the patient [22 y.o.] by the dermatologist. By your preliminary diagnosis is: 

*Tuberculosis Cutis Colliquativa [Scrofuloderma] 

Syphilis Tertiaria 



A 50-years-old man experienced the severe low limbs  pain more often at night. The localization of the pain was not constant. Short time later  the ataxia developed and became worse at bad light. On ophthalmologic examination the weakness of pupils reaction to light and eyes convergence are noted.   The accommodation is good. On the fundus of  eyes the disks of optic nerve are of grey colour.  Also  the nevrological disorders of deep sensitivity were revealed. The Wassermann’s reaction assay  of Treponema pallidum immobilization  are positive. 

* Tabes dorsalis (locomotor ataxia) 


Acute encephalomyelitis 


A 4 years old boy developed the impairment of free motility, he began walk badly, the difficulties in getting up appeared. The main clinical features are absence of muscle hyportrophy, weakness  of deep tendon  reflexes, mild tetraparesis with insufficiency of muscle tonus, bilateral positive Babynsky’s sign. 

* Dushenne myopathy 

Multiple  sclerosis 

Verdnig-Goffmann spinal amyotrophy 


Man 27 y.o. has been outside, on the cold air, for some time. On the following day, after waking up, he has found inability to close left eye, running tears, hyperacusia, and change of sensation of frontal 2/3 of the tongue. Objectively: flattening of naso-labial fold, left corner of the mouth drop and its paralyses, the “sail” symptom is positive, left corneal reflex is missing. Your diagnosis:  

*  Neuritis of  left n. facialis 

Neuritis of  left n. trigeminus 

Neuralgia of left n. trigeminus 


Patient 38 y.o., suddenly started to feel headache, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and  loss of consciousness. Objectively: АP 190/30 mmHg, pulse 94/min, tense; skin is hyperemic. Craniocerebral nerves are normal, changes in movement and coordination are not seen. There are positive meningial signs (rigidity of nack muscles, Kerning’s and Brudsinski symptoms). Liquor is blood stained. Your primary diagnosis:   

*  Subarachnoid haemorrhage  

Trombosis vessels of the brain 

Brain vessels embolism 


A 43-year-old woman  complains of the low back  pain irradiating to the left lower extremity which become worse in movements. Simultaneously   the patient notes numbness in the leg and cricks (crumps).  The palpation of shank and hip muscles is tenderness.  The hip flexion with knee extension is painful and can not be done. There is not    sensitivity  and reflexes loss disorders. 

*Vertebrogenic lumboischialgia on the left 

Vertebrogenic radicular syndrome L 5 –S1 on the left 

Arthritis  of the left hip joint 


Girl 10 y.o. last three years often suffers from otitis. Has had rheumatic endocarditis. Vague, easy to get tired. Objectively: Patient constantly moving. All involuntary movements are quick, broad and constantly changing. Your diagnosis:   

* Chorea minor  


Huntington's chorea  


Patient 23 y.o. – general constriction, arm tremor, that gradually developed one year after a serious respiratory viral infection. Objectively: greasiness, mask-like face, quieting speech, hypersalivation, shuffling gait. Your diagnosis:   

* Postencephalic  parkinsonism   

Wilsons-Konovalov disease  

Huntington's chorea  


After sleep in the morning a 60 years old patient noticed that his left extremities are stillness and left-sided sensitivity of skin is impaired. The patient has had a history of two same attacks. The conditions are  the humid and pale skin, BP 100/65 mm Hg, pulse rate 60 beats per minute. The left nasolabial fold is smoothed. The active movements in the left extremities are absent but reflexes from the ones are higher. Positive Babinsky’s sign on the left foot and unilateral left sided hyperesthesia  there are.  The  meningeal irritation  tests are negative. 

*Ischemic insult in the right hemisphere of the brain 

Hemorrhagic insult in the right hemisphere of the brain 

Multiple sclerosis 


During 3 weeks a 27 years old woman suffers from common weakness, sleep disturbances, anxiety, subfebrility up to 37,6 0C, numbness and  weakness of legs  mostly on the left, some times urine retention. The main neurological features are following.  Cranial nerves function isn't impaired. Tendon reflexes are equable from the upper limbs and S>D from lower limbs. The exaggerated knee reflexes and absent left Achilles’ reflex are noted. The sensitive surfaces on the feet are reduced. The muscle hypotrophy of the lower extremities attaches the attention. . 

*Acute disseminated myelitis 

Spinal form of  multiple  sclerosis 

Acute focal myelitis 


Within the last  3 months a 22 years old women  complains of the common weakness. In the evenings she notes  a doubling of vision. In the morning she insists that her general condition is good. The active movements in extremities are in a full volume but the muscle strength in the extremities is depleted. The clinical examination revealed eye lids ptosis, divergent squint, mask-like face and quiet voice. All clinical manifestations disappeared  after proserin injection. 


Parkinson disease 



On patient’s examination it was revealed that he understands speech addressed to him but he cannot speak but there were no motor impairments of the vocal apparatus. What is your diagnosis?   

*Motor aphasia 

Sensor aphasia 

Amnestic aphasia 


The patient V., aged 32, complains of staggering gait in the dark and in good light. Determine the kind of ataxia.    

* Cerebellar 




The patient has a tumour of hypophysis. What kind of hemianopsia will develop in it?   

*Bitemporal hemianopsia 

Quadrant hemianopsia 

Binasal hemianopsia 


Dissociated anesthesia develops in damage of …  

*Posterior horns of the spinal cord 

Anterior horns of the spinal cord 

Radices of the spinal cord 


A great spastic epileptic episode in a patient began when he turned his head and eyes to the right. Determine the localization of the pathological focus.   

* Middle part of the middle frontal gyrus 

Posterior part of the lower frontal gyrus 

Upper part of the postcentral gyrus 


A 52 year-old patient has damage of the Broca’s centre after hemorrhage in the brain. What speech disorder occurs?   

* Motor aphasia 

Sensor aphasia 

Amnestic aphasia 


Which type of sensitivity is the most affected during early stages of multiple sclerosis?           

* Vibration 




A tumour of the left frontal lobe base compresses the olfactory bulb (bulbus olfactorius). What symptoms are developing?   

*   Left -sided anosmia 

Olfactory hallucinations 

Right-sided anosmia 


A patient has spastic left-sided hemiplegia which is accompanied by impairment of all kinds of sensitivity on the same side. Where is the focus of affection?    

*The inner capsule 

The anterior central gyrus 

The posterior central gyrus 


A patient had thrombosis of the cortical branches of the middle cerebral artery that resulted in destruction of the middle part of the right precentral gyrus. What motor disorders occurred?   

*Central monoplegia of the left arm 

Central monoplegia of the right arm 

Central monoplegia of the left leg 


A child is observed to have arrhythmic involuntary movements of the extremities and trunk. He makes faces, smacks his lips, and often pulls out his tongue. The muscular tonus of the extremities is reduced.  What character are the forced movements in this patient?    

* Chorea 




A 42-year-old patient is troubled by difficulty in walking. Objectively: Hypomimia, slowing down of movements, increased muscular tension of plastic type; his steps are slow and shuffling. His speech is quiet and monotonous. Determine localization of the process.   

*Pallidonigral system 

Hypothalamus-hypophysis zone 



Patient, 35 y.o. has had an illness with fewer and sore throat. Shortly after he has developed dysphagia, dysarthria, weakness and changes of movement in feet and hands, hyporeflexia, changes of sensitivity of extremities by polyneuritic type. Which disease would you suspect first?  

* Diphtherial polyneuropathy 

Neuropathia of n. sublingualis 

Neuropathia of n. glossopharyngeus 


Patient C. 68 y.o. has general and cerebral arteriosclerosis, arterial hypotonia. Woke up in the morning, can’t move left extremities. There is no feeling in the left side of the body. Objectively: pale skin, covered with cold sweat. AP 100/65 mmHg, HR 60/min, weak. Respiration is weak. Active movement in the left extremities is not present. Tendinous reflexes are more vivid on the right when on the left. Babinski symptom on the left. Meningial signs are not present. Primary diagnosis?   

* Iscemic stroke  

Subarachnoid haemorrhage 

Hemorrhagic stroke 


Male 22 y.o. has returned from military service. Started to feel transient changes of eyesight sharpness. Weakness of the right foot has appeared one year later. Objectively: horizontal nystagmus, absence of abdominal reflexes, hypereflexia of  tendentious and periostal reflexes, right foot clonus, Babinski, Chaddock and Rossolimo symptoms, bilateral Zhukovski symptom. Primary diagnosis?              

* Multiple sclerosis 

Cerebral arteriosclerosis 

Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis 


Patient N. 45 y.o., stoker, complains of taking too long to heal burns, he can’t feel. First time painfree burn had place 10 years ago. On examination: sluggish paraparesis of upper extremities and segmental dissociated bilateral loss of sensitivity on the level C4-T2 segments. Your diagnosis:   

* Siringomyelia 

Multipl sclerosis  

Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis 


Patient 28 y.o. complains of headache, nausea. Has been punched to face a day ago. Loss of conscience lasted for 3-5 minutes. Objectively: bloodshot left eyeball. Pronounced vegetatic stigmas. Your diagnosis:                        

*Brain concussion 

Brain contusion 

Brain compression 


Patient has had craniocerebral injury, with satisfactory condition after it. However, 10 days later, the patient has become weak and drowsy with following development of comatose state. Neurological status: broad right pupil, left sided hemiparesis. Which diagnosis has to be suspected?   

* Subdural haematoma 

Epidural haematoma 

Subarachnoid hemorrhage 


Ambulance was called to a 48 y.o. man. From the words of relatives he has had three episodes of lost conscience and fitting during the day. On examination: the following fit is observed: patient lost conscience, fell on the floor, tonic and then clonic cramps of trunk and  extremities happened. The fit lasted for 4 minute, ended by involuntary urination. What type of fit was observed?    

* Major epileptic fit 

Vegetatic crisis 



Female 29 y.o. complains of head and extremities tremor, poor memory. On examination: choreotic hyperkinesis, Kaiser-Fleishner’s rings on the eyball, reduction of  ceruloplasmin blood level. Your diagnosis:      

* Hepatolenticular  degeneration 

Huntington's chorea 

Pier –Marie’s ataxia 


Male 30 y.o., noted growing fingers and facial scull, changed face. Complains of poor eyesight, tiredness, skin darkening, loss of body weight. X-ray shows broadening of sella turcica, thinning of tuberculin sphenoidale, signs of increased intracranial pressure. What diagnosis can you make?    

* Adenoma of hypophys 

Encephalitis of truncus 

Optico - hiasmatic arachnoiditis 


Patient, complains of pains in the mid thoracic part of spine for last 3 months. Recently, gradually increasing weakness of the right leg is noted. Objectively: central paresis of the right leg and loss of pain sensitivity from the nipple level on the left leg. Which disease can be suspected?   

* Extramedular spinal tumor 

Intramedular spinal tumor 

Acute thorax myelitis 


Patient 27 y.o. 5th day of respiratory disease, appeared strong headache, accompanied by nausea, repeated vomiting, hyperestesia, photophobia. On examination: lying down with  thrown back head, legs are brought to trunk, pronounced rigidity of neck muscles, positive Kernig and Brudsinski symptoms. There are no paresises extremitis.  Select the main neurological syndrome:  

*Meningial syndrome 

Liquor hypertension syndrome 

Liquor hypotension syndrome 

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