Monday, 18 May 2009

Alphabetical 3(A48 y old-Multipara,35 year old)

·             A 48yr old obse diadetic with impariment of---* Enalapril and insulin 

·             A 49 y.o. female patient presents with acute attacks of heada---*Increasing of catecholamines concentration

·             A 49 year old patient complains of fever of 37,5°C, chest --- *Echocardiography+dopplerechocardiography

·             A 49 year old woman is being treated for renal colic---*Ultrasound investigation of kidney

·             A 4 day old girl was born from a second desired gestation, second deliv--- *Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome

·             A 4 month old girl with blond hair and blue eyes has "mousy"---*Positive urine ferric chloride test

·             A 4 month old girl with blond hair and blue eyes has “mousy” odor of sweat and urine---*Positive urine ferric chloride test 

·             A 4 year old child attends the kindergarten. Complaints of the bad appetite, fatigue.---*Worm invasion 

·             A 4 year old boy in 2 weeks after the tonsillitis had edema, headache,---*Glomerulonephritis

·             A 4 year old child on the 5th day of illness complains of cough, rash on t- papulomacular rash --- *Measles

·             A 4 year old patient was admitted to the intensive care unit with hemorrhagic shock due to gastric bleeding---*Introduction of obturator nasogastric tube

·             A 5  years old girl who attends a kindergarden---* Macrolides 

·             A 5 tons milk batch was sampled. The lab analysis revealed:---*Sell but inform customers about milk quality

·             A 5 y.o. child with stigmas of dysembryogenesis (small chin, thick lips, opened mouth, ---*Aortic stenosis

·             A 5 y.o. girl was by accident closed in a dark room for several minutes---*Psychogenic

·             A 50 y.o. male patient was taken to the emergency department with diffuse abdom---*Crystalloid and colloid

·             A 50 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of blood in urine. ---*Cancer of kidney

·             A 50 y.o. woman who suffers from chronic pyelonephritis---*Acute renal insufficiency

·             A 50 year  old patient previously in good heal---* Pulmon embolu must cosid prompt

·             A 50 year old woman for 1 year complained of attacks of right subcostal pain after fatty ---*Ultrasound examination of the gallbladder 

·             A 50 year old male patient was brought to Emergency Department with diffuse abdominal pain---* Crystalloid and colloid 

·             A 50 year old man comes to the emergency room with a history of vomiting of 3 days’ duration---* Gastric outlet obstruction 

·             A 50 year old man was examined in the clinic with persistant cavitation and sputum---* Optic neuritis 

·             A 50 year old patient was hospitalized in severe condition with ---*Intravenous injection of sodium soluti­ons

·             A 50 year old woman for 1 year complains of attacks of right sub---*Ultrasound investigation of gallbladder

·             A 50 year old woman presents with a 2 year history of mild, diffuse, tender thyroid enlargement ---*Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 

·             A 50 years old man experienced the severe low---* Tabes dorsalis (locomotor ataxia

·             A 50yrs ols male has had precaridal pain for 4---*Lignocai,streptokin.and mor

·             A 51 y.o. patient complains of having intensive bloody discharges---*Diagnostic curettage of uterine cavity

·             A 51 y.o. woman complains of dull pain in the right subcostal---*Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy

·             A 51 y.o. woman was taken to the emergency dept---*Ensuring that the airway is open and the patient is oxygenating

·             A 52 y.o. hard smoker complains of persistent cough with purulent sput---*Chronic obstructive lung disease

·             A 52 y.o. male patient has become ill gradually. There is pain in the left side of the tho---*Exudative pleuritis

·             A 52 y.o. male patient suffers from squeezing pain attacks in substernal area ---*Bicycle ergometry

·             A 52 y.o. male patient suffers from squeezing pain attacks in substernal---*Echocardiography

·             A 52 y.o. patient complains of dyspnea caused even by moderate physical activity---*Atrovent

·             A 52 y.o. patient fell from 3 m height on the flat ground with the right lumbar area---* Kidney's contusion

·             A 52 y.o. woman complains of weakness, painful itching after washing and bathing, sensation---*Erythremia

·             A 52 year-old patient has damage of the Broca’s---** Motor aphasia 

·             A 52 years old hard smoker patient  complains---* Chronic obstructive lung disease 

·             A 52 year old male is under gastroenterologist supervision due ---*Cancellation of smoking and alcohol use

·             A 52 year old man has recurrent transient ischemic attacks. Auscultation o---*Ultrasound dopplerography

·             A 52 year old patient has hypervolaemic type of essential hypertension.---* Hypothiazid 

·             A 52 year old patient with previously functional Class II angina ---*IHD. Unstable angina

·             A 52 year old woman suffering from obesity complain---*Excessive transformation of preandrogens from fatty tissues

·             A 53y.o. woman is suffering from essential----* Therapeutic diet 

·             A 54 y.o. male patient suffers from dyspnea during mild phys---*RI of mixed type with prevailing obstruction

·             A 54 y.o. man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of sudden intense---*Acute subdural hematoma

·             A 54 y.o. patient has been suffering from osteomyelitis of femoral bone---*Secondary renal amyloidosis

·             A 54 year old patient applied with complaints of acute pain in the shoulder-joint---Dislocation of the clavicle

·             A 54 year old woman complains of increasing fatigue and easy bruising of 3 weeks’ duration---*Acute leukemia 

·             A 55 y.o. male patient complains of weakness during 2 months, pain in the right ---*Central cancer of lungs

·             A 55 y.o. patient complains of di­stended abdomen and rumbling, in---*Syndrome of fermentative dyspepsia

·             A 55 years old man complaints with chest pain---* Non-stable sternocardia

·             A 55 years old patient was diagnosed infiltrative---**rifampicyn 

·             A 55 year old patient complains of bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, in---Acid dyspepsia syndrome

·             A 56 y.o. man who has taken alcoholic drinks regularly for 20 years---*Pancreatine

·             A 56 y.o. patient has worked at the aluminum plant over 20 years---*Fluorine intoxication

·             A 56 y.o. patient ill with cholecystectomy suddenly had an intense hemorrhage---*Donors of rare blood groups

·             A 56 y.o. woman has an acute onset of fever up to 39°---*Community-acquired lobar pneumonia with moder

·             A 56 year old woman has an elevated serum---* Serum para thyroid hormone 

·             A 56 year old woman is admitted after 2 weeks---* Severe Crohns disease 

·             A 56y.o. teacher consulted a department---* Table #4 by Pevzner 

·             A 56 year old woman has an acute onset of fever up to 39°C with chills---*Community-acquired lobar pneumonia with moderate severity. 

·             A 57 year old man complains of shortness of breath, swelling on shanks, irreg-(ECG)---*Echocardiography

·             A 57 year old patient with megaloblastic anemia is getting worse---*Stroke

·             A 58 y.o. male patient is examined by a physician and suffers from general weakn---*Chronic myeloleucosis

·             A 58 y.o. man complained of severe inspiratory dyspnea ---*Morphine, furosemide, nitroprusside sodium

·             A 58 y.o. man complains of weakness,leg edemata,dyspnea,anorexia---*Renal amyloidosis

·             A 58 y.o. patient developed acute myocardium infarction 4 hours ago---*Lidocain

·             A 58 y.o. woman had voluminous bleeding from the ruptured varicous node on the left crus---*Heightened

·             A 58 year old man complained of pain and swelling of the left foot small joints---*Increased biosynthesis of uric acid 

·             A 58 years old  woman with overweight right ---* retrograde cholangiopancreatography 

·             A 58 year old man complained of severe inspiratory dyspnea ---*Morphine, furosemide, nitroprusside sodium 

·             A 58 year old patient was diagnosed basal-cell skin cancer, 1st stage. ---Short-distance roentgenotherapy

·             A 58 year old woman complains of osteoarthrosis of knee-joint. For 2 weeks she ---*Outpatient treatment

·             A 5 year old boy fell ill abruptly: fever up to 39,8°C, recurrent vomiting, severe heada---*Purulent meningitis

·             A 5 year old boy was progressively getting more unwell than during the previous 2 mo---* Hilar or paratracheal lymph node enlargement  

·             A 5 year old child had an attack of palpitation with nausea  dizziness, generalized fatigue.---*Lydocain

·             A 5 year old child had strong headache vomiting, ataxy, dormancy, di-scoo- vesiculosis ras---*Chicken pox

·             A 5 year old child with stigmas of dysembryogenesis (small chin,) has systolic murmur ----*Aortic stenos

·             A 5 year old girl with the transitory immunodeficiency according to T-system ---*Delaying

·             A 6 y.o child complains of thirst polyuria, and increased appetite for 2 months with weight ---*Autoimmune

·             A 6 y.o. asthmatic child was taken to the emergency hospital because of seve---*Subcutaneous epinephrine

·             A 60 y.o. man complains of sense of heaviness in the region of scrotum---*Varicocele

·             A 60 y.o. man complains of significant pain in the right eye, photophobia, lacrim---*Acute glaucoma attack

·             A 60 y.o. patient complains of having passing reduction of strength in his left extremities---*Anticoagulants

·             A 60 y.o. patient complains of pain in interphalangeal joints of hand that gets worse---*Osteoarthritis

·             A 60 y.o. patient complains of weakness,dizziness,heaviness in the upper part of abdomen---*Vitamin B12

·             A 60 y.o. woman complains of unbearable pains in the right hypochondrium---*Chronic pancreatitis

·             A 60 y.o. woman has had increased BP up to 210/110 mm Hg for the la---*Essential hypertension, 2nd stage

·             A 60 year old patient complains of the---*Chronic lung abscess  with in bronchus drainage  

·             A 60 year old woman mother of 6 children---* Choledocholithiasis

·             A 60 year old woman was admitted in ths---** Carcinoid syndrome 

·             A 60 years old and 10 years  menopausal---*Consequent  diagnostic curettage   of the uterine cavity and cervi 

·             A 60 years old woman has been ill with chronic---* endoscopic papillosphincterotomy, lapor

·             A 60 year old boiler man presents to factory's sectorial doctor with headache and tirednes---*Carbon oxide

·             A 60 year old man complains of fever  significant weight loss, bone and joint pain,---*Myelosan 

·             A 60 year old man has been diagnosed osteoarthritis of knee joints.--- *Delagil

·             A 60 year old woman has increased BP up to 210/110 mm Hg during last 7 years---*Essential hypertension, 2nd stage 

·             A 60yr. Old asthmatic man comes for a check up and complains that he is having some difficulty in “starting to urinate---*Doxazosin  

·             A 60yr. Old man with unstable angina pectoris fails to respond to heparin, nitroglycerin---*Coronary artery bypass grafting 

·             A 60yr. Old woman  mother of 6 children, developed sudden onset of upper abdominal pain ---*Choledocholithiasis  

·             A 61 y.o. man complained of sneezing and substernal pain on exertion---*Unstable angina pectoris

·             A 61-year-old man complained of sneezing and substernal pain on exertion ---*Unstable angina pectoris 

·             A 62 y.o. patient suffers from DM 2  Diabetes is being compensated by diet ---*Prescribe fast-acting insulin

·             A 62 years old woman complains of  severe---* Acute cholecystitis, choledochus calculi obst j

·             A 62y.o. patient is ill with chronic obstructive---* All measures 

·             A 62 year old man presents with the pain in mesogastral area---*Cancer in the head of pancreas, mechanic

·             A 62 year old patient complains of rest dyspnea, heart pains.---* CHF-2 B 

·             A 62 year old patient complains of the pain behind the sternum, bad passing of solid  ---*Esophagus cancer

·             A 63 y.o. patient was operated on account of bog multinodular euthyroid goiter---*Insufficiency of parathyroid glands

·             A 63 y.o. woman complains of moti veless weakness rapid fatigability, loss of appetite---*Cytologic

·             A 64 y.o. patient has developed of squeering substernal pain which had appeared 2 ---*Cardiogenic shock

·             A 65 y.o. man who has problems with urination as a result of benign prostate---*Endotoxemia with activation of complement system

·             A 65 y.o. woman complains of complicated mouth opening following foot trauma 10 days ago---*Tetanus

·             A 65 y.o. patient has acute paimparesthesia,paleness of his left extremity---*Arterial occlusion

·             A 65 year old patient was admitted ---*Serum B-12 and folic  acid  level 

·             A 65y.o. patient is in the reanimation---* Hypodynamia 

·             A 65 year old patient complains of asphyxia, cough with foamy red sputum, air deficiency---*Edema of lung

·             A 65 year old patient complains of asphyxia, cough with foamy red sputum---*Pulmonary edema

·             A 65 year old patient complains of dull pain in the rectum during and after defecation,---*Cancer of the medium-

·             A 65 year old patient complains of gradual worsening of the left eye vision during 10 mon---*Senile cataract

·             A 65 year old patient complains of pain in the right half of face, headache, and rise in temp---*Herpes zoster

·             A 66 year old history teacher doesn’t have in his---* introduce fish, poultry meat, cheese, fruit, vegetables

·             A 67 y.o. patient complains of dyspnea  breast pain, and common weakness---*Cancer of lung

·             A 67 y.o. patient complains of palpitation dizziness, noise in ears, ---*Paroxismal ventricular tachycardia

·             A 67 years old female with diabetes mellitus---* Diabetic acute painful neuropathy 

·             A 68 year old patient complains of tiredness, sweating, enlargement of cervical,---*Chronic lympholeucosis

·             A 68 year old patient with long- term, hypertension complains of dizziness---*Discirculaling encephalopathy

·             A 6 month old infant was born with body mass of 3 kg and 50 cm length. He is breast-fed. How many --- *5

·             A 6 year old asthmatic child is brought to the emergency room because of severe coughing---*Subcutaneous epinephrine  

·             A 6 year old boy is brought to the emergency room with a 3-h history of fever to 39.5°C ---*Prepare to establish an airway  

·             A 6 year old boy with asthma has had mild---* inhalation Salbutamol   

·             A 6 year old child complain of weakiness, bad---* Primary tuberculous complex 

·             A 6 year old child has virage of the Montoux---*5 mg/kg 

·             A 6 year old girl has had a dry cough without---* bronchial asthma  

·             A 7 month old male delayed in psycho-motor---*Phenilalanin

·             A 7 d.o. boy is admitted to the hospital for evaluation of vomiting and dehydration.---*Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

·             A 7 y.o. boy has been treated in a hospital for a month.---*Nephrotic

·             A 7 y.o. boy suddenly felt pain in his right knee, it became edematic---*Hemophilia

·             A 7 y.o. boy was admitted to the hospital.He complains of unpleasant sensations in the heart---*Lidocain

·             A 7 y.o. child had elevation of temperature tol 40°C in anamnesis---*Juvenile rheumatic arthritis

·             A 7 y.o. girl has mild form of varicella. Headache, weakness, vertigo---*Encephalitis

·             A 7 y.o. infant is suffering from acute pneumonia which was complicated by---*Ampiox and Amicasin

·             A 7 year old male presents to physician with the---* Glomerulonephritis. Nephritic Syndrome 

·             A 7 years old boy  began to complain of the---**tuberculosis intoxication 

·             A 7 years old boy is admitted to the hospital---*1,5 units/kg. 

·             A 70  yrs old women is admitted to the hospital---* Cngestive cardiac failure 

·             A 70 y.o. male patient with mild headaches complains of speech disorder, weakness in rt---*Ischemic stroke

·             A 70 y.o. man is ill with ischemic heart disease. His mood is evidently depressed---*Depressive syndrome

·             A 70 y.o. patient complains of weakness, dizziness, short periods ---*III degree atrioventricular heart block

·             A 70 year old patient has got an unhospital---* Spiramycin in combin with doxycycline per os

·             A 70 year old patient is on residential follow-up---**Antagonists Ca++, verapamil group 

·             A 70 years old woman had had  a planned---*residual choledocholithiasis 

·             A 70 year old woman has fallen ill acutely---* Brill’s disease 

·             A 70 year Old alcoholic male with poor dental hygiene is to have his remaining teeth extracted for subsequent dentures---*Amoxycillin  

·             A 72 year old patient after operation due to holecystectomia was prescribed ---*Nephrotoxity of gentamicin

·             A 74 y.o. female patient complains of pain, abdominal distension, nausea---*Mesenterial vessels thrombosis

·             A 74 y.o. patient has been ill with benign prostate hyperplasy for the last 5 years---*Trocar or open epicysto

·             A 74 y.o. patient has been suffering from hyperplasia for 20 years---*Thiazide diuretics

·             A 75 y.o. man has acute pain in paraumbilical region accompanied by vomiting---*Ischemia

·             A 75 y.o. man with IHD(atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis,atrial fibrillation,cardiac insufficiency stage---*Disturbed elimination of medicine by kidneys

·             A 75 y.o. woman with coronary heart disease constantly takes warfarin---*Computer tomography of brain

·             A 75 year old man who had developed diabe---* Carcinoma of the head of the pan

·             A 75 year old man who developed diabetes within the last six mo---*Carcinoma of the head of the pancreas

·             A 75 year old patient can not tell the month date and season of the year.--- *Senile dementia

·             A 75yr. Old man who had developed diabetes within the last six months was found to jaundice---*Carcinoma of the head of the pancreas 

·             A 76 y.o. woman complains of progressing swallowing disorder---*Cancer of esophagus

·             A 76 year old woman presents with  an acute---* Metoprolol 

·             A 76 year old man  with the cardiac pacemaker (demand mode) ---*Pacemaker malfunction

·             A 78 year old woman is urgently admitted to surgical department due to chr---*Cancer of anal part of rectum

·             A 7 day old boy is admitted to the hospital for evaluation of vomiting and dehydration.---*Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 

·             A 7 year old boy has an attack of asphyxia and distant whistling rale after playing with a dog.---*Epidermal

·             A 7 year old boy has crampy aboominal pain and a rash on the back of his legs and buttocks---*Anaphylactoid purpura  

·             A 7 year old child is sick for 2 weeks with running nose, was taking nasal drops.--- *Diphtheria of the nose

·             A 7 year old girl suddenly fell ill with fever, headache, severe sore throat, vomiting..---Scarlet fever

·             A 7 year old girl suffers from bronchial asthma. In spring, usually she has a bronchial attack ---*Both types of rales  

·             A 8 year old boy has symptoms of polyuria,* Diabetes Mellitus, Type I, diabetic ketoacidosis 

·             A 8 month old child is diagnosed atypical community-acquired Chlamidia tra---*Macrolide of 2nd generation

·             A 8 yearold boy fell ill acutely: fever, weakness, headache, abdominal pain---*Dysentery

·             A 8 year old boy has suffered from tonsillitis. In 2 weeks he started complaining of migratory ---*Prednisone

·             A 9 y.o. girl has an average height and harmonic growth development.---*2nd group

·             A 9 year old female is referred to the ---*Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura  

·             A 98 y.o. male patient complains of pain in the left lower limb which intensifi---*Arteriosclerosis obliterans

·             A 9 year old child is ill for 5 days. Physical examination:---*Measles

·             A 9 year old child with diagnosis «chronic tonsillitis" stands dispanserization control---*III (a)

·             A 9 year old girl has an average height and harmonic growth development. She was ill with ac ---*2nd group

·             A 9 year old girl has attacks of abdominal pain after fried food ---*Biliary tracts dyskinesia, hypotonic type

·             A baby boy was born in time it was his---*Hemolytic disease of newborn (ABO incompatibility), icteric type

·             A baby boy with body weight 3700 g is born in a maternity hospital---*Noncomplicated embryonic hernia

·             A baby was born at 36 weeks of gestation. Delivery was normal, by natural way.---*erythrocytes hemolisis 

·             A baby aged 1,5 months  in the right parietotemporal area has from the birth a ---*Cavernous hemangioma

·             A baby aged 2 months  is hospitalized to the surgery unit---*Metaepiphyscal osteomyelitis

·             A baby  aged 2 years  has a syndrome of malabsorbtion---*Hypokalihistia

·             A baby  aged 8 months  is examined and a diagnosis of atypical ---*Macrolide antibiotic of the II generation

·             A boy 10 years old complains on pain of left eye and strong photophobia after trauma his left eye---*Staining test with 1\% fluorescein 

·             A boy 8 year old is under the dispensary---*specia

·             A boy aged  15 yr periodically has been---**De-nol 

·             A boy aged 7 is under treatment during 1 month---*Nephrotic

·             A boy of 7 y.o. had an attack of asthma and distant whistling rales after playing with a dog---*Epidermal

·             A boy aged 10  is under treatment in cardiological unit on account of rheumatic fever---*Bicillin-5

·             A boy  aged 13  suffers from an abrupt aggravation of condition---*Idiopathic Abramov-Fiedler myocarditis

·             A boy  aged 9  is examined: height-127 cm (-0,36), weight - 28,2 kg (+0,96)---*Harmonious

·             A breakdown on a nuclear power-plant caused the radioactive fuel material---*Malignant neoplasms

·             A child from the first non-complicated pregnancy but complicated labor had cephal---*Brain delivery trauma

·             A child from tuberculosis place was admitted to---* Bipolar 

·             A child has attached fingers of his right hand. What is your diagnosis---*Syndactyly

·             A child is 1 y.o.within the last months after the beginning of---*Cereals- wheat, oats

·             A child is 2 y.o. inguinofemoral folds contain acutely imflamed foci---*Napkin area dermatitis

·             A child is being discharged from the surgical department after conser---*Strict following of feeding regimen

·             A child is observed to have arrhythmic---** Chorea 

·             A child was born at 34 weeks of gestation in bad condition---*Chest X-ray

·             A child was born with body weight 3.250 g and body length 52 cm---*Aerophagia

·             A child was delivered severely premature. After the birth the child ha---*Edematous-hemorrhagic syndrome

·             A child with chronic cardialtis, cardial insufficiency IIA  treated with digoxin---*Cardiac glucosides overdose or intolerance

·             A child aged 4 has being ill for 5 days, suffers from cough, skin rash,-- maculopapular rash---*Measles

·             A child aged 5  is ill with fever  vesicular rash mainly on the trunk and head skin---*Chicken pox

·             A child  aged 6  suffers from "bold" patches on the head---*Microsporia

·             A diagnosis of chronic arsenious intoxication was defined in a patient Y., a nightman---*  Haemolytic anemia 

·             A diagonal conjugate is measured between:---*The lower edge of the pubis and the promontory  

·             A district doctor keeps the record of reconvalescents after infectious diseases---*People with chronic diseases

·             A district doctor was commisioned with a task to work out a plan of ---*Prevention of disease complications

·             A district pediarician has carried out infant mortality rate analysis in ---*Mortality of children under 1 y.o.

·             A district physician has diagnosed domestic accident at worker of chemical fact---*Sick-list from the 1st day

·             A doctor of the general practice has registered the following death causes for the previous year---*Pie diagram

·              A female patient 28 years old, became depressed, her mood is melancholic---* Hypothalamus 

·             A female patient complains of weakness---* Anemia due to gastricectomy  

·             A female patient  aged 25 is hospitalized due to exudative pericarditis---*Signs of pericardium calcification

·             A female patient  aged 45 Two weeks after pneumonia developed shortness of breath---*Acute myocarditis

·             A female rheumatic patient experiences diastolic thoracic wall tremor (diastolic thrill---*Mitral stenosis

·             A female  aged 20  after smoking notices a peculiar inebriation with the feeling of burst of ener---*Cocainism

·             A fitter of metallurgic factory with occupation exposure to high concentrations of mercury---*Chronic mercury intoxication. 

·             A full term infant is born after a  normal pregnancy, delivery, however, is complicated by marginal placental separation---*Barium enema  

·             A full term newborn infant is having episodes of cyanosis and apnea, which are worse ---*Choanal atresia  

·             A full term newborn child has a diagnosis Rh-factor hemolytic disease of newbo---*Blood group B(III), Rh (-)

·             A full term new born suffered ante-and intranatal hypoxia, was born in asphy---*Subarachnoid hemorrhages

·             A girl 9 years old has an average height and harmonic growth development. ---*2nd group 

·             A girl aged 8 month has a large head with the---* Cells 2-3 in 1 mkl, protein 0,2-0,4 g/l 

·             A girl is 12 y.o. Yesterday she was overcooled.---*Acute cystitis

·             A girl  aged 13 consulted the school doctor on account of moderate bloody discharge---*Menarche

·             A girl aged 14 complains of sleep disorders, weight---*Increasing of the thyroxin and triiodothyronine level

·             A gravida with 7 weeks of gestation is referred for the artificial abortion---*Probing of uterus cavity

·             A great spastic epileptic episode in a patient---** Middle part of the middle frontal gyrus 

·             A growth of the right side of the scrotum was found at the examination of a 3-month---* palpation of the thickened cord, crossing the pubical tubercule [ sign of the silk glove]; 

·             A healthy 75 y.o. woman who leads a moderately active way of life ---*Any dietary changes are necessary

·             A laboratory obtained a milk sample sent for analysis---*The milk is of poor quality

·             A Land area for building of medical-preventive---** all which are marked 

·             A local doctor has to prepare a report about the health condition of the population of his ---*Morbidity, disabilities

·             A male 50 y.o. has a black flat mole on the skin of the leg for 10 yrs---*Excision biopsy

·             A male patient complains of heartburn iich gest stronger while bending the bod---*Gastroesophageal reflux

·             A male patient presents with swollen ankles, face, eyelids, elevated AP — 160/100 mm H---*Corticosteroids

·             A male patient aged 38 accountant. During acute allergic infectious myocardi---*Follow-up by general pract

·             A man aged 32 yr notes general weakness---* Acute leukosis 

·             A man aged 64  complains of cough with sputum discharge---*Bronchoscopy with biopsy

·             A man aged 68 complains of tiredness, sweating, enlargement of cervical---*Chronic lympholeucosis

·             A man complains of pain in lower abdomen with frequent urges for---*Irreducible right-sided inguinal hernia

·             A man consults a physician with complaints of cramping pain in left side of th---*Herpes Zoster varicellosus

·             A man fell abruptly ill. Frequent watery stool developed 6 hours ago---*Cholera

·             A man is diagnosed disorder of purine metabolism that manifestates its---*Restriction of meat and legumes

·             A man presents to physician with cramping pain in left side of the chest, gene---*Herpes zoster varicellosus

·             A man suffering with virus hepatitis B presents with increase of jaundice---*Acute hepatic failure

·             A man with a stab-wound of the right foot applied to doctor. ---*Do not conduct specific prophylaxis

·             A man with liver cirrhosis complained of nasal bleedings, right subcostal pain---*Decreased liver production of procoagulants. 

·             A man with meningococcus meningitis has been taking penicillin for 7 day---*If liquor cytosis is 100 or less,

·             A man 42 years old, died in a road accident after the hemorrhage on the spot---*25-30%

·             A man aged 25  presents with facial edema, moderate back pains, body temperature ---*Acute glomerulonephritis 

·             A man  aged 28  power-supply system operator, was at his working place---*Potassium iodide

·             A man aged 28 suddenly fell ill. "There appeared chills---*Acute dysentery

·             A man aged 30 complains of intense pain, reddening of skin, edema in the ankle-joint area---*Gout

·             A man aged 30  intravenous drug addict complains of weakness---*Polymerase chain reaction (HCY -RNA)

·             A man  aged 52  fell down from the height of 3 m on the level surface---*Kidney contusion

·             A man aged 54 complains of constant dull ache in nasogastric area, weight los---*Transverse colon cancer

·             A man  aged 56 complains of shortness of breath with diffic---*Inhalation cholinergic antagonists (Atrovent)

·             A man aged 68 complains of tiredness, sweating, enlargement of cervical---*Chronic lympholeucosis

·             A man aged 37 working on the collective farm on sowing,was admitted to the infectious hosp---*Poisoning by POC. Treatment: atropine 

·             A man hunter complains of a headache, severe---** anthrax  

·             A men  25 years  appealed to the policlinic---**Infection-tocsical bud. 

·             A middle  aged patient presents with  ashort---* Lobar pneumonia 

·             A military unit after long march stopped for 3-day's rest in the vicinity of an inhabited ---*Artesian well water

·             A mineshaft is situated on the territory of homestead land; it is 20 m away from the house---*30 m

·             A mother consults her 3 years old daughter by---*Narrow vocal slit  

·             A mother of a 5 y.o. girl consulted a doctor about doughter's involuntary urination at nig---*Gouty diathesis

·             A mother of a newborn child suffers from chronic pyelonephritis---*Newborn pemphigus

·             A mother who is on partially paid maternity leave got sick and was hospitalized. --- *Sick-leave

·             A mother with a girl of 6 years old with pruritus---*Analysis of feces for helmints 

·             A mother with an infant visited the pediatrician for expertise advice.---*8

·             A neonate from gestation with severe gestosis of the secon---*Term infant with pre-natal growth retardation

·             A neonate was born from the 1st gestation on term---*Hemolytic disease of the neonate [ABO incompatibilit

·             A newborn  aged 3 days with hyperbilirubinemia (428  ---* Encephalopathy due to hyperbilirub

·             A newborn child has purulent discharges fron the umbilical wound,skin arround the umbilicus is swollen---*Sepsis

·             A newborn girl has congenital lymphedema of the hands and feet, short neck with loose skin---*Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome 

·             A newborn infant has mild cya_nosis, diaphoresis, poor peripheral pulses, hepatomegaly,---*Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia  

·             A nine year old child is in hospital with acute glomerulonephritis. Clinical and laboratory show the acute condition. ---*Carbohydrates 

·             A nonalcoholic 45-year-old woman presents with an asymptomatic, septated 10-cm ---* Complete excision of the lesion is indicated 

·             A nurse of the kindergarten was taken to the hospital with complaints of accute pain in parumbilical part---*Salmonelosis 

·             A number of viable fetuses per 1000 women at the age between 15 and 44---*Genital index

·             A pain in the axillary area increase of the---** Plague 

·             A parturient woman aged 32. After 3d fullterm delivery, in early afterbirth period there appeared bleeding ---* To fulfil the  laparotomy        with the hysterectomy of the uterus without adnexa 

·             A pasurient has atonic bleeding in early---*Laporotomy. Extirpation of uterus without adnexae uteri.

·             A patient  aged 52 years works at the chicken---* infiltrative tuberculosis of the lung on the right 

·             A patient 24 years complains about nausea---**Chronic nephritis with violation of kidney funct 

·             A patient 28 years old  during 10 years diagnosis---* Dillation of the heart and decrease in heart outp. 

·             A patient 54 years old admitted in hospital with---* Troponin I and T. 

·             A patient 55 years complains about pain, slight---* Rheumatoid factor, X-ray of br joints  

·             A patient 56 years is at a clinic concerning the---* Heart postinfarction syndrome of Dressler  

·             A patient 57 years old  admitted in hospital with---* Treatment of the basic disease. 

·             A patient 60 years old with ischem heart---* Increase of hydrostatic pressure in small circul bloo

·             A patient 65 years during a few days disturbs---**Diaphragmal myocardial infarction  

·             A patient 70 years suffers of hypertensive illness---* Cardiac asthma  

·             A patient aged  43 years was admitted to  the---*sever 

·             A patient aged 18 with a cranial injury was in comatose state during several hours---*Nootropics

·             A patient aged 26 years complains of the---* lymphogranulomatosis  

·             A patient aged 35 with the presence of the right ovarian cyst after a sharp bending had strong pains in an abdomen---* Torsion of cyst  

·             A patient aged 45 yr long time suffers with---* Thromboembolism of superior mesente arte

·             A patient aged 65 complains of shortness of breath, cough with red foamy sputum---*Pulmonary edema

·             A patient aged 75 complains of appearing a tumor-like mass from vagina  ---* Median colporrhaphy 

·             A patient at a doctor complains of temperature rise up to 38,2°---*In-patient treatment with common regimen

·             A patient complains of a general weakness---* Membranous (lacunar) streptococcal  tonsillitis 

·             A patient complains of a tormental (agonizing) cough with expectoration of up to 600 ---*Gangrene of lung

·             A patient complains of an extremely intense pain in epigastrium. He has peptic ulcer---*Perforation of ulcer

·             A patient complains of feeling heaviness behind his breast bone,periodical sensation---*Esophageal diverticulum

·             A patient complains of fever up to 38,2°C, an edema of the uppe---*In-patient treatment with general regimen

·             A patient complains of intense pressing pain in the pharynx, mainly to the right ----*Peritonsillar abscess

·             A patient complains of nycturia,constant boring pain in perineum---*Cancer of prostate

·             A patient complains of pathological lump appearing in the right inguin---*Right-sided direct inguinal hernia

·             A patient complains of periodic rash eruptions in the course of the year---*Psoriasis

·             A patient complains of resting dyspnea  high---* Punction of pleural cavity 

·             A patient complains of skin painfullness and reddness of the right gastroc---*Erysipelas, hemorrhagic form

·             A patient complains of ulceration on the inner surface of the lower ---*Varicose veins with trophic ulceration

·             A patient complaints of the pains beneath the---*Retrocervical endometriosis 

·             A patient complaints on dark spready discharges---*Endometriosis of uterus wall 

·             A patient consulted a doctor about acute respiratory---*To prolong the medical certificate at his own discretion but no more than  for 10 days

·             A patient had disorder of nasal respiration, mucopurulent discharges ---*An X-ray of paranasal sinuses

·             A patient had macrofocal myocardial infarction. He is overweight for 36%, AP is 150/90 mm Hg---*Obesity

·             A patient had stomach resection a year ago. He complains of general weakness, giddiness---*Iron-deficiency anemia 

·             A patient had thrombosis of the cortical---**Central monoplegia of the left arm 

·             A patient has been suffering from morning cough accompanied by discharge---*Chronic obstructive bronchitis

·             A patient has complained of great weakness for 6 years---*Dermatomyositis

·             A patient has complaints about a tormental---* Gangrene of lung .  

·             A patient has disturbance of nasal respiration, mucopurulent discharge---*X-ray of paranasal sinuses

·             A patient has got a sudden attack of severe substernal pain at night---*Cardiogenic shock

·             A patient has got pain in the axillary area, rise of temperature developed 10 hours ago---*Bubonic plague

·             A patient has sustained blunt trauma to the chest---*Pneumothorax

·             A patient has spastic left-sided hemiplegia---**The inner capsule 

·             A patient has undergone an operation on account of perforated ulcer of ---*Respiratory distress syndrome

·             A patient is 16 y.o. In the last year his behaviour has gradually changed---*Schizophrenia

·             A patient is 65 y.o.He has been a smoker for 40 yrs.he has lost 10 kg---*In pancreas

·             A patient is 60 years. In anamnesis ---* Myocardial infarction  

·             A patient is hospitalized with the complaints of acute fatigue---*Sternal puncture

·             A patient is ill 20 years with chronic bronchitis---* Bronchiectatic illness  

·             A patient is noted to have paroxysmal episodes---* Pheocromocytoma 

·             A patient is staying in the hospital with the diagnosis of abdominal typhus---*Intestinal haemorrhage

·             A patient is suffering from a severe attack of bronchial asthma---*Corticosteroids LV

·             A patient is suffering from disseminated lung---* Pleurisy 

·             A patient is unconscious, with head injuries in the form of calvarium fracture---*Life-threatening symptoms

·             A patient K. aged  35 years complains of---* Acquired hemolytic anemia 

·             A patient N. was admitted to the hospital in the---** Hypovolemic shock 

·             A patient of 32 complains of severe weakness, tremor of extremities---*Diffuse toxic goiter of the 3rd degree, thyrotoxicosis of the avera

·             A patient of 62 years with DM-2. Diabetes is being compensated by diet and Maninilum---* Prescribe the drugs of an insulin of short activ  

·             A patient of a somatic hospital has got psychomotor agitation as a result of high fever---*Delirium

·             A patient presents with the loss of---* Intravenous insulin injection 

·             A patient saw the doctor because of the lesion of---* Vesicles. 

·             A patient suffers from chronic  reccurent pancreatitis with disturbance of exocrinous function---*Lipase

·             A patient suffers from suddenly arising crampy pain in the right loin ---*Stone of the right kidney, renal colic

·             A patient T  33 years was admitted to a hospital---* Ulcerous illness of stomach, complicat with bleed  

·             A patient T  fell ill acutely with headache, chill---* Bacteriological method 

·             A patient treated for springtime allergies with terefenadine develops an upper respiratory tract problem---*Erythromycin  

·             A patient undergoes inpatient treatment with the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. ---*Potato and carrot mash

·             A patient was admitted to the hospital on the 7th day of the disease with complaints of hig---*Leptospirosis

·             A patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of occasional ---*Widespread form of endometriosis

·             A patient was admitted with the loss of---* Hyperosmolar 

·             A patient was operated 2 years ago on account of perforated duoden---*Cicatricial pyloroduodenal stenosis

·             A patient was operated on account of perforated stomach ulcer, terminal ---*Respiratory distress-syndrome

·             A patient who takes diuretics has developed arrhythmia as a result of---*Increased potassium concentration in blood

·             A patient who has been contacting with benzol for 6 years has a nonevident---*Minor

·             A patient with a history of coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation develops sudden pain---* Arterial embolism 

·             A patient with hepatic cirrhosis drank some spirits that resulted in headache---*Hepatocellular insufficiency

·             A patient with hypertension in 2nd stage, has---* Diastolic function of the left ventricle. 

·             A patient with ischemic heart disease and chronic heart failure---*Multiple microreentry in the ventricles

·             A patient with nosocomial pneumonia has signs of collapse. Which of the following pneumo---Septic shock

·             A patient with suspicion of pelvic bones fraction is under examin---*Disorder of continuity of the pelvic ring

·             A patient with the body temperature  38,40 C---** Parainfluenza 

·             A patient with unstable angina pectoris was given the following complex treatment---*Coronarography

·             A patient with unstable stenocardia was given a---* Coronarography 

·             A patient  aged 14 suffering from heart failure, undergoes inpatient treatme---*Cardiac glycosides overdose

·             A patient  aged 16 complains of headache, mainly in the ---*Influenza with cerebral edema manifestations

·             A patient  aged 24 is suffering from an asthmatic fit with nonproductive cough---*Quincke's edema

·             A patient  aged 25 complains of pain in the 1 finger on the right han---*Thecal whitlow (ligament panaritium)

·             A patient  aged 25  is brought to the infection diseases unit with suspected rabies---*Hydrophobia

·             A patient  aged 25  suffering from stomach ulcer.---*Penetration

·             A patient aged 28  complains of pain in the legs during walking, chilliness of feet---*Obliterating endarteritis

·             A patient aged 32  diagnosed with multiple injuries: closed craniocerebral injury---*Pulmonary fat embolism

·             A patient aged 34  has been suffering for 7 years from pulmonary ---*Primary adrenocortical insufficiency

·             A patient aged 35  complains of frequent heart-burns, air and acid eructation---*Gastroesophageal reflux

·             A patient aged 36  is diagnosed with ascites, splenomegaly, liver dimensions---*Portal vein thrombosis

·             A patient aged 38  had acute glomerulonephritis 10 years ago---*Captopril

·             A patient aged 40  has  been ill during approximately 8 years, complains of ---*Ancylosing spondyloarthritis

·             A patient aged 48  complains of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, itching of the skin.---* Liver cirrhosis 

·             A patient aged 49  complains of fever of 37,5 0С, heart pain, dyspnea.---*Echocardiography+Doppler-Echocardiography 

·             A patient aged 49 was operated on account of acute catarrhal appendic---*Survey radiography of abdomen

·             A patient  aged 50  during 15 years is ill with essential hyp---*Hypertrophy and dilatation of the left ventricle

·             A patient  aged 58  was fishing in the winter. On return home after some time felt some pain in th---*I degree

·             A patient aged 64  complains of pain in the knee-joints---*Nimesulid

·             A patient aged 70  complains of pain, lacrimation, loss of acuity of vision on ---*Serpiginous corneal ulcer

·             A patient aged 81 complains of constant urinary excretion in drops, feeli­ng of---*Paradoxal ischuria

·             A patient male 50 years old, has a black flat mole on the skin of the leg for 10 years. ---*Excision biopsy 

·             A patient while making repairs at home, suddenly stood quite still with the painting brush in his hand---* Petit mal, epilepsy 

·             A patient while making repairs at home, suddenly stood quite still---*Petit mal, epilepsy

·             A pediatrician examines a healthy mature-breast-fed baby, aged 1 month---*Rachitis

·             A pregnant woman (35 weeks), aged 25, was admitte---*To perform a delivery by means of Cesarean section

·             A pregnant woman (35 weeks), aged 25, was admitted to the hospital because of .---* To fulfil a delivery by means of Cesarean section. 

·             A pregnant woman having 20 weeks gestation---*Anemia of pregnan woman 

·             A pregnant woman in her 8th week was admitted to the hospital for artificial abortion---*Uterine probing

·             A pregnant woman was registered in a maternity welfare clinic in her 11th week---*Exchange card

·             A pregnant woman with 24 weeks gestation ---*To send the patient to the in-patient department

·             A pregnant woman aged 35  is in grave condition, complains of headache---*Eclampsia

·             A previously healthy 14 year old female---* Propylthiouracil

·             A primigravida woman appealed to the antenatal clinic on 22.3.03 with complains of boring---*Risk of abortion in 9th week of pregnancy

·             A primapara with pelvis size 25-28-31-20 cm has active labor activity---*Caesarean section

·             A primipara is in labor for 19 hours, amniotic fluid has discharged 7 hours ago---*Urgent cesarian section

·             A primiparous woman whose blood type is 0(Rh+) birth at term---*Negative direct Coombs' test

·             A primiparous woman whose blood type is 0-positive gives birth at term to an infant who has A-positive ---*Negative direct Coombs' test 

·             A pupil of the 8th form after trauma has acute atrophy of the left arm muscles, tonus of which is ---*Special

·             A rounded shadow with well defined outlines was found at the costo-vertebral angle ---*Ganglionevroma

·             A sample of milk was taken for testing from a 5 ton milk batc---Sell but inform customers about milk quality

·             A sick 37 years old woman was admitted to the---**Unitol 

·             A sick man M  aged 52 a street cleaner. He was ill with pneumoconiosis during 2 years---*  Alkaline inhalations 

·             A sick man  who is 43  started to complain to his---* Ulcerous stenosis of the exit part of the gullet 

·             A sick person is staying in the hospital with the diagnosis of abdominal typhus---*Intestinal haemorrhage

·             A sick person M  is staying in the hospital with the diagnosis of abdominal typhus---*Intestinal haemorrhage 

·             A six year child whose father suffers from---* not earliar, than in 3 days and not later, than in 2 weeks. 

·             A student has got the following examination taskЭ---** interlayer waters 

·             A student has to measure the speed of air motion---**Cathethermometre 

·             A student lives in the canalized house in the flat with complete set of sanitary equipment---*160-200

·             A surgical department admitted a newborn boy with foam---*Esophagus atresia, tracheo-esophageal fistula

·             A S year old boy has suffered from tonsillitis. In 2 weeks he started complaining of migrator--- *Prednisone

·             A total body dose of 200 rad will cause  the hematopoietic syndrome.---*  180 Days 

·             A total of 10,000 Vietnam veterans  half of whom are known by combat records ---* Cohort study 

·             A total of 300 newly diagnosed patients with laryngeal cancer ---* Clinical trial 

·             A total of 3500 patients with thyroid cancer are identified ---* Case series report 

·             A triad of symptoms [“stearing spot”, “terminal film”, “blood dew”] have been revealed in a patient  ---*Psoriasis 

·             A true or an obstetric conjugate is a distance between: ---* An inner surface of the upper edge of a pubis and a promontory  

·             A tumour of the left frontal lobe base---**   Left -sided anosmia 

·             A victim of a road accident suffered multiple fractures of extremit---*Cryoprecipitate, packed red blood cells

·             A victim of a road accident aged 44 is operated on account of intraperitoneal haemorrh---*Stomach rupture

·             A victim of the car crash was brought to neurosurgery due to cra---*Computed tomography of the cerebrum

·             A woman 26 years old has abused alcohol for 7 years---* Treatment of alcoholism and full abstinance from alcohol during all the period 

·             A woman aged 30 complains of dizziness, weakness, nails fragility---*lron per os

·             A woman aged 35 has been suffering with pulmonary tuberculosis for 10 years---*Maniacal

·             A woman born in 1952 consulting by a doctor---* Acute abscess of the loin skin 

·             A woman complains of fever up to 39°C the next day after the child-birth---*Metroendometritis

·             A woman complains of high temperature to 38°C, mild pain in the throat during 3 days---*Larynx diphtheria

·             A woman complains of unpleasant feelings in different body parts and organs---*Cenestopathy

·             A woman consulted a doctor on the 14th day after labor about sudden pain, hyperemy---*Lactational mastitis

·             A woman in birth for the first time of 29 years---*Cesarian section 

·             A woman in her 39 th week of pregnancy,the second labor,has regular---*Cervical dilatation no less than 4 cm

·             A woman in labor on vaginal inspection: cervix dilation is up to 2 cm, fetal bladder i---*Cervix dilation stage

·             A woman in labour on vaginal inspection: cervix dilation is up to 2 cm---*Cervix dilation stage

·             A woman in the first half of pregnancy was brought to clinic by an ambulance. Term of preg---Preeclampsia

·             A woman is admitted to maternity home with discontinued labor activity and slight blood--- *Hysterorrhesis

·             A woman is in delivery for the first time. ---*Obstretrics forceps 

·             A woman is in the third in - time childbirth. The---*400 ml 

·             A woman of 18 years old applied to the female---*Congenital embryopathy 

·             A woman of 18 years old complaints on the---* Spermogram 

·             A woman of 27 years old leading an active---*Virus if Herpes Simplex 

·             A woman of 28 years old complains about---*Inoculation of menstrual blood three times during one menst 

·             A woman of 30 years old in birth for the first---*Perineotomy 

·             A woman of 34 years old complaints about---**Byopsy of the uterus cervix 

·             A woman of 35 years old complaints of--- *Psychogene amenorrhea 

·             A woman of 36 years is on the 12-th week of the first pregnancy.---*Monitory of the specific Ig G Ig M with the ELISA 

·             A woman of 45 years old is working as a painter---*Hard physical work  

·             A woman of 55 years old has diarrhea---,* *pellagra 

·             A woman suffers from suddenly arising crampy pain in the right loin---*Stone of the right kidney, renal colic

·             A woman was hospitalised with full-term pregnancy. --- *Premature detachment of normally posed placenta

·             A woman while working in vegetable garden developed severe pain in the loin. ---*Lumbar-sacral radiculitis

·             A woman whose ectopic pregnancy has ruptured at 18 weeks’ gestation hemorrhages interna---*Direct maternal mortality 

·             A woman  35 years old  admitted to reanimation department in asthmatic state.---* РаСО2 and РаО2 

·             A woman  aged 23 complains of periodical febrile chills with fever---*Malaria

·             A woman aged 26  is brought to emergency department with complaints--- *Disturbed tube pregnancy

·             A woman aged 28  consulted a doctor with the complaints of increasing size---*Incision biopsy

·             A woman aged 30  in labour, is brought to the maternity in term of 35-36 weeks---*Cephalotomy

·             A woman aged 30 in the second childbirth there is a baby born with anaemicicte---*Rhesus incompatibility

·             A woman  aged 37 primigravida, is in labour during 10 hours.   the most likely dia---*Primary uterine inertia

·             A woman aged 40  primigravida, with infertility in the medical history, on the 42-43 we---*Caesarean section

·             A woman aged 60  complains of unendurable pain in the right hypochondrium---*Chronic pancreatitis

·             A woman aged 64  is hospitalised on account of metrorrhagia and anemia---*Uterus cancer

·             A woman aged 64  suffering from unstable angina, suddenly collapsed during walking---*Precardiac punch

·             A woman  primagravida  consults a gynecologist on 05.03.2002---*8 August

·             Aworker at a porcelain factory who has been in service for 10 years complains---*Silicosis

·             A worker (battery attendant) the end of the working day complains of intensive ---*Acute lead intoxication

·             A worker diagnosed with “acute dysentry” was send to the infectious department---*Urgent report on infectious disease

·             A worker is taken on the staff and undergoes medical preventive inspection,---*Routine

·             A worker of a printing house complains of abdominal pain, constipation during last 5 days---*Plumbism, severe form 

·             A worker of chemistry factory had occupational exposure to lead for 20 years.---*Chronic lead intoxication, II stage 

·             A worker of the cement plant visited doctor with---**Microbus eczema 

·             A worker of the chemical plant complains of fatigue, insomnia, headache---*Chronic mercury poisoning

·             A worker was temporarily off work because of illness during 16 days---*The doctor in charge of the case

·             A worker aged 38 working in the slate production during 15 years---*Thorax roentgenography

·             A young man has painful induration in the peripapillary regions ---*To leave these indurations untouched

·             A young woman applied to gynecologist due to her pregnancy of 4-5 ---*8-12 weeks, 28-32 weeks, 37 weeks

·             A youth aged 17 complains of a sudden onset of palpitation 10 minutes ago---      *Vagal tests

·             A youth aged 15  from childhood suffers from atopic dermatitis and allergy to the shellfish---*IgE

·             According to results of medical and pedagogical observation during the ---*Long interval between exercises

·             According to the New-York Cardiologists---**metoprolol 

·             After a long periods of subfebrility a patient registered increase of dyspnea---*Exudative pericarditis

·             After a wasp bite there was an itching of skin, hoarse voice, barking cough, anxiety.--- *Prednisolone

·             After delivery a women felt weakness---* Systemic lupus erythematousus 

·             After delivery and revision of placenta there was found the defect---*Manual exploration of the uterine cavity

·             After eating of raw duck eggs the family with signs of gastroenterocolitis was delivered to---**salmonellosis  

·             After endotracheal intubation  it is appropriate to check the position of the tub---*Instillation of saline while listening for bubbling sounds  

·             After manual reposition and application of plaster splint a patie---*To cut the bandage that fastens the splint

·             After sleep in the morning a 60 years old patient---* Ischemic insult in the right hemisphere of the brain 

·             After the  10th  days at the accidental sexual---* Repeated examination for syphilis 

·             After the 5 days the accidental sexual---* Gonococci acute back urethritis 

·             After the labor the vaginal examination did not---* II degree perineal rupture   

·             After the trauma of the right cruse on external---* Syphilis tertiary 

       All departments and subdivisions of a district hospital having 300 beds---* Decentralized 

·             All enumerated included all kinds of forensic medical documents with the exemption of:---* Structure 

·             All of the following are criteria for screening a population for a given condition EXCEPT---*Screening should be available to and used by the entire population 

·             All undermentioned is correct with respect to the tumors of renal pelvis ---*Postoperative radiation and chemotherapy improve survival 

·             Ambulace brought to the hospital a patient with acute respiratory viral infection---*Influenza

·             Ambulance was called to a 48 y.o. man. According to the relatives he has had thre---*Major epileptic seizure

·             An 18 month child  taken to hospital on the 4-th day of the disease. The disease began acutely with temperat---*Segmentary pneumonia 

·             An 18 y.o. girl complains of weakness, dizziness, loss of appetite, ---*Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

·             An 18 y.o. patient complains of painfulness and swelling of mammary glands---*Premenstrual syndrome

·             An 18 y.o. patient was admitted to the hematologic department with compla---*Acute lymphoblastic leukosis

·             An 18 y.o. woman consulted a gynecologist about the pain in the ---*Recent acute ascending gonorrhea

·             An 18 month old child is taken to hospital on the 4-th day of the disease.---*Segmentary pneumonia

·             An 18 year old  pregnant woman comes to see an obstetricia---*Congenital developmental abnormaliti fetus

·             An 8 y.o. boy complains of constant cough along with discharge of greenish---*Bronchography

·             An 8 y.o. boy was ill with B hepatitis one year ago---*Development of chronic hepatitis

·             An 8 y.o. child presents with low-grade fever,arthritis---*Henoch-Schonlein’s vasculitis

·             An 80 year old woman with a history of---* Discontinue nitroglycerin

·             An aircraft factry processes  materials with use of lasers.---*Eyes

·             An anestesiologist gives narcosis to the patient, he uses a non-reversive contour.---*air pollution with anesthetic 

·             An attack of severe substernal pain developed in a patient at night ---*Cardiogenic shock 

·             An ECG of postinfartional (a year ago) patient shows pathological QS---*Septal and anterior

·             An employee had an abortion by medical indications on the 6.03.2001---*For 12 days

·             An employee of a private company was ill with acute respirat---*Issued regardless of company's ownership

·             An employee was disabled during 6 months as a result of a hip fracture. Who is entitled to sign t ---*MSEC

·             An enginees chemist at the age of 47 often fells ill with occupational skin disease---*DCC

·             An indian adult who has neve travelled abroad----* Leptospirosis{weil s disease} 

·             An infant aged 1 year on the third day of common cold---*Acute  infectious croup due to viral laryngotrachei

·             An infant is 2 d.o.It was full-term born with signs of intrauterine infection---*The newborns have a lower level of glomerular filteration

·             An infant weighing 1400 g is born at 32 weeks' gestation in a delivery room that has an ambient ---*Shivering  

·             An Odessa inhabitant colected mushrooms in th---**poisoning with Death Cap 

·             An unconscious patient presents with moist skin---* Hypoglycemic coma 

·             An unconscious patient presents with moist skin, shallow breathing.---*Hypoglycemic coma

·             An unconscious victim in severe condition is brought to clini---*Electroburn of the right foot and right hand

·             Ardys positive symptom [that is the presence of---**Scabies 

·             As premorbid background for development of a gestosis are all enumerated pathologic conditions, except:---* Lung pathology  

·             As preventive means they prescribe UV radiation---**biodosimeter  

·             At 43 weeks gestation a long thin infant is delivered who is apneic, limp, pale, and covered---*Suction of the trachea under direct vision 

·             At a machine building plant the casts are cleaned by means of abrasion machines---*Use of gloves that reduce vibration

·             At a patient 58 years  2 years being ill of stable angina ---**Progressive angina pectoris   

·             At a vaginal examination at primapara: disclosing---*Anterior asynclitism   

·             At estimation of physical development a boy is---* ІІ 

·             Atmospheric air of an industrial centre is polluted with the following wastes of metallurgical plants---*Combined

·             At multipara in a duration of gestation of 40---*Transversal position of a fetus, left position  

·             At term of a gestation of 40 weeks height of standing of a uterine fund---*Chronic fetoplacental insufficiency

·             At the 16th day after the abortion the women**Gonorrhea 

·             At the gynecology department there is a patient of 32years with the diagnosis: "the acute bartholinitis"---* Surgical dissecting, a drainage of an abscess of the gland, antibiotics 

·             At the market they sell milk brought in the---* milk was adulterated by dilution 

·             At the patient of 34 years of age you suspect an abscess of Douglas spaces.---* Digital research of rectum 

·             At the patient of 34 years of age you suspect an abscess of Douglas space---*Finger examination of rectum

·             At the puerpera of 26 years old for 4 day after---*Tool revision of a cavity of the uterus 

·             At the radiological unit of the hospital gamma ---*Shortening of working time and screening of the source

·             At the woman of 33 years during carrying out tool revision of the uterus cavity---* Suturing of a punched foramen after cutting of the edges of the wound  

·             At vaginal examination: the uterus is enlarged---*Hysterectomy with appendages and the subsequent chem 

·             At year end hospital administration has obtained the following data: annual number of treat---*Bed turnover

·             At planned to construct multifield a new hospital in one of the central city distri---*Centralized and blocked

·             Baby was born by vaginal delivery follow_ing---* diaphragmatic hernia 

·             Biological development indices for the secondary and high school---*Secondary sexual characters develop

·             Body temperature of a 12 y.o. girl increased up to 39 — 40°C in 4-5 hours---*Acute epidermical necrolysis

·             Boy is 2 months old. He was born in September. ---*400-500 IU 

·             Boy is 3 months old. He has signs of local---*From  3  months 

·             Boy is 3 years old. Complaints: dyspnoe, fast---* Open arterial duct 

·             Boy is 4 months old. Не is on breast feeding. ---* Ergocalciferol  

·             Boy  7 year old  had an attack of asphyxia and distant whistling rale after playing with a dog ---*Epidermal 

·             By the end of the 1st period of physiological labor clear amniotic fluid came o ---*Acute hypoxia of the fetus

·             By the end of the 1st period of physiological labor the clear amniotic waters were given vent.---*Acute hypoxia of the fetus.  

·             Canned fish “Atlantic hearing” has a paper labe---l** poor quality product, can’t be used  

·             Central paresis of the mimic muscles is characterized by---* Affection of mimic muscles of the lower half of the face? 

·             Characteristics of hypenatremic dehydration with Na+ in serum 170 meq/L and 10 percent loss ---*Low blood pressure  

·             Chest X-ray of the miner (with 24-year-length of service; dust concentration on workin---*Anthraco-silicosis

·             Chief district pediatrician has to carry out analysis of infant mortality---*Child death case at the age up to 1

·             Child [12 years old] has the ulcer disease of stomach. What is the etiology of this disease? ---Helicobacter pylory 

·             Child is 2 months old. He is premature infant.--- *1000-1200 IU 

·             Child is 3 months old. At investigation in a---* Calcium and phosphorus 

·             Choose a method of a graphic representation of monthly information about number of the  ---*The linear diagram. 

·             Choose correct tactics at the patient of 53 years of age at the initial stage of obturative intestinal obstruction---* Operative treatment at an inefficiency of conservative actions 

·             Choose the correct initial interaction of a photon ---* Interaction of the photon with a subatomic particle. For x-ray imaging radiation this

·             Choose the minimal duration of treatment course---**6  months 

·             Classical X-ray image of intestinal obstrustion is---*Gas and horizontal levels 

·             Clinical manifestations of antenatal infection depends on: ---* Everything enumerated below 

·             Condition of a parturient woman has been good for 2 hours after live ---*To do manual removal of afterbirth

·             Contraindications for operation in acute pancreatitis are:---* Hemodynamic unstability and pancreatogenic shock 

·             CSF is taken in the patient with suspected---* Lymphocytous 

·             Data are available giving the percentage breakdown of a sample of residents ---* Pie chart 

·             Data from a sample of 33 females from a small village aged from 22 upwards,---*The average increment of blood pressure for one year of age under the regression model is 1.22 mm. 

·             Define the basic registration document at the profound study of a case rate with tempor---*A card of the personal account of a case rate. 

·             Define the observation unit  at study the average duration of hospitalization of patients with appendectomy, ---*The patient with appendectomy. 

·             Deliveri is finished  ---*With the birth of placenta 

·             Deputy of chief medical officer carried out a study of morbidity rate for ---*Relative values

·             Developing of gigantism is conditioned by:---*Overwhelming secretion of GH in adolescence 

·             diagnosis of chronic arsenous intoxication was set to patient who is working nightman---*Hemolytic anemia

·             Diarrhea   is not typical but still often symptom---* in case of pelvic appendices location  

·             Disease began abruptly with shaking chills---* Tympanic sound.  

·             Dissociated anesthesia develops in damage of---**Posterior horns of the spinal cord 

·             District doctor of rural medical department was called to a 42-ye---*Urgent notification of infectious disease

·             District pediatrician examines a healthy carried 1-month-old child. ---*Rachitis

·             District physician was charged  --primary prevention---*Prevention of disease onset

·             District physician was charged  -secondary prevention of illness?--- *Prevention of disease complications

·             Doctor C  in private talk, told about the venereal---**Discipline or criminal, depending upon the results 

·             Doctor D  an obstetrician – gynecologist has---**Criminal responsibility 

·             During 2 hours after delivery the condition of the woman is good---*Manual removal of afterbirth

·             During 3 weeks a 27 years old woman suffers---* Acute disseminated myelitis 

·             During 3 years a patient with diagnosis of chronic bronchitis---*To fill in 1 statistical form with (-) for primary consultation

·             During a period of 1 year 11 600 diseases were registered in the clinic. Among them are: influe--- *Extensive

·             During an exam, while giving the definition of---** Pressure, irradiation, ultraviolet radiation 

·             During an operation for presumed appendicitis, the appendix is found to be normal; ---* Crohn’s disease of the terminal ileum 

·             During dynamic investigation of a patient the increase of central venous---*Developing of cardiac insufficie

·             During examination of a patient, masses in the form of condyloma on  ---*To send a woman into dermatological and venerological centre

·             During his holiday in Ukraine a foreigner felt ill---* The extract from a patient’s case history

·             During intramuscular DTP vacci nation in clinic, a 3-month-old child develop---*Spasmophilia, tonic spasms

·             During investigation of the 25 years-old pregnant---*Preeclampsia of light degree 

·             During the colposcopia endometriosis of the---*Laser vaporisation 

·             During the examination of the placenta which was just born, the defect---*Hand revision of the uterine cavity

·             During the examination on general hygiene ---* it’s caused by decreasing of partial pressure of the oxygen  

·             During the medical examination a port crane operator complained of dizziness, nausea---*Infrasound

·             Dysentery is commonly characterised by:---*High fever, vomiting, false urge to defecate, stool in the form of a spit mucus 

·             Each of the following statements concerning features of anthrax is correct EXCEPT---*The initial lesion in cutaneous anthrax consists of the black eschar, surrounding erythema and painful pitting edema               

·             Efficiency of activity of family doctor is---* general morbidity

·             Elderly people develop tumoue more frequently---*Decreased activity of cellular immunity 

·             Erb Duchenne palsy is described  best as:---*Weakness of an arm from a traction injury of the upper brachial plexus  

·             Estimate the quality of milk: density 1038, the---** The lowered quality 

·             Examination of a 32 y.o. patient who had apendectomy because of gangrenous appe---*Through the rectum

·             Examination of a hanged man's corpse revealed the following: livores mortis---*6-7 hours

·             Examination of a just born placenta reveals defect 2 x 3 cm large---*Manual uretus cavity revision

·             Examination of placenta, which has just been born, reveals defect 2x3 cm ---*Manual uterus cavity revision

·             Family physician  advised for patient to rise---* calcium is not absorbed in the presence of oxalic acid  

·             Female 29 y.o. complains of head and---** Hepatolenticular  degeneration 

·             Female patient K, of 45 years old, was admitted to the traumatological ward with the ---* At right angle with varus positioning of the foot.  

·             Female patient Z.,of 27 years old, was admitted to the clinic with complaints of pain---*  Supination of the foot. 

·             Fever up to 39°C is registered the next day after a woman had labor---*Metroendometritis

·             First patient A. 35 years old with Acute Viral---*All the given below. 

·             Fluorography of a 45 y.o. man revealed some foci of small intensity---*Focal pulmonary tuberculosis

·             Following a chest x-ray that showed a right-sided tension pneumo_thorax, ---*Use needle and syringe to do emergency decompression  

·             Following bilateral femoral embolectomy, a patient with atrial fibrillation becomes oliguric ---* Cessation of heparin 

·             For assessment of  epidemiological danger of air---* Str. haemoliticus  

·             For comparison of a degree of a variety of weight---* Coefficient of a variation 

·             For controlling of pre-sterilization processing of---**Azopiram  

·             For keeping meat soup with salted cucumbers---* zinc poisoning 

·             For persons who work in a zone of failure on nuclear object, the greatest risk of developm ---*Thyroid gland

·             For preventive purposes the student drinks---**potable 

·             For providing health care of people living in a---*15 km 

·             For the persons who are taking place in a zone of failure on nuclear object,---* Thyroid gland  

·             For training stamina teenager В., 15 year old---* wiping  

·             For treatment of colpitis caused by Candid's fungus it is used:---* All enumerated below: 

·             For waste treatment they offer chloric lime with---**20\% 

·             For which of the following diagnostic examinations performed with modern techniques---* None of the below mentioned 

·             From what time of pregnance fetal heart beating---*25 weeks 

·             Full term newborn has developed jaundice at 10 hours of age.---*Exchange blood transfusion

·             Girl 10 y.o. last three years often suffers from---** Chorea minor  

·             Girl 9 years old has an average height and---**2nd group 

·             Girl is 4 months old. She was born in October. ---*1,5 years 

·             Girl is 4 years old. She suffers from recurring---*2 years 

·             Give determination of maintenance of con---* sum of cases of the first exposed diseases among the populat

·             Head of department and a trade-union group have addressed to the head of hospital about dismissal---*To keep the worker on a post with the prevention of dismissal in case of repeated violation of a labor discipline. 

·             Heart auscultation of a 16 y.o. boy withput clinical symptoms revealed accent of S II and systolic---*Functional murmur

·             If  a 55year male presents with normotension,---* Hypernephroma 

·             If a chield has attached fingers in his right hand, then what will be your diagnosis---*Synductylia 

·             In 10 min after childbirth by a 22-year-old woman, the placenta was spontaneousely --- *400 ml

·             In 13 months after the first labor a 24-year-old woman complai---*Determination of the level of gonadotropin

·             In 2 weeks after pharyngitis a 25- year-old patient started complaining of ---Beta hemolytic streptococcus

·             In 2 weeks after receiving of 3 Gy doze of general 7-irradiation---*Suppression of blood cells production

·             In 30 days after accidental coitus, a 25-year-old patient develops ulcers ---*Primary syphilis (hard chancre)

·             In a 25 year old student during prophylactic---*1, 2 

·             In a 3 year old child with right-sided tumorous---* Atelectasis

·             In a 32 year old woman during the bimanual---*cyst of the left ovary 

·             In a 32 year old patient with infiltrative right---** Segmental lung resection 

·             In a 6 year old child infiltrate of 18 mm in---* Hyperergic 

·             In a 65 y.o. female patient a tumor 13 x 8 cm in size in the umbilical area---*Abdominal aortic aneurism

·             In a city with population 400000 people 5.600 fatal cases were recorded---*Intensive index

·             In a college with the majority of 14-year-old students preventive antit---*Mantoux [ tuberculin ] test with 2 TU

·             In a forest summer camp children have variable procedures to harden their organisms---*Contrast shower

·             In a girl of 3 weeks of age fountain vomiting not---*Congenital adrenogenital syndrome 

·             In a gynecology department the woman with ---*Hydatiform mole  

·             In a gynecology department there is a 34 years---*Laparoscopy 

·             In a gynecology department there is a 47---*A fractional medical-diagnostic curettage of a mucous of uterus 

·             In a male  aged 25 focal shadowings of small and medium intensity ---*Focal 

·             In a man the disease started with acute onset. Frequent watery stool developed 6 hours ago---*Cholera

·             In a new born baby girl on the 4 day of life there determined ---*Oestrogen transition from mother to fetus

·             In a nutrition survey of children in a rural area in a developing count---* There is no evidence of a true difference between boys and girls. 

·             In a patient with a stab injury to the femoral artery , the treatment of choice is---* End to end anastomosis 

·             In a sample of 38 medical students, the correlation coefficient of the course---*The association appears stronger for pathology than for

·             In a sample of 66 adult women  the mean reported age of menarche was 12.4---* The distribution is approximately symmetric 

·             In a study to investigate the association of a certain alcoholic drink and oesophageal cancer---* Age and/or sex must be adjusted for before any conclusions can be drawn 

·             In a surgical department appendectomy was---* Yersiniosis 

·             In a woman in delivery with preecplampsia of the---*Tromboembolia of the lung artery 

·             In a woman of 28 years old with complaints---*Local secretion of prostoglandines 

·             In an infant the most important noncardiac manifestation of digitalis toxicity is ---*Vomiting  

·             In an inhabited locality there is an increase of diphtheria during the ---*Immunisation of the population

·             In blacksmith press  shop physical work connected with unfavourable meteoconditions ---* Heat stroke 

·             In case of appearance of bleeding caused by infiltrable cancer of a uteral cervix ,---* A tight tamponade of vagina 

·             In case of gonorrheal salpingitis the following listed below are correct excep:---* The lack of an activation of sharpphased blood indices 

·             In case of tuberculosis of genital organs a primary focus is located most often in:---* Lungs 

·             In checking the results of patient?s spinal tap, the CSF glucose level of 1,65 mmol/l ---*Meningococcal meningitis 

·             In course of herniotomy of a 12 y.o. patient doctors revealed a testicle ---*Congenital oblique inguinal hernia

·             In course of observation of sanitary conditions of studying at the technical univer---*Natural light coefficient

·             In drinking water samples selected after purification and disinfected by gaseous chlorine---*Stomach cancer 

·             In drinking water samples the following substances were revealed: copper, manganese, iron, lead, chlorphenol on the level ---*Lead 

·             In gynecological department a woman---*Bacteriological investigation of discharges from the genitals 

·             In laboratory a sample of milk is analysed. There determined the following: colour ---*Milk of poor quality

·             In medical history of a 2 years old girl: recurring pneumonias with obstru---*Cystic fibrosis, pulmonary form

·             In mental status of a 22 year old man there is a stable pathological depressed mood.---*Antidepressants

·             In morgue there are dead bodies with the following causes of ---*All dead bodies of the unknown persons

·             In order to compare the degree of variety of---* mean quadratic deviation. 

·             In order to define the size of true conjugate it is necessar---* From the value of the diagonal conjugate to take away 1,5 cm 

·             In order to define the true conjugate it is necessary:---* From the value of the external conjugate to take away 9 cm 

·             In order to differentiate diagnosis of anuria and ishuria you should accomplish:---*Catheterisation of the urinary bladder  

·             In order to prevent the environmental pollution in  the  place N---** Mechanical purification

·             In patient B  34 years old on the skin of the back---**True eczema 

·             In patient  56 years old on  the internal surface---**Microbus eczema 

·             In patients who have sustained blunt trauma to the chest, ---* Pneumothorax 

·             In school №75 they conduct the survey of the---**the child has high height, disharmonic development  

·             In the 40 weeks pregnant woman in intrinsic obstetric investigation: the cervix of a uterus is undev---*Laborstimulation after preparation 

·             In the air repair work planes fuselage repair is carried out---*Noisemeter 

·             In the anamnesis of a 2 year old girl there are recurrent pneumonias ---*Mucoviscidosis, pulmonary form

·             In the assessment of microclimate they defined---**2(C 

·             In the assessment of microclimate they defined---*2,5 (C 

·             In the complement of accreditation commissions---* medical insurance organizations

·             In the country with decentralized water supply---* Fluorine 

·             In the development of the inflammation processes glucocorticoids reduce the level of a certain most important acti---* Phospholipase A2 

·             In the dull December days (calm and mist) the respiratory system diseases and ---*Suspended substances (dust) 

·             In the first stage of coli-index assessment of tap water by the fermentation ---*Endo medium 

·             In the gynecologic office a 28 y.o. woman complains of sterility within three years---*Hysterosalpingography

·             In the inhabited locality there is an increase of diphtheria --- *Immunization of the population

·             In the inspection of occupational environment for---**relative humidity, carbon dioxide content  

·             In the operating room of the purulent surgery---* incerination in special stoves  

·             In the patient of 21 years old the disease began with increase of temperature to 39,0---*Meningococcal infection: purulent meningitis.  

·             In the patient with the pulsating formation in the---*aneurysm rupture 

·             In the patient  aged 45 after physical exertion---** Acute myocardial infarction of the anterior wall LV

·             In the primapara 30 years  intensive attempts with an interval of 1-2 min, duration 50 sec have begun.---*Perineotomy 

·             In the report of a survey of children in a rural community, the mean weights of two gro---* The wrong kind of statistical test was used. 

·             In the sanitary inspection of labour conditions of---* silicosis 

·             In the structure of death rate in Ukraine the major place is taken by the diseases of? ---*Diseases of cirkulatory sistem. 

·             In the structure of the population of N-region, person category  ---*Progressive structure of the population

·             In the surgical unit of the hospital the purulent---**wrong placing of purulent surgery department 

·             In the thermal workshop of the ship-repairing---**heat radiation

·             In the well situated at the outskirts of the village---**continuous  

·             In the woman of 24 years about earlier normal menstrual function, cycles became irregular---*Computer tomography of the head. 

·             In the woman of 42 years  who suffers from bronchial asthma ,the acute attack of a bronchial asthma ---* Euphylinum  

·             In the woman of the first day after labor  the rise of temperature up to 39?С was registered  ---*Metroendometritis  

·             In the workshop of garment factory they---**wing anemometer

·             In the young patient at the reference to policlinic there was diagnosed ---*2 times

·             In time of the vaginal examination of a parturient women it was determined: the cervix is effaced, ---* The 2nd position, the back view  

·             In treatment and prevention establishments, regardl---*The right to the protection of the pati­ent's interests

·             In which of the following disorders does the pathophysiology of portal hypertension ---* Congenital hepatic fibrosis 

·             Increasing of central venous pressure is marked on the base of decreasing arterial pressure---* Addition of cardiac insufficiency 

·             Indicate the registration medical document for the patient Н., that 21.02. was addressed to the doctor---*The statistical coupon is necessary to fill in it and it is necessary to deliver on a sign +. 

·             Indicate the unit of statistical observation for determination of influe---*Patient in the postoperative period

·             Infant is 6.5 months now and is given natural feeding since birth. ---*2     

·             Infant was born with body mass 3 kg and of length 50 cm. Now he is 3 years---*1 cm left from the left medioclavicular line 

·             Infrared radiation influences the worker of 48---* The length of the wave 

·             Interpret GTT. Glycemia: I trial – 5,3 mMol/l, II trial – 8,2 mMol/l, III trial – 4,8 mMol/l ---*Normal 

·             It is determined that 30 of a 100 women with risk factor had preterm labor---*Student's criterion calculation

·             It is necessary to carry out the investigation and---**Sandy 

·             It was known that woman in childbirth, bein---* To treat of all natural foramens by the 30\% solution albucidi 

·             Laboratory assistant of the bacteriological---**immediate contagion

·             Laparotomy was performed to a 54 y.o.woman on account of big formation in---*Ablation of omentum,uterus and both ovaries with tubes 

·             Left eye vision disorders were registered in a male patient aged 22---*Disscminaled sclerosis

·             Macroangiopathy  as a symptom of diabetes mellitus, most often destroy vessels of:---*Brain 

·             Making out the diagnosis of uteral cervix cancer with the detection of an initial stage---* Histological investigation of the biopsy material  

·             Male 22 y.o. has returned from military service---** Multiple sclerosis 

·             Male 30 y.o., noted growing fingers and facial scull, changed face---*Adenoma of hypophysis

·             Man 27 y.o. has been outside, on the cold air, for---**  Neuritis of  left n. facialis 

·             Man 40 years complains about gradually---* Hypertensive illness of the II degree, crisis  

·             Matusis Device is used for estimation of providing of an organism with: ---* Vitamin C 

·             Measles in children is characterized by:---*Maculopapular rash, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, high fever

·             Medical examination of a 43 y.o. man revealed objectively paleness of skin ---*Iron

·             Medical examination of a man revealed geographic tongue---*Vitamins of B group

·             Melanoma diagnosis was made after examination to a 16-year-old patient who ---*Peutz - Eghers syndrome

·             Menstrual function of the 42 years-old woman---*Endometriosis of uterus 

·             Milk contains starch  Solution Lugoli has been---* Dark blue 

·             Mother of a newborn child uffers from chronic pyelonephritis.She survived acute respiratory---*Impetigo neonatorum

·             Mother of a previously healthy 4 year old male---* Foreign body aspiration 

·             Mother visited the pediatric for expertise advice. Her son was born with body's mass 3 kgs and length 48 cm.---*10,5 kg 

·             Mother with infant visited the pediatrician for expertise advice. Her baby was born with body mass  3,2 kg ---* 8 

·             Mr G. uses untreated feces for fertilizing. He sells---**ascaridosis 

·             Mrs. Y. lives in polluted area in the zone of---* pumpkin

·             Mrs. Т., 33 years old works as the secretary. Her diet contains 150 g of protein ---*obesity 

·             Multipara, 35 years, 1 period of the second---* Rupture of uterus   



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